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Pharmacy/Chemist SC's

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  • #16
    Quoth Ellain View Post
    Hmm, you get to deal with the $4 Rx stuff too... Do you get a lot of people getting, say 60 of something and complaining when it comes to $8? I know I do.
    We get that sometimes too, but a quick explanation of the math involved usually brings them to a good understanding.
    Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


    • #17
      Quoth Supertech View Post
      VComps: There was a woman who came in and her kids are called Tarquin and Chardonnay!!! I thought it was a joke. She wondered why I was crying with laughter.....

      actually that name comes from 2 or 3 Roman kings of the 5th and 6th century BC

      I thought those names sounded familiar from a very complete book on European history I read a while back. I like the name so much that at one time I used Tarquin as a character name in Unreal
      I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
      -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

      "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


      • #18
        Shows how much I know.....I thought it was part of the new Chav name epidemic sweeping this country. Oooopppsss!!!!! Apologies....
        In a perfect world the customer would always be right but this world is not perfect and the customer is always f***** mental!!!!


        • #19
          And yesterday we had Mrs Hypochondriac in the store almost in tears as she was convinced she had Swine Flu. I'm no expert so I sent her to her doctor but I think it was Hayfever....Whenever there is something doing the rounds, and she gets to hear about it, she appears a couple of days later with the symptoms.
          In a perfect world the customer would always be right but this world is not perfect and the customer is always f***** mental!!!!


          • #20
            Quoth Racket_Man View Post
            actually that name comes from 2 or 3 Roman kings of the 5th and 6th century BC



            I thought those names sounded familiar from a very complete book on European history I read a while back. I like the name so much that at one time I used Tarquin as a character name in Unreal
            The only problem is I see the word "Tarquin" and I think "tapir" - the "small" relative of the rhino and hippo that lives in South America.

            Or the tarpin, which is a big-ole fish from the Carribean.

            But I've wondered - I live in Washington state, and we had a misguided rule that allowed more, shall we say, vocal pharmacists double majoring as advocates against family planning to deny, flat out, morning after pills, birth control, contraceptives and devices, etc etc IF they cited it being against their belief system.

            But I wound up meandering into my pharmacy one day to meet a pro-family planning demonstrator who parked herself in front of the window with a sign and moved to put herself in my field of vision. I like my pharmacist - she's a nice lady. She also wears a cross to work. She knows who I am and when I need meds I try to go to her - she's reasonable and she's independent. She's also Catholic.

            And she also knows me. So said "demonstrator" kept talking to me and telling me how all Catholic pharmacies wouldn't stock family planning if this law wasn't enacted - as I walk by the condom aisle with the extra lubricants and the pamphlets on reproductive rights for young women. I get to the counter, and the pharma, who knows me, says, "So, back for more Cialis?"

            My response: "No, this time they upped the Zoloft after the incident with the annoying bitch who lives upstairs from me. Wouldn't shut up about her damn political tofu. Sorry about what happened to her bookcases, though."

            Exit unwelcome "demonstrating shopper" stage left. Pharma laughed her head off and gave me my ADD meds and a 36er of condoms.
            Last edited by thedrunkenmonkey; 06-22-2009, 11:40 AM.

