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Tales from the Crypt

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  • Tales from the Crypt

    This week's shift report sc fun....had some real gems this week

    Shift Commentary

    I've figured it out! I've figured out why they call at 3am to order hats on (insert company name)! Or at least I have a working theory: I think it's all an elaborate drinking game. Like they all hunker down at 2am and watch reruns of North of 60 and whenever someone on the show says "Eh" they take a shot and order a hat.

    Yes, Please

    Me: "Ok, I'll page her for you."
    SC: "Do you want me to hang up now?"

    No, please, don't deprive me of the lucious aureal chocolate that is your voice. I could not bare the loss, it would leave my life a cold, barren void. The depths of which I could never hope to claw my way out of.

    Alternatively I could just say "Yes."

    Sadly, I had to go with the second option. Tone of service and all.


    1 Birch Green Toque: $35
    COD Shipping: $36

    Proving you’re a complete twit by paying more for shipping then the actual item: Priceless

    Shift Commentary #2

    On my way here I bore witness to two fine young gentlemen ( with bags full of booze, of course ) having an argument. One walked away while his buddy yelled obscenities at him. Then he yelled "I see you!". Then he turned to me and slurred "I SEE YOU TOO!. After I looked at him he informed me: "I'm not stupid!".

    I've only known you for all of approximately 45 seconds, but I assure you I can submit staggering evidence to the contrary.

    Orderlines again...
    ( Note: This company has flagged postal codes. Basically places that its really hard to deliver too so shipping is extra. IE Nunavet )

    Me: "and whats your name?"
    SC: "<insert halfwitted mumbling>"
    Me: "pardon? Can I have your name?"
    SC: "…uhhhhhhh…."
    Me: "Pardon?"
    SC: "I'm in Saskatchewan"
    Me: "…, whats your name?"

    You know the flagged postal code thing? I don't think (company name) does that because its more expensive to ship to those areas. I think they flagged those areas to ensure they could penalize them for stupidity. A sort of Half-Wit Tax if you will.

    Orderlines AGAIN ( This is all the same line too )

    (half way between giving me the product ID for the item)
    SC: "Do you know my tax exempt number?"

    Well, I personally don't. Madam Cleo might, you can try giving her a call if you like.


    Me: "Do you have a cellphone number there?"
    SC: "No, but here's a number-"

    -he then proceeds to give me a cell phone number. If you need further evidence of his stunning intellect: He was calling to say he might miss his court date because he somehow ended up in Langley and was trying to hitchhike back. For this achievement I offer a golf clap and a half eaten blueberry muffin.

    That damn orderline again...

    Tonight's desired item? Hoodies! "G-Unit" hoodies…..

    I don't know…but "G-Unit" sounds rather, how do I put it? I think the term is "ghetto", but then again I'm not precisely "down with" the language "of the street" or anything. Still, its difficult for me to picture people cruising the mean streets of Nunavet with their G-Unit hoodies on.

    Does Nunavet even have streets?

    Wrong Numbers

    Me: "I'm sorry, but the number you dialed is no longer in service."
    SC: "Oh, well then what should I do?"

    Having been here since 11pm, I don't really have any suggestions for you that don't end with throwing yourself off a pier, dock, harbour, into traffic, into a cage full of rabid badgers, into a lion pit, etc. In fact by all means feel free to slather yourself in wild honey and skip through bear country holding a salmon.

    Yes, Mrs Applebe

    SC: "That’s Parkside, p-a-r-k then s-i-d-e"
    Me: "…right"
    SC: "Woods, w-o-o-d-s"

    If you want me, I'll be taking a nap on the bench at the station while I wait for your train of thought to arrive. But since you did so well in your involuntary spelling bee, you get a gold star sticker. That’s what my teacher gave me when I performed a similar feat in grade 1, so its only fair.

    How Not to Impress Skytrain Guards 2:

    Get on the train, run the length of it, pry open one door ( While the train is MOVING ) enough to yell "DICKS FOR CHICKS" into the wind. Then run back, dive onto a seat. Sit there for a minute talking to yourself. Then get up, stumble half the length of the train and start complaining to some poor guy about how dirty the Skytrain is. When he doesn't respond, keep talking like he did. Make up all his answers in your head and respond to them accordingly. Then skip down to the other end of the Skytrain just in time to bump into Skytrain security.

    Bonus points: This was a rather well dressed girl with a purse. Not the usual drunken college age male or crazy hobo.

    The Duh Vinci Code

    Me: "Can I have your postal code please?"
    SC: "No one's home. Two cat's out."
    Me: "……..pardon?"
    SC: "……."
    Me: "Can I have your postal code?"
    <insert sound of cats meowing in the background as if to add to the effect>
    Me: "……I'm sorry? Whats the postal code?"
    SC: "N0H 2C0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Jeebus Crisps, I'm sorry I didn’t know the bizarre, backwards Manitoban Da Vinci code you were giving me your address in. Is there a secret handshake that goes along with that? Your neighbours might understand The Code™ but I'm afraid if you call up people out of town and use it, like me, they'll think you were huffing paint thinner before you called.

