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My manager has finally given up all hope (a little long)

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  • My manager has finally given up all hope (a little long)

    So, this happened over a period of a little under a week.


    SC: 20 yards.
    Me: Ma'am, this bolt only comes with 15 yards, and it's definitely not a full bolt. We can order the rest for you.
    SC: sigh. Won't it just come in?
    Me: I never know what's coming in on the truck, there's a chance it'll come in, but most likely it won't, and even then it won't be 20 yards.
    SC: Why not?
    Me:...because only 15 yards come on a bolt.
    SC: sigh. Fine, whatever. Mumble grumble mumble.
    Me: Ok, you need to pay for the fabric now and there is a fee for shipping, but only $5.
    Me: The fabric has to come here because the warehouse won't cut it. They'll just toss 2 bolts on the truck and the rest is up to us. You could order it online, but the shipping will be 6 times as much.
    SC: CURSE CURSE CURSE, BLAH BLAH, I'M AN IDIOT (yeah, she didn't actually say that.) FINE, FINE, whatever.
    Me: Alrighty, I'll just need some information from you. It takes about 2 weeks to get here. Usually it only takes a week, but we have to say 2.
    Me: Well, it definitely won't be in by then. (Why do people start these huge epic projects at the last moment ><) How about this, there're 10 yards here and it looks like the *** store has a full bolt. I can call and ask for them to hold it, it's only 20 minutes away.
    SC: I can't drive all the way there, I'm here. No, have them send it.
    Me: Okay, It'll probably get here on Wednesday.
    Me: ...Wednesday


    SC comes in: Where's my fabric!
    Me: I told you it wouldn't get here until tomorrow.
    SC: Just go and check (at this point I turn the whole thing over to my manager)


    Crap, the fabric never shows up. SC goes ballistic. She should have just driven over there. My manager calls the *** store and it seems they never even put it on the truck. Whoever was working decided they couldn't be bothered. So SC is yelling at us. We say there's nothing we can do and to yell at the other store. We put the order in, it's up to them to get in on the truck. Usually transfers only come in on Mondays, but this lady was so annoying we tried to get it in early, so we were actually doing her a favor. The *** store called and yelled at us for telling her to call them. Too bad, do your job and put the fabric on the truck.


    The fabric shows up. SC buys it and leaves. Comes in later that day. She needs more! We tell her a transfer won't get here in time, but our *** superstore has some. Unfortunately it's an hour away. Sorry, you should have started sooner. She wines and bitches. eventually we call the superstore, are able to catch them before the truck goes out, and have them just toss the whole bolt on the truck.


    SC shows up half and hour before we open and just stands there pounding on the door...for...thirty...fricken...minutes. We let her in, she forces us to dig through the five foot high mountain of boxes we just unloaded. She's standing right there, she can see all the work we're doing. Turns out she had given us the wrong sku number, and thus the wrong fabric had been delivered. She yells at us as if it's our fault. Sorry, how am I supposed to remember a number from four days ago. I really don't care enough about you to care. My manager argues with her and finally tells me she's going to drive all the way up to the store to get the fabric. Now, we don't have the fabric in our store and thus have no way of verifying the number. My manager doesn't remember what it looks like so we have to trust the SC. My manager gets back, wrong fabric. She had even bought it with her own money. SC leaves screaming, says she's going to sue us.

    So we've now caught up to the present. I'm working the night shift. SC comes in with the fabric. She wants to return it. I see that it's been cut so she can't return it. I let her know. She says that because of us her party was ruined. I ask what it was meant for...A TABLE CLOTH! her party was ruined because of a table cloth.
    SC: There wasn't enough fabric, so I had to remove the children's table and squish them in with us. Do you know how uncomfortable that is?
    Me:...wait, you used the fabric as a table cloth and now you want to return it! (I give it a better look and it is indeed covered in stains and crumbs. Ewww)
    Me: I'll be back (I run to the back to get my manager and explain everything. She flips and basically chases the SC out. There's a dent in the wall in the back and our manager has a band aid on her head. This is not a face palm joke. There really is a dent in the wall.)

