So my coworkers had to pull an order of 30 gatorades, 5 waters, tons of hamburger, hot dogs, buns, etc, for a school football function for them to come and pick up. So we had that all pulled (3 flat beds, 2 carts full of stuff) and ready to go. Neither of the girls who pulled the order were going to be there on the day of the pick-up, so they let me know ahead of time where it was, so we could get it for the people picking it up.
The next day, the day they are picking up, we are SLAMMED. Huge lines, we're scrambling, refunds line out the door, etc.
This lady walks over to the counter. She's got an attitude right from the second she talks to me.
SC: I'm here to pick up *school* Athletic Club's order.
Me: Okay, it's right over here.
I begin walking over to the 3 huge, heavy flats sitting there, about 80 feet away. I turn around with the first...
and she's still standing over by the counter.
Me: Ma'am, over here! I need you to look at the order to make sure it's okay.
SC: I didn't need to do that last time. It's fine. Just ring it out.
Me: Well, okay, let me get your cold carts.
SC: You mean this isn't it?
No... you ordered hot dogs and hamburgers too? They had to stay in the cooler until you arrived. Let me get them, and then we can ring you out. You may want to find a line now, it's very busy.
SC: I didn't have to wait in line last time!
Me: We're very busy, ma'am. There isn't a free line available. I'll be right back with your cold items.
I leave and come back with the two carts of cold items. She's still standing there, arms crossed, with the carts, she hasn't moved an inch..
I just let it go, didn't say a word....
Me: Alright, lets get you in line.
I start dragging the carts over... as she stands there with her arms crossed, watching me.
Now let me tell you, if you've ever not done this. 30 cases of Gatorade is very heavy. I am not a strong person. Even with the Gatorade on a cart, it is very hard to push.
I am pushing my WHOLE WEIGHT into this cart to get it to budge.
And she's standing there, not even bothering to grab one of the small grocery carts to help. There are 5 SEPARATE carts and trolleys. And she watches me grab all of them. Slowly, my co-workers, bless them, get freed up from the slowing crowd and run over to help me, until we are finally through the line and at the cashier.
Then the cashier starts to count the order, like normal. We do this because,
A. We could have miscounted. Or more commonly
B. Some member took stuff out of the carts to buy for themselves, because they're too lazy to go back and get it themselves. They just see this cart full of items, even though it is labeled FOR *EVENT/COMPANY/ORGANIZATION*, DO NOT TOUCH, and think, "Oh, this brown sugar must be okay for me to take!" . This happens to almost every pull I do.
SC: What are you doing?
Me: We're ringing up your order, ma'am.
SC: You know how much is there, just ring it up.
Me: We just have to make sure we charge it right.
She throws up her hands.
SC: I can't believe this. You're taking forever!
Me: I'm sorry, ma'am. It's our policy.
SC: It must not be, because you didn't do it last time!
The cashier looks at me.
Me: Keep counting, I don't want us getting written up.
She did. She counted every last bun and drink in those carts. The lady is fuming by then.
We finally get rung out, and all the carts to the door, receipt checked and out!
We get to the trucks, and she's got a friend there. Nice Lady, we'll call her.
NL: Oh, yay! Let's get loaded up!
As we're loading, I see SC pull NL to the side. SC is bitching like no other, I didn't hear it, but I know she's fuming about me.
SC goes back to sit her truck, while NL walks to my side and starts helping me load her own truck.
You guys sure took a while! But I can see why, this is a lot! 
I smile. I know SC will be able to hear me, because I can see her, and her window is unrolled...
Me: Oh, yeah, sorry about that! I wasn't even in charge of this order. I was just trying to help out because the people in charge aren't here today. We also had to make sure it was all there, because we've had issues with other members messing with these orders while our backs are turned, taking stuff for their own carts, and stuff like that, so we didn't want to overcharge you if stuff was missing!
We finally get it all packed away, and NL jumps in her truck. She rolls down the window, and yells "Thanks so much!" as she drives off...
...then I hear a honk... from SC's truck... as she rolls by and waves with a guilty look. I guess she did hear me.
The next day, the day they are picking up, we are SLAMMED. Huge lines, we're scrambling, refunds line out the door, etc.
This lady walks over to the counter. She's got an attitude right from the second she talks to me.
SC: I'm here to pick up *school* Athletic Club's order.
Me: Okay, it's right over here.
I begin walking over to the 3 huge, heavy flats sitting there, about 80 feet away. I turn around with the first...
and she's still standing over by the counter.
Me: Ma'am, over here! I need you to look at the order to make sure it's okay.
SC: I didn't need to do that last time. It's fine. Just ring it out.
Me: Well, okay, let me get your cold carts.
SC: You mean this isn't it?

SC: I didn't have to wait in line last time!
Me: We're very busy, ma'am. There isn't a free line available. I'll be right back with your cold items.
I leave and come back with the two carts of cold items. She's still standing there, arms crossed, with the carts, she hasn't moved an inch..

Me: Alright, lets get you in line.
I start dragging the carts over... as she stands there with her arms crossed, watching me.
Now let me tell you, if you've ever not done this. 30 cases of Gatorade is very heavy. I am not a strong person. Even with the Gatorade on a cart, it is very hard to push.
I am pushing my WHOLE WEIGHT into this cart to get it to budge.
And she's standing there, not even bothering to grab one of the small grocery carts to help. There are 5 SEPARATE carts and trolleys. And she watches me grab all of them. Slowly, my co-workers, bless them, get freed up from the slowing crowd and run over to help me, until we are finally through the line and at the cashier.
Then the cashier starts to count the order, like normal. We do this because,
A. We could have miscounted. Or more commonly
B. Some member took stuff out of the carts to buy for themselves, because they're too lazy to go back and get it themselves. They just see this cart full of items, even though it is labeled FOR *EVENT/COMPANY/ORGANIZATION*, DO NOT TOUCH, and think, "Oh, this brown sugar must be okay for me to take!" . This happens to almost every pull I do.
SC: What are you doing?
Me: We're ringing up your order, ma'am.
SC: You know how much is there, just ring it up.
Me: We just have to make sure we charge it right.
She throws up her hands.
SC: I can't believe this. You're taking forever!
Me: I'm sorry, ma'am. It's our policy.
SC: It must not be, because you didn't do it last time!
The cashier looks at me.
Me: Keep counting, I don't want us getting written up.
She did. She counted every last bun and drink in those carts. The lady is fuming by then.
We finally get rung out, and all the carts to the door, receipt checked and out!
We get to the trucks, and she's got a friend there. Nice Lady, we'll call her.
NL: Oh, yay! Let's get loaded up!
As we're loading, I see SC pull NL to the side. SC is bitching like no other, I didn't hear it, but I know she's fuming about me.
SC goes back to sit her truck, while NL walks to my side and starts helping me load her own truck.

I smile. I know SC will be able to hear me, because I can see her, and her window is unrolled...
Me: Oh, yeah, sorry about that! I wasn't even in charge of this order. I was just trying to help out because the people in charge aren't here today. We also had to make sure it was all there, because we've had issues with other members messing with these orders while our backs are turned, taking stuff for their own carts, and stuff like that, so we didn't want to overcharge you if stuff was missing!
We finally get it all packed away, and NL jumps in her truck. She rolls down the window, and yells "Thanks so much!" as she drives off...
...then I hear a honk... from SC's truck... as she rolls by and waves with a guilty look. I guess she did hear me.