    In fact, to be honest, I'm still not completely convinced you weren't. Let me talk to the cat, he made more sense.

    Oh noez~

    A rather panic'd woman called in asking if she was in danger from the awesome power of the apparent upcoming storm. She was afraid her house would be swept away in a mud slide or annihilated by hurricane force winds or overrun by a stampede of elk escaping the apocolypse or something. I'm not entirely sure. Either way she was vastly overreacting…

    ….and she called back and got Op #2. This time she was wondering if it would be safer if she evacuated to Windsor…..she was concerned that the storm was going to have hurricane force winds comparable to the storm that hit Florida. ( 40 kmph vs 50 mph, keep that in mind for a sec… ). When Op #2 pointed out that she was comparing Kilometers to Miles, she asked what Miles were…..

    ….I'm thinking perhaps she should stay home and let natural selection run its course. No sense fighting it when its that close on her heels.

    Ape Escape

    Employee called to complain about drunk people that kick over his mop bucket and throw garage cans down the stairs at him….at least that’s all I could gather from his vague ranting. I asked if he had called the police to have said drunk people removed. He said no and he didn't want too. Then he ranted about how he's 66 years old and a garbage can falling down the stairs could kill him. But he was able to dodge it. On the upside if he can keep jumping the garbage cans and make it up a couple more flights of stairs he can rescue the princess from Donkey Kong.

    I asked him what it was he needed me to do for him. I offered to page the On Call for him. He didn't want that either…..he then snarked "Thank you for your service!" at me and hung up. Leaving me baffled. So you just called to yell at me and regal me with tales of your elderly reflexes? Well, thank you I guess, but you aren't going to save the princess that way. You'll have to insert another quarter and try again.

    Here's not here, dammit

    "Good evening, (company name), Gravekeeper speaking"
    "HI SCOTT?!"
    "Er, no, this is (company name)"
    "No, this is Gravekeeper."
    "Where's Scott?!"
    "I don't know, you've reached (company name)"
    "Well that’s no good we want Scott!"

    I too want Scott, if only so I can shove him at you to distract you long enough for me to escape.

    That was my week, how was yours? ;p

  • #2
    I always love your stories!

    Thanks for the laugh.


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper
      Tonight's desired item? Hoodies! "G-Unit" hoodies…..

      I don't know…but "G-Unit" sounds rather, how do I put it? I think the term is "ghetto", but then again I'm not precisely "down with" the language "of the street" or anything. Still, its difficult for me to picture people cruising the mean streets of Nunavet with their G-Unit hoodies on.

      Does Nunavet even have streets?
      It's very difficult to take someone serious as a dangerous ghetto thug when they're wearing snowshoes and a parka.
      Drive it like it's a county car.


      • #4
        Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
        It's very difficult to take someone serious as a dangerous ghetto thug when they're wearing snowshoes and a parka.
        No kidding, how does one "pack heat" in -20 weather.


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          Yes, Mrs Applebe

          SC: "That’s Parkside, p-a-r-k then s-i-d-e"
          Me: "…right"
          SC: "Woods, w-o-o-d-s"

          If you want me, I'll be taking a nap on the bench at the station while I wait for your train of thought to arrive. But since you did so well in your involuntary spelling bee, you get a gold star sticker. That’s what my teacher gave me when I performed a similar feat in grade 1, so its only fair.
          Okay, I have to jump in on this one. Now, my first name has several spellings, three of them relatively common, so I always spell my first name in such situations. Now, I would think that I would not have to spell my last name, which is a common word, and short to boot, but I have found that I do, in fact, have to spell it for people, including phone operators, as when I don't, they somehow find a way to completely screw it up. Keep in mind, the word that my last name is does not have multiple spellings...people just decide on their own to change the spelling of the name, and thus the name itself and its pronunciation. Naturally, of course, I run across people occasionally who look at me like I'm an idiot for spelling such an easy word, but I have found it necessary to do so more often than not.

          On the flip side, I love when I am at work and need a guest's last name (such as for a room charge in the hotel) and they say the name, which is neither common nor easy, then sit there silently without spelling it. Look, Mr. Rychlik Chlupsa Chorbajian*, I am not a mind reader, mystic, or psychic, nor am I from the country of your name's origin, nor have I ever heard your name before, so I am afraid you are going to have to spell it for me so I can get it right.

          *These are the actualsurnames of three of my current or past friends. All of them Americans of at least two generations. For those of you wondering, in order, the names are of German, Czech, and Armenian origin.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            To clarify she was spelling out the name of her street.



            • #7

              How Not to Impress Skytrain Guards 2:

              Get on the train, run the length of it, pry open one door ( While the train is MOVING ) enough to yell "DICKS FOR CHICKS" into the wind.....
              Bonus points: This was a rather well dressed girl with a purse. Not the usual drunken college age male or crazy hobo.
              So the Skytrain doors can be pried open by a drunk girl while in motion? Suddenly, my sense of security and safety on that thing has dropped.

