yeah it does seem a lil mis leading with the whole 24hr thingy but then again,.... we do have to get all the shite ready for the next woeking day.....
our doors are open 24/7 for the convenience of our customers that do alot of their work after hours.
i have a steady steam of loyal customers and they make my evenings better....
infact i only really hate the ones that come in and wait in line talking then when the customers get tom my register,...they go blank.
its funny in a away...but gives my barista time to get their drinks ready.
last nite i had alll my loyal female customers come in and give me my OVER THE COUNTER HUGS AND KISSES....that always makes me feel good.
but then again i also had those assholes that kept changing their orders AFTER THEY PICKED UP THEIR DRINKS and realized they wanted a cold drink instead of a HOT one.
our doors are open 24/7 for the convenience of our customers that do alot of their work after hours.
i have a steady steam of loyal customers and they make my evenings better....
infact i only really hate the ones that come in and wait in line talking then when the customers get tom my register,...they go blank.
its funny in a away...but gives my barista time to get their drinks ready.
last nite i had alll my loyal female customers come in and give me my OVER THE COUNTER HUGS AND KISSES....that always makes me feel good.
but then again i also had those assholes that kept changing their orders AFTER THEY PICKED UP THEIR DRINKS and realized they wanted a cold drink instead of a HOT one.