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If you're going to scam me...

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  • If you're going to scam me... least make it worth my while!

    what follows, friends, is a tale of the $2 scam. Or $2 suck, whichever you prefer...

    Now, I normally don't work Mondays in Textbook Hell, but a coworker is on vacation so I jumped at the chance for more hours, given my current financial crisis. Nothing too bad, I'm splitting the hours with another girl with few hours, and I only had 4.5 hours to work today. Not too shabby, right...?

    Oh gods, between this and the Jabberwock yesterday, I'm not sure I want to get through the rest of the week...anyways, onto the tale!

    The scene is the cash registers, which has an old copy machine at the end. It is an auxiliary service. i.e., one we don't HAVE to offer, but do anyways because it's handy to have, but doesn't necessarily pertain to textbook sales, our main reason for existence. As such, the machine isn't the best quality, or the newest. I've nicknamed it Methuselah. Because I do think it is, in fact, that old. As such, we don't charge much per page, only fifteen cents. there are two signs on the machine, however. One that states it is a Self serve copy machine and you pay for ALL copies you make. And another saying it's illegal to copy textbooks. I think that's sufficient setup.

    Four characters enter, wanting to make copies. I point them to the machine, and tell them to pay at the registers when they're done. It is a production, the four of them arguing back and forth, trying to figure out which button to push, etc, etc. After hte first page, they started bitching about how HORRIBLE the copies look!! Omg, it's like an old xerox machine made them!!! ( ya think...?)

    when they started complaining about the quality, my SC sense started tingling. You know the one I'm talking about? Yeah, you do...

    They finally get all their copies made and trundle on up to the registers, where I check the counter behind the desk and ring them up. The total is $3.09. One woman comes forward, whom I shall dub Lady Scampants. LS hands me a $20.

    Me: All right, that's $3.09 out of $20. You're change is $16.91. (I give it to her. I end up having to give her some gold dollar coins as I'm pretty much out of bills. Some cheeky bastard changed out all his $1 coins for bills before I came on the register and no one told me this!!) So, her change came out to a $10 bill, 4 singles, 2 gold dollar coins, and the 91 cents. She snatches it and waltzes out without a word, amidst the yammering of her three cronies.

    Five seconds later, she storms back in, and demands her receipt, which she left on the counter, so I threw it away. I print up a copy of it and hand it over. She leaves again.

    TEN MINUTES later, she comes back in with a handful of money and the crumpled receipt. I can't accurately portray the sudden aggressiveness, bitchiness, and overall suck "get-in-your-face attitude without Scream-o-vision. Forgive me.

    LS: <Dumps a $10 bill, 2 singles, gold dollar coins and a handful of coins on the counter as she announces> YOU SHORTCHANGED ME!!
    Me: Um...
    me: <Rather than call her a liar to he face, I smile vaguely> Sorry, ma'am, I'm going to have to call my manager up here to count my till. Policy, you know.
    Me: Right then.

    I go to the receiving room, where my 2 managers are, the awesome K, and the spineless D. I explain the situation and, tell them what happened, detailing the change I gave her. D decides she's going to go out and deal with it, and gestures me to come with her.

    me: Do I have to? I really don't want to be screamed at again.
    K: Actually, if you're getting your till audited, you stay back here.
    Me: Ok!!
    D: <Goes out to deal with LS>

    I'm left in the back room for almost 20 minutes. Now, in between, back and forth when the door opens I can hear arguing, but can't make out what's being said. Then D pages K to come to the registers. That's never a good sign...

    Few minutes later, there's another page. "Lupo, all clear. Lupo back to the registers please."

    I go up, and turns out D, in her infinite wisdom and against K's judgment, gave the woman $2 out of her pocket to get her out of the store. Why? Because my till was balanced. To the PENNY.

    I sighed and asked if I was in trouble, and was told no, because my till balanced. although D said I probably could've come out on the floor and not stayed hidden in the back room. I told her I didn't want to be seen because the woman would get belligerent and yell at me, and I didn't' want to scream she was a liar. I KNEW what change I gave her, and she comes back into the store after leaving line of sight for 10 minutes. Oh, no, not suspicious at ALL.

    D said she gave her the money because if someone's desperate enough to scam a store out of $2, they're worse off than we are.

