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That's the best scam you can come up with?

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  • That's the best scam you can come up with?

    Yay, another system warranty post.

    When you buy our extended protection it shows up as a separate line item on the receipt, if you decide not to get it, a note is placed on the receipt: NO WARRANTY PURCHASED.

    This is added so the SC can't come back later and say they had the warranty and we "forgot to add it". It's funny how not many people want the warranty but if the console ever breaks, EVERYONE seems to claim "yeah I think I bought the warranty on it". Sure you did, pal.

    Anyway this lady took that a step further, she had a receipt that showed she didn't buy a warranty, but not one to let that stop her, she took a black marker and covered up the NO part so it simply read WARRANTY PURCHASED.

    So she comes in with this receipt and tries to get me to replace a PSP

    Now I know RIGHT AWAY this woman is scamming us because of the obvious cover up job and also the fact the line item for the extended coverage is not on the receipt...

    SC: But I have the warranty, it says so right here! *flashes receipt*
    Me: Actually it says no warranty purchased, but it has been altered.
    SC: I didn't change a thing! When I bought that your computers weren't working right so when I bought the warranty the dude had to do the receipt like that.
    Me: Ma'am, I've been working with this company for a long time now and when our computers aren't working, we can't process sales period. I've never seen a problem like what you described.
    SC: Well I bought the damned warranty! Replace my system!
    Me: Let me call our service number, they can determine for sure if one was purchased.

    I call and - shocker - no warranty purchased.

    Me: They say you didn't buy one ma'am.
    SC: Yes I did! *waves receipt again* I already told you what happened. Give me another PSP!
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, nothing I see here indicates to me you bought the warranty, I can't replace your system.
    SC: Then get me a manager who can!

    So I call over Manager K, they go back and forth a few minutes but basically K tells her the same thing I do and she won't be getting anything today. He also tells her she can go ahead and call corporate if she likes.

    I wanted to confiscate the receipt from her, but she managed to hang on to it. After she left I tipped off our other locations in the area as I had a feeling she'd try this scam there too. Turns out I was right. A buddy of mine who works at another store called and said she tried to get a replacement there and accused them of some kind of discrimination when they wouldn't give in.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    Melody Gardot


    • #3
      Oh well, that's just silly. Clearly she thinks she's cleverer than she is.

