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Patronizing Customer

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  • Patronizing Customer

    I came very close to verbally snapping at this guy. Had I not been having a good day prior to this incident, things would have went much differently.

    This SC was probably in his mid-20s, a few years older than myself. I tend to become extremely irritated when somebody my own age starts to become a smart-ass as I am dealing with them.

    The incident started when the SC came to the counter asking me what movies we had on our cart. I told him that we have nothing new and nothing that is not already on the shelf. He then forcibly said "WHAT movies do you have?" I told him, but not in a happy tone. He then went looking for other movies.

    Then, as he came to the counter to rent, he threw his rental card at me so hard that it would have flew off my side of the counter had I not been there. This PISSED me off so much. He then did the same thing with his credit card. His girlfriend yelled at him for this and he got an extremely dirty look from myself.

    He then proceeded to call me by my name numerous times. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I hate it when people do this. When older people do it, fine...I have more respect for them, but when I person my age does it, I go into kill mode. I was VERY close to tell him to stop patronizing me or I will refund his money and make him leave, but I held this in just to get him out of there.

    Then he said, "I don't think *insertmyname* likes me!" His girlfriend said "I wonder why?" which was humorous. At this point, I threw his rentals on the counter by the door so they could leave. This pissed him off, so he called me a dick. I turned around, thought for a second (since I WILL NOT have stupid-ass customers personally insulting me), but decided not to say anything to escalate the situation.

    After he left, I put a massive note on his account. Even though he didn't argue late fees (he did not have any), I am making sure that he never gets away with the slightest bit of slack in any situation, ever. If I see this waste of air in our store again and he begins his bullshit again, I am going to defend myself. Luckily, our management does not tolerate this kind of scum.

  • #2
    Quoth obod7x7 View Post
    His girlfriend yelled at him for this and he got an extremely dirty look from myself.
    That cracks me up. Having been the girlfriend in such a situation more times than I care to admit, I'll tell you exactly what happened. He's obviously insecure, total textbook case- he feels better about himself when he makes other people feel inferior. His soon-to-be ex-girlfriend is sick of his crap, and is giving him one last chance to recognize his idiotic behavior before she flicks him off her collar like a pesky insect.

    In fact, I dated this guy named Tim for a while in my freshman yr of college. He was VERY self centered and came from money. However, in high school he was socially awkward. We dated, he took me to expensive restaurants all the time, bought me jewelry and clothes, etc. The catch? He treated me like property-bought and paid for. I'd watch him talk down to various people and at first I didn't think much of it, then I felt badly for his victims. So, after a few months, I kicked him to the curb (much to his surprise), and it actually took me throwing all his stuff in the driveway for him to grasp the idea that he was being dumped.
    He went around to all my friends whining about how he couldn't believe I dumped him after he treated me so well. But he didn't treat me well- he bought me stuff and never talked to me- he talked at me. One of my so-called friends felt sorry for him and started dating him- they got married........and divorced, she cited (drum roll please) verbal abuse. Imagine that.

    Sorry to go off there, just wanted to let you know, they do get theirs.


    • #3
      Quoth Mighty Girl View Post
      His soon-to-be ex-girlfriend
      That's what I was thinking when I read the OP. I have dated guys like this before...they don't talk to you but at you. They feel they are so superior to everyone else and they have to try to make everyone feel lower then they. I actually married one of these types as well and divorced him for the same freakin' reason your friend did ....verbal abuse. As if I didn't see it coming. Oh, well, no reason to be resentful. I have moved on, last I heard about him, he had a nervous breakdown of sorts over the fact that I left him - at least that's how he made it seem to me - he yelled at me the last time I saw him because I was costing him a lot in therapy.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        If he stage whispers to his GF that "[insert clerk's name] doesn't like me," why not just agree with him -- "you're right."

        What's he going to say/do?


        • #5
          Quoth Auto View Post
          If he stage whispers to his GF that "[insert clerk's name] doesn't like me," why not just agree with him -- "you're right."

          What's he going to say/do?
          Yup, bust out the dreaded "the customer is always right" to YOUR advantage this time.


          • #6
            When his girlfriend dumps him, you could always ask her out.
            Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

            If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

            Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


            • #7
              Heh, I wonder what he would do in that situation.