    I never want to work on Mondays again, and will tell my coworker I expect compensation for taking her crazies for the week.... >.<

  • #2
    Wow my manager is sometimes pretty spineless when it comes to SCs, but she would NEVER give any of them money out of HER OWN POCKET especially after confirming the till balanced.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


    • #3 one would like me..."LOOK, you obviously scamming BITCH, get the HELL out of my store and stop harrassing my employees with your petty attempts at having a life! I AM NOT AFRAID TO CALL THE POLICE!"


      • #4
        Quoth WhiteRose View Post one would like me..."LOOK, you obviously scamming BITCH, get the HELL out of my store and stop harrassing my employees with your petty attempts at having a life! I AM NOT AFRAID TO CALL THE POLICE!"
        I think I'm in love with you now. In a completely platonic, forum crush kinda way, of course.

        I only wish that was said...but alas...I had a jellyfish manager. And she acted before the awesome manager could intervene.


        • #5
          If I were your manager, I'd have counted the till and upon finding it to be entirely correct, brought you out to the front and given you permission, nay ordered you to rip her a new one
          I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


          • #6
            Quoth RayvenQ View Post
            If I were your manager, I'd have counted the till and upon finding it to be entirely correct, brought you out to the front and given you permission, nay ordered you to rip her a new one

            ...apparently I'm just that easy. Who knew...?


            • #7
              He gave money out of his own pocket!!! Ok he's not just spineless, he has no skeletal system at all to speak of. If I were the MOD I would have told the lady to fuck off, but then again that may be why I'm not a manager.


              • #8
                I'm going to go against the grain here and say she wasn't trying to scam, but suffered from garden-variety stupidity. I'm guessing she completely missed the fact that two of the coins Lupo gave her were dollar coins. So she goes into her wallet, and finds she doesn't have two singles in there. Now, we're all saying, "Of course she doesn't, Lupo gave her two dollar coins in change." Well, we realize that, but I'd guess SC doesn't think about the dollar coins because she doesn't see them very often. SC flips because she thinks she's been created, and we all know SCs think the only way to get things done is to do them at the top of their lungs.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  Quoth Geek King View Post
                  I'm going to go against the grain here and say she wasn't trying to scam, but suffered from garden-variety stupidity. I'm guessing she completely missed the fact that two of the coins Lupo gave her were dollar coins. So she goes into her wallet, and finds she doesn't have two singles in there. Now, we're all saying, "Of course she doesn't, Lupo gave her two dollar coins in change." Well, we realize that, but I'd guess SC doesn't think about the dollar coins because she doesn't see them very often. SC flips because she thinks she's been created, and we all know SCs think the only way to get things done is to do them at the top of their lungs.
                  Quoth lupo pazzesco
                  Me: All right, that's $3.09 out of $20. You're change is $16.91. (I give it to her. I end up having to give her some gold dollar coins as I'm pretty much out of bills. Some cheeky bastard changed out all his $1 coins for bills before I came on the register and no one told me this!!) So, her change came out to a $10 bill, 4 singles, 2 gold dollar coins, and the 91 cents. She snatches it and waltzes out without a word, amidst the yammering of her three cronies.

                  Five seconds later, she storms back in, and demands her receipt, which she left on the counter, so I threw it away. I print up a copy of it and hand it over. She leaves again.

                  TEN MINUTES later, she comes back in with a handful of money and the crumpled receipt. I can't accurately portray the sudden aggressiveness, bitchiness, and overall suck "get-in-your-face attitude without Scream-o-vision. Forgive me.

                  LS: <Dumps a $10 bill, 2 singles, gold dollar coins and a handful of coins on the counter as she announces> YOU SHORTCHANGED ME!!
                  relevant bits bolded.
                  "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


                  • #10
                    Quoth Setsunaela View Post
                    relevant bits bolded.
                    Ah, but you see, the "2 dollar coins" were just lumped in with the "handful of coins" to the SC. She didn't see them as dollars, and nowhere in the OP does it state that it was pointed out to the SC that two of the coins were, in fact, dollar coins.

                    So, to recap: The SC was a moron who can't count change. The manager was a spineless jellyfish. And Lupo's just a poor gal stuck between 'em.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      The fact your manager gave her the $2.00 blows and even more so because it came out of her own pocket.

                      I had an idiot like that. He swore that he gave me $20.00 for a melon when he gave me $10.00. They counted my till and it was perfect. The man yelled and carried on and on for 30 min after having it explained to him several times that he was wrong and to count his money again, he refused. We gave him the money so he'd leave.

                      I am soo thankful for every day that I don't work in retail anymore, even thought my job is bs.

