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Sucky family member at hospital

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  • Sucky family member at hospital

    I volunteer at a hospital about twice a month on a Saturday.

    Today I volunteered in the Cyber Center. You can rent DVD movies as well as DVD players to play the movie on. You can also use a computer for personal use.

    The sucky family member called the cyber center after a nurse called us to ask about our hours (the Cyber Center closes at 4 p.m.; Volunteer Services closes at 5 p.m.) & where to drop off the DVD movies. There are drop boxes located in the hallway. The time was around 2 p.m.

    Here is how the conversation went.

    me: "Cyber center. How may I help you?"
    sucky family member: "I understand you close at 4 p.m. today."
    me: "Yes"
    sucky family member: "Well... my sister is here in the hospital, & she may be released at 7 p.m. tonight. I understand there are drop boxes in the hallway, but the DVD player I have will not fit. I want to watch the movies before my sister leaves. She may leave tonight. She may not leave tonight. "
    me: "I'm sorry, unfortunately we closes at 4 p.m. & Volunteer Services closes at 5 p.m. We can pick up the DVD player & movies before 4 p.m. today."
    sucky family member" see I want to watch the movie. What if my sister is released today & I cannot watch the movie? Can I take the DVD player & movies with me & return them later?"
    me: "I'm sorry, unfortunately all we can do is pick it up today before 4 p.m. if your sister is leaving tonight. I'm sorry, but the DVD player & movies cannot leave the hospital. Otherwise we can pick it up tomorrow."
    sucky family member: "Well..I'm sure this has happened before. What do you do regarding this problem?"
    me: "I'm sorry, but you will have to call the weekend coordinator, "John Wilson". He is only one who can decide what needs to be done. Maybe he will let you drop it off at the nurses station. His number is 6-5180"
    sucky family member *with an attitude*: "ok, thank you" *hangs up*

    I called "John Wilson" to ask if someone called regarding dropping off a DVD player in a drop box. I told him I offered to pick it up. I explained to him the entire phone call. He said no, no one has called him regading that, that the only option is to pick it up, & that the DVD player & movies cannot leave the hospital.

  • #2
    I used to volunteer at a hospital but soon left when I realised that I couldn't be bothered to deal with sucky patients/staff/relatives in my free time.
    No longer a flight atttendant!

