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Complaints from a former theater employee

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  • #16
    Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
    I once got licked out of a theater for bringing in my own food. I tried to argue that the prices at the consession stands were outrageous. Besides, I hadn't had a BBQ in a long time.
    Umm, sorry, but not having had BBQ in a long time isn't an excuse. As Andara mentioned, theatres make paltry amounts on ticket sales. Blockbusters, they're lucky if they get 5% of the sales the first week. Lower profile movies, they can get more, sometimes, and the longer it is in theatres, the more they get. But the percentage they get doesn't even cover payroll.

    Everything needs to be paid out of concession sales. Building rental, electricity, napkins, straws, stock, toilet paper, uniforms, everything. Thus, if electricity goes up, they need to cover that. If people waste 50 napkins when they need 2, or dump a box of straws, that needs to be covered. If you don't want to pay for the concessions, don't eat in the theatre. If you need to eat while you watch the movie, watch it at home, or see if there's a theatre in your area that does allow outside food or drink.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #17
      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
      I once got licked out of a theater for bringing in my own food. I tried to argue that the prices at the consession stands were outrageous. Besides, I hadn't had a BBQ in a long time.
      I once got licked out of a theater too.On me and the hubby's first date.


      • #18
        My first job was at a movie theatre and I always hated having to work concessions. Regularly I'd get screamed at for the prices, as if I could do anything about them.

        The worst part was the things people would drop into their popcorn or whatever container and just leave. During a particular rodeo themed movie is wasn't uncommon to find cups full of spit and used chewing tobacco set under the seats so you'd be sure to kick it over as you cleaned.

        Once a woman came in screaming about her new engagement ring and how it must have fallen into the popcorn box. She dragged my floor manager out to the trash compactor and made him wade through the piles of stuff looking for her ring. After about 15 min. of yelling at us for being horrible people for taking the trash out already she sticks her hand in her pocket. Guess what she had in her pocket? She didn't even bother to say thanks, just wandered off and left us to refill the trash.


        • #19
          You may have gotten yelled at, but I feel sorry for the guy who gave her the ring in the first place!
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #20
            Quoth Food Lady View Post
            You may have gotten yelled at, but I feel sorry for the guy who gave her the ring in the first place!
            If he had any sense, he'd have ditched HER at the damn theatre into the dumpster and never looked back.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #21
              On the subject of concessions, our cinema does allow outside food and drink, and many people do. In fact, I often tell that to anyone who complains about the prices.

              SC: "This is daylight robery."
              Me: "You know in future you could bring in your own food and drink."
              SC: "But this is more convenient." or "But the kids like cinema popcorn."

              The amount that the cinema gets per ticket is dependant on a number of factors - including whether the film is a blockbuster or not, and the percentage of seats sold in each auditorium.

              I was told that the distributors demanded 100% of ticket sales of Jurrassic Park. The cinema chain I work for refused to screen the film until a lower percentage had been negotiated. But this was years before my time as an employee.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #22
                Quoth Rubystars View Post
                I show up early to the movies because I want the seats in the center of the theater. If I'm too close, the view of the movie isn't as good and if I'm further back, the view isn't as good. I also don't like to sit on the edges. If you want the best seats, you have to arrive early and be the first one to claim them.
                I understand that, but I'm not referring to films that have a chance of being sold out. I'm talking about foreign documentaries that usually sell between 10, maybe 40 tickets per screening in the middle of weekdays.

