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I'm getting the good ones.

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  • I'm getting the good ones.

    So I got a call. Normal enough. Needed a username and password. Gave it to him, then he turned down the EW road.

    "I'm about to start the Enterperural (spelling.. sucks....) class, and I need the book. The easiest way to get it would be from someone previously in the class. Can you give me a list of those people?"

    SHOCKED... "No.... I'm sorry, but I can't give out that information..."

    "Well, fine, I'll just have to do something different." And while the words weren't bad, it was the tone he used, like, how dare I not give him personal information of people in previous classes??? How would he feel getting a call to see if he would sell someone his textbook?


    Then there was the next call.

    "Firstthing, doyouhavea1-800number?"
    "Yes, we do." Which is branded on EVERYTHING we have.....
    I gave him the number.. somewhat slowly.. to make sure he got it completely.. of, course.

    Oddly enough, he hasn't called back yet.
    SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
    SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!

  • #2
    I got a lot of that at the call center, people would call up, be unable to verify any security info on the account and yet still want me to give them the billing history, call details, payment history, address info and any other bit of sensitive personal info you can think of.

    Sorry, you telling me that you are the mother/brother/wife/kid/uncle/third cousin of whomever is not enough "verification" for us.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

