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Ed's fishing hotline

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  • Ed's fishing hotline

    This is an old one from many years ago, when I was working in a suburb known for being near the beach. Mind you, the store was far enough away from the beach that we never had customers come in in beach gear. We tried selling fishing supplies but selling one package of bait in a month isn't really worth it.

    So anyway... I'm on graveyard shift, and the phone rings at 5 am.

    Me: (opening speil)
    SC: "Yeah, how's the fishing down there?"
    Me: "I don't know."
    SC: "Well you're near the beach, you must have some idea."
    Me: "We're too far from the beach to tell."
    SC: "But you're in (suburb)! That whole area's all beach!"
    Me: "We're on (main road), right on the edge of (suburb)."
    SC: "OK then, how's the weather?"
    Me: "I can't really see outside, it's too dark."
    SC: (more random fishing related questions, all answered with variations on "How the crap would I know?") This went on for about 10 minutes.

  • #2
    I feel your pain.

    I work inside a mall so I tend to asked "Is there a <store>?" or "Where is the nearest <store>?" a LOT. I'm happy to answer questions on where toilets, eating establishments or the large stores are (we don't have toilets in the store and most of the eating establishments are located in one of two places, the large stores aren't too hard to miss), but asking me for a smaller store or a bank gets met with an "I'm not sure" from me. Primarily because a) I'm not an information desk, but also b) If I give out information that turns out to be a dud....*bomb drops*
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      urgh! i get that too! i had some chunky american tourist dude physically insert himself between myself and a coworker while we were tidying up and said WHERE THE TOILETS? I said "3rd floor" and he bustled off without a word. Charming. The only obnoxious american ive ever met - all the other americans seem so upbeat and happy and polite! gah.