  • #2
    Wait. She bought fabric for a tablecloth? What was she thinking? And how on earth would that ruin a party?
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    • #3
      Quoth Kheldarson View Post
      And how on earth would that ruin a party?
      Because it wasn't long enough. Which is totally their fault. They should have had more fabric! AND known how much she needed for that table they've never seen and didn't even know she had.
      "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


      • #4
        Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post

        SC: 20 yards.
        Me: Ma'am, this bolt only comes with 15 yards, and it's definitely not a full bolt. We can order the rest for you.
        SC: sigh. Won't it just come in?
        Me: I never know what's coming in on the truck, there's a chance it'll come in, but most likely it won't, and even then it won't be 20 yards.
        SC: Why not?
        Me:...because only 15 yards come on a bolt.
        SC: sigh. Fine, whatever. Mumble grumble mumble.
        Me: Ok, you need to pay for the fabric now and there is a fee for shipping, but only $5.
        Me: The fabric has to come here because the warehouse won't cut it. They'll just toss 2 bolts on the truck and the rest is up to us. You could order it online, but the shipping will be 6 times as much.
        SC: CURSE CURSE CURSE, BLAH BLAH, I'M AN IDIOT (yeah, she didn't actually say that.) FINE, FINE, whatever.
        Me: Alrighty, I'll just need some information from you. It takes about 2 weeks to get here. Usually it only takes a week, but we have to say 2.
        Me: Well, it definitely won't be in by then. (Why do people start these huge epic projects at the last moment ><) How about this, there're 10 yards here and it looks like the *** store has a full bolt. I can call and ask for them to hold it, it's only 20 minutes away.
        SC: I can't drive all the way there, I'm here. No, have them send it.
        Me: Okay, It'll probably get here on Wednesday.
        SC: TOMORROW!
        Me: ...Wednesday've just made me relive practically every week I worked at the fabric store (maybe it's the same one) We never knew when or how much fabric would come on the shipments and of course If someone needed more it was sooooooooo hard to drive 20 min away to pick up more! I'm with you...I will NEVER understand why they wait til the last minute to pick our their huge bolts!
        Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


        • #5
          She needed TWENTY YARDS of fabric for a table cloth!?!
          Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

          "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


          • #6
            Maybe it was a toga party and she wanted to the clothes to match the tablecloth. That's why she needed it to be 20 yards.


            • #7
              Wow. I never had one like THAT before.

              There was the special order fabric of a black background with poker chips and cards that a guy ordered to make curtains for his game room; that was a bit of a hassle. I hated when the bolts weren't long enough, OR it was that weird, stitched-together half-way bolt.

              I feel your pain. There should be a list of etiquette how-to posted upon entering the store.
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                I'm amazed your manager was willing to drive across town to get the fabric the SC wanted after the way the SC had been badgering you. I wouldn't lift a finger for that wack job.
                "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                • #9
                  Well, if there's any good news to this story, it's that you and management are now wisened up to this harpy. The next time she comes in with a last-minute project and wants everything magically delivered now now now, you'll be able to smile calmly and tell her NO. You don't have it, you can't sell it and therefore NO. Why kill yourself going above and beyond when someone takes advantage and is an asshole about it? Then people wonder why retail-workers can't be arsed to out fo their way anymore.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    You ruined the party because the kid's table couldn't be used due to a lack of a table cloth? Kids! Need a table cloth? Then she tried to return it after it was used?!?!

                    *brain explodes*
                    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                    • #11
                      She's the reason why many stores have a restocking fee on just about everything. She probably bought a nice dress from Macy's and returned it the next day.


                      • #12
                        Quoth LillFilly View Post
                        Wow. I never had one like THAT before.

                        There was the special order fabric of a black background with poker chips and cards that a guy ordered to make curtains for his game room; that was a bit of a hassle. I hated when the bolts weren't long enough, OR it was that weird, stitched-together half-way bolt.

                        I feel your pain. There should be a list of etiquette how-to posted upon entering the store.
                        The thing I hate is when someone wants a bunch of home dec fabric. They want 15 yards and you're in the back measuring it out and boom! 14 yards in the fabric is cut. Or when there're three pieces on a bolt so it looks like there's a bunch but there really isn't.

