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And I was having such a nice day...

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  • And I was having such a nice day...

    It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the bar was quiet for once! Usually when good weather appears we are overrun with customers, but today they must have all decided to go to the beach and leave us alone. I counted four customers in the pub. All of my co-workers were in VERY good moods.

    The the Child entered with his Demon Mother.

    We were all startled by someone SLAMMING the door, and then all we heard was:

    DM: SHUT UP!

    She sat Child at a random table, who proceeded to scream and cry for over half an hour.

    Co-workers were shuddering. The noise was like nails going down a chalk board.

    Our peace was shattered.
    Last edited by crazylegs; 06-14-2009, 07:25 PM.

  • #2
    I want to apologize on behalf of mothers everywhere. You met what we call a "pretend mother". They're very annoying, don't know how to deal with their own children and, in general, make us good mothers and our children look bad. I'm sorry you dealt with that!

    If either of my children ever start throwing a fit in a public place, I give them one warning. If it continues, we leave. Period. If at a restaurant, I pay for our meals (even if we haven't eaten them yet) and we go home. In a store, I'll take the cart to the service, apologize profusely and explain what happened and leave. I feel bad, but I'm not going to let my children scream in a public place.

    That being said, I've only had to do that for a temper tantrum once. The other times are when something is wrong (they're sick or hurting or something of that nature). Daughter learned on that first temper tantrum that Mommy wasn't kidding. And Son just doesn't really throw fits unless he's sick.
    I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

    He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

    Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


    • #3
      You expect parents to parent their children? Well, they just don't have time for that nowadays.

      Good work, Persephone, nice to know someone out there knows what the hell to do.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        one of the worst sounds ever for me is a child crying....not throwing a tantrum but wailing and sobbing as if they're in pain or scared or whatever...I myself start to cry if i hear the sound too long.

        My ex had a game where you have to go through a twisted level where the background is a baby crying...I told him it disturbs me and that I don't want him playing it around me, and what does he do? keeps playing it and tells me that if i don't like the sound to leave the had plenty of time when i was working to play!


        • #5
          After five minutes of shrieking child, the management should have told the woman to either get control of her kid or get the hell out.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Hmmm....I've got an idea.

            Next time I'm out in public and a child is wailing and nothing is being done, I'm going to do a total "When Harry Met Sally" moment and just start moaning and groaning and doing porn star orgasm noises.

            I wonder who will be asked to leave first?
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth WhiteRose View Post
              My ex had a game where you have to go through a twisted level where the background is a baby crying...I told him it disturbs me and that I don't want him playing it around me, and what does he do? keeps playing it and tells me that if i don't like the sound to leave the had plenty of time when i was working to play!
              Max Payne. I loved that game, but those baby crying sections even got on my nerves. Not cool of the ex to play that when he new it aggrivated you. Much like a smoker insisting on smoking in your car. ><
              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
              Hoc spatio locantur.


              • #8
                Well this is clearly your fault. They can smell happiness you know and naturally moved towards your location subconsciously. The amount of happiness or collective sum total of Good Day(tm) being experienced at a given location by people being paid hourly wages is directly proportion to the chance of them selecting your store or establishment.

                Seriously, it smells like fried chicken to them.


                • #9
                  Quoth Geek King View Post
                  Much like a smoker insisting on smoking in your car.
                  I don't know about the rest of the non-smokers here, but no smoker insists on smoking in my truck. Because anyone who knows me knows a few things about me.

                  1. I don't smoke.
                  2. I have never smoked.
                  3. I love my truck.
                  4. My truck is a non-smoking vehicle.
                  5. I own the truck, therefore I make the rules of the truck.
                  6. If you don't like the rules of the truck, and insist on ignoring and/or violating them, you will be forced to leave the truck.
                  7. Being forced to leave the truck does not in any way mean I will be stopping or even slowing down.

                  Hell, my best friend, who I love as much as anyone on the planet, still occasionally apologizes to me for the time she absentmindedly lit up in my car.

                  Two vehicles ago.

                  Over fourteen years ago.

                  The Brit smoked. She once accidentally lit up in my truck, and realized it even before I did, then jumped out (we had not yet pulled out), stomped out the cigarette, and apologized profusely--all before I realized what was going on.

                  Nurse Betty smokes. She knew even before I said a word to her that there is no smoking in my apartment or my truck. How did I know she knew this? Well, regarding her visit here in July, she asked if we have a balcony or outdoor area where she can smoke. (We do.)

                  Yeah. No one, I mean NO ONE, insists on smoking in MY truck or in MY place.

                  Does. Not. Happen.

                  What were we talking about again?

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    Quoth WhiteRose View Post
                    My ex had a game where you have to go through a twisted level where the background is a baby crying...I told him it disturbs me
                    Max Payne? I like that game, except for those two levels, which are a pain in the ass. I have my PS2 hooked into a surround sound amplifier, and whenever I play that game, I shut the amp off on those levels. Ugh. That screeching is the stuff of nightmares (which is really the point, as the character has been given an overdose of drugs which forces him to relieve the death of his wife and baby).
                    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                    RIP Plaidman.


                    • #11
                      I've had that on the plane before. Especially in biz class passengers HATE crying children. The amount of times I have been asked to "shut that child up." Er...the parents have paid for the seat, it's their child, what am I meant to do? Yeah it's a pain but meh.
                      No longer a flight atttendant!


                      • #12
                        Quoth WhiteRose View Post
                        My ex had a game where you have to go through a twisted level where the background is a baby crying...I told him it disturbs me and that I don't want him playing it around me, and what does he do? keeps playing it and tells me that if i don't like the sound to leave the had plenty of time when i was working to play!
                        Also, baby crying shows up as the background music for at least one part of the penultimate boss fight in Parasite Eve. Eve has spent the game creating a child made entirely of mitochondria, you kill her pregnant form, and she explodes into a pile of goop, the ultimate being crawls out of the sea, a horrible mutant mixture of a baby and demon, crying the entire time. And you fight him, as he gets tougher and tougher and oh Gods the screeching and crying!
                        "I call murder on that!"