              The Duh Vinci Code

              Me: "Can I have your postal code please?"
              SC: "No one's home. Two cat's out."
              Me: "……..pardon?"
              SC: "……."
              Me: "Can I have your postal code?"
              SC: "NO ONE'S HOME. TWO CAT'S OUT!"
              <insert sound of cats meowing in the background as if to add to the effect>
              Me: "……I'm sorry? Whats the postal code?"
              SC: "N0H 2C0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

              Jeebus Crisps, I'm sorry I didn’t know the bizarre, backwards Manitoban Da Vinci code you were giving me your address in. Is there a secret handshake that goes along with that? Your neighbours might understand The Code™ but I'm afraid if you call up people out of town and use it, like me, they'll think you were huffing paint thinner before you called.
              In all fairness to the Manitobans out there, that particular postal code belongs to Port Elgin, Ontario I have never heard of The Code (tm)....I guess we do things funny on the West Coast. My most common postal code issue at work are people not knowing their postal code and giving me the "you-should-know-it" look. If I like you, I'll look it up. If I don't like you, you get the big book of postal codes. Good luck.
              -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
              -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


              • #8
                Quoth BusBus View Post
                So the Skytrain doors can be pried open by a drunk girl while in motion? Suddenly, my sense of security and safety on that thing has dropped.

                In all fairness to the Manitobans out there, that particular postal code belongs to Port Elgin, Ontario I have never heard of The Code (tm)....I guess we do things funny on the West Coast. My most common postal code issue at work are people not knowing their postal code and giving me the "you-should-know-it" look. If I like you, I'll look it up. If I don't like you, you get the big book of postal codes. Good luck.

                Hahaha, it does? He was calling in on our Winnipeg line.... o.O


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  1 Birch Green Toque: $35
                  COD Shipping: $36

                  Proving you’re a complete twit by paying more for shipping then the actual item: Priceless
                  While I do usually object to doing that, I still buy 1 cent books (used) from and pay $3.85 for shipping.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Gravekeeper, please keep sharing. Your posts are always great. Most likely to make me have to replace my keyboard.

                    I sent a copy of the one you posted a while back about sending the police to find the security guard who hadn't reported in. He works for a school district monitoring alarms and dispatches the security officers.

                    One night, the officer on duty (his supervisor) had not reported in. He couldn't reach her by radio. He contacted the police and reported her last location. A bit later she finally calls: "Thanks, [husband]. Now I have to go home to change my pants." Which left my husband rolling on the floor. He also never let her forget about it until she retired.
                    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                    HR believes the first person in the door
                    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                    Document everything
                    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                      1 Birch Green Toque: $35
                      COD Shipping: $36

                      Proving you’re a complete twit by paying more for shipping then the actual item: Priceless
                      Like BeckySunshine, I also will buy the really cheap (under $1) books from Amazon and pay up to the book's original retail value in shipping instead. I figure I'm not losing out on much there, than if I were to go pick it up at a bookstore. But spending more on shipping than on a more expensive item? Yeah, that's kinda' batty.

                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      Yes, Mrs Applebe

                      SC: "That’s Parkside, p-a-r-k then s-i-d-e"
                      Me: "…right"
                      SC: "Woods, w-o-o-d-s"

                      If you want me, I'll be taking a nap on the bench at the station while I wait for your train of thought to arrive. But since you did so well in your involuntary spelling bee, you get a gold star sticker. That’s what my teacher gave me when I performed a similar feat in grade 1, so its only fair.
                      Counter anectode, like Jester. My maiden name is Holyoak, which you'd think is fairly easy to spell (it's pronounced like it's spelled, too). However, I grew up not too far away from Holyoke, Massachusetts. Until I was about 18, not even our school district could spell our name correctly. Nevermind the mail we got for So-and-so Hollindak, or Halycak, or all the other fun spellings we'd find. I got in the habit of spelling it out for people, or saying my surname as "Holy-as-in-Bible-oak-as-in-tree."

                      Then, of course, I moved to Utah where the name is more common. Everyone could spell it just fine. No one could pronounce it. (They always said "Hollyoak.") ::strangling motions::

                      Admittedly, spelling out your street name is silly when it sounds so simple, but I can't exactly blame her if she's encountered a bunch of people who misspell it. In Utah, where nothing is pronounced properly, you'd think the city whose name is pronounced "Tewillah" would be obvious for spelling, right? It's Tooele.
                      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                      • #12
                        Hehe, guess you had to hear it. She was spelling it out really slow like you would to a child or dog. I was sitting there tapping my fingers on the desk waiting for her to finish.

                        As for shipping, yeah, I do that too on used items ( eBay <3 ). But on something brand new? and over $30 shipping? o.O It happens more often then you'd think on that line too. Whenever it happens I always warn them their shipping is going to be more then their item and ask if they'd like anything else.

                        99% of the time they decline, they just want their silly $20 baseball cap with $36 COD shipping. They never, ever, EVER have credit cards. No such thing as credit cards in Nunavut. I had a guy call in from Ontario once and when I asked him Credit Card or COD he said CC......I literally choked on my drink.

                        "Sorry about that, just had something in my throat." Mainly utterly disbelief.