              All of you are right, the attitude and way this guy presented himself showed me that he thought that HE was the most important person in the room. I do not understand how people get this mentality.

              I had several comebacks lined up for this guy, but I did not want to get management involved. They would most likely back me, but I would rather not waste their time because I ran my mouth at an idiot customer.


              • #8
                I suppose if you were feeling snotty, since you had access to his name off of his cards, you could start referring to him by first name everytime he refered to you by name


                • #9
                  Quoth obod7x7 View Post
                  He then proceeded to call me by my name numerous times. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I hate it when people do this.
                  Er, maybe I'm just not getting it, but wouldn't calling you by name be concidered to be a sign of respect and honour? Most of the time, customers don't even bother looking at your name badge, and this guy did. Now, from the tone of your letter, he was probably being condescending about it, but normally, I would think that it would be a compliement.
                  I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                  Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                    Er, maybe I'm just not getting it, but wouldn't calling you by name be concidered to be a sign of respect and honour?
                    Yes, he was very condescending about it. You could tell by the tone of his voice and the way he acted (throwing cards, etc). At least I felt as if he was being a jerk. My co-worker who witnessed the transaction felt the same.


                    • #11
                      its like Dave Barry says, "someone who is nice to you but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person". Replace waiter with service person of your choice. I can understand exactly how the guy used Obod's name in an objectionable sort of way;

                      Jerk: Here's my card, Dave. Do you need to see more ID, Dave? Thank yuo, Dave. Lets go, hun, Dave has finished ringing us up. Bye Dave"

                      In the mouth of a sweet little old lady, it wouldn't sound wrong, especially if she's the grandma type that uses everybody's names all the time. But you can put a nasty emphasis on the name itself, so that it sounds like you're saying "Dave" but what you actually mean is Inferior-Retail-Insect.
                      A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                      - Dave Barry


                      • #12
                        Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                        Er, maybe I'm just not getting it, but wouldn't calling you by name be concidered to be a sign of respect and honour?
                        Even if they do that, it still gets to me a little bit... Due to the fact that, personally, the idea of a stranger knowing my name is unsettling a little. Yeah, I know. It's on my badge, so I deal with it. It's when I see them on my own time and they say Hi <name>! that it really bugs me. Because it means I have no private space from customers.
                        3 Basic rules for ordering food.
                        - Order from the menu.
                        - If you order something that will take some time to cook, then be prepared to wait.
                        - Don't talk about Fight Club.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Sir Spaniard the 12th View Post
                          Even if they do that, it still gets to me a little bit... Due to the fact that, personally, the idea of a stranger knowing my name is unsettling a little. Yeah, I know. It's on my badge, so I deal with it. It's when I see them on my own time and they say Hi <name>! that it really bugs me. Because it means I have no private space from customers.
                          That always bugged me as well, especially since half the time I'd forget I even had the name badge, and would start wondering where I knew this person from. I am terrible at remembering names and faces, and you wouldn't believe how many people say hi to me, and then have to explain who they are.
                          Sometimes life is altered.
                          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                          Uneasy with confrontation.
                          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                          • #14
                            I'm pretty good at remembering faces...gotten a little better remembering names since I've started working retail. Most of the places I've worked, you get repeat customers....or at least at the photo hell, you had to deal with people throughout your entire sitting/sales process, so it was good to remember their names. I actually prefer that people use my name- it's on my badge for a reason- and I INTRODUCE myself to you when you come in my store for a reason. I don't like being referred to as "the lady." Or any thing else along those lines. I don't mind as much if I haven't helped you/introduced myself yet, but once I have, please use my name!!! You have to remember 1 name. I meet HUNDREDS of people in a single day, and I can remember YOUR name. Have some respect. I don't even mind if you forgot my name and you ask for it again! At least you have enough respect for me not to dismiss me as "the lady." I hate that!

                            In this case, the guy was being condescending- and that would make me angry, too.
                            Just because I work retail and you have some high-paying snooty office job doesn't make you a better person than me! I HATE that people look down on the retail/service industry. I probably would have had a tough time not knocking that guys teeth out, too.
                            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

