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When it rains, it pours...

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  • When it rains, it pours...

    ...or be careful what you wish for.

    A couple posts back, I mentioned that I was hoping for some more SCs because it would make it easier for me when I have to hand in my resignation on Friday.

    Well, I got what I asked for. They just won't stop coming.

    Me- All win
    DB- Dumb bitch

    First call of the day as well...

    Me- <opening speil>
    DB- Yea, I'd like to place an order.
    Me- Ok, fantastic. I can see from your record here that you have asked before about ordering a part.
    DB- Yeah.
    Me- I see that the part is currently out of stock, so I would be happy to place a backorder on that for you now. You won't get charged until it ships to you and you can cancel at any point up until then.
    DB- Argh... that's what they said last time! You mean none have come in??? (she called like 2 days ago) Well, who are your stock people?? This is really terrible, I mean, do you know when the next order is in? Why would you just let something run out???
    Me- I'm sorry, I myself do not work on the stock side of things. Our options at this point are to place an order, and you will not be charged until it ships, or you may call back in a few weeks to see if it has come into stock.
    DB- Fine. If you are just going to be difficult, lets just make the order now. I can't believe you people.

    Start out how you mean to go on...

    Being a girl in tech support, you sometimes get idiots that think girls can't do tech support. Usually guys who have a complex about a woman knowing more about technology than they do.

    Me- How much of this am I expected to take?
    SW- Sexist Wanker

    Me- <opening speil, which includes the words 'tech support'>
    SW- Oh hi, sweety. I am looking for some technical support. Could you put me through to the right department? I must have come through on the wrong line.
    Me- Well, sir, if it is tech support you need, you are through to the right place. How can I help?
    SW- <proceeds to tirade about an issue not related to anything covered by the warranty>
    Me- Ok, sir, I'm sorry to hear about that. That wouldn't be covered by your warranty so we wouldn't be able to send an engineer. I can walk you through some troubleshooting to see if we can get this fixed by phone, or if you aren't happy you can always talk to the store you got it from to see if they can offer you other options.
    SW- Well, honey, frankly I don't think you are qualified to say anything like that. What do you know about this anyway? I bet you aren't even a technician but just some idiot at a call centre. Let me explain this slowly <explains a really convoluted and WRONG cause for his non-fault>
    Me- Well, sir, if you believe you know what the issue is, and you think I'm not suitably qualified to help, I don't know what more we can accomplish here.
    SW- How about you have someone call me back who knows something. Have HIM call me later, sweety, because we're getting nowhere. I'll be expecting that call. Thanksgoodbye *click*

    So I emailed the case number to one of my pals, who will call back and pwn the guy as a favour to me.

    Bullshit tolerance malfunction...

    Oh, and they keep coming and coming and coming...

    Me- La la la
    SC- Garden Variety

    Me- <opening spe...
    SC- Now you just shut up and listen a minute. I have been on hold for 5 DAMN MINUTES. None of this rubbish, no name, no details. I just have a simple question.
    Me- (if they have to say that, it never is) OK, if it is a quick query then go ahead.
    SC- <explains really bad fault, something that needs an engineer>
    Me- Ok, from what you've said, it sounds like there is a serious fault. If your product is still under warranty, we could arrange an engineer to come out and fix that for you free of charge. For that I would need to take your details and your receipt details.
    SC- NO! I don't have time for that. You've got my number on your screen, you should be able to figure it out from there.
    Me- Actually, you're number doesn't com....
    SC- Ok, so can you guarantee someone will be out tomorrow?
    Me- Ma'am, I am not able to confirm anything until I take your details and arr...
    SC- Great. I'll be expecting you tomorrow. Thanks! Bye! *click*

    Whiskey tango foxtrot?

    How much you wanna bet she calls back in a rage fest tomorrow when no one has come out?

    Ahhh... feels so much better to purge.
    If brains were gunpowder some would not have enough to blow their nose off!! ~RobertM

    Getting married for the cake is like getting arrested for the free photo. ~ EvilEmpryss

  • #2
    You'd think people who have problems big enough that they're in a tear over a measley 5 minute hold time would at least take the precious seconds to listen once they got through.

    I hope she's on hold at least twice as long on her next call... although I don't wish her on anyone there after that.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      As much as people whine and moan about people not getting back in touch with them for problems, 9 times out of 10 it's because they brought it down on their own heads through their impatience. You reap what you sow...
      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


      • #4
        Quoth Sauletekis View Post
        SW- Well, honey, frankly I don't think you are qualified to say anything like that. What do you know about this anyway? I bet you aren't even a technician but just some idiot at a call centre. Let me explain this slowly <explains a really convoluted and WRONG cause for his non-fault>
        ...SW- How about you have someone call me back who knows something. Have HIM call me later, sweety, because we're getting nowhere. I'll be expecting that call. Thanksgoodbye *click*.
        Ugh. Just reading this, I could almost smell the rancid pork stench coming off of this guy! Between this male chauvinist pig and the "no time for details" idiot, you could rake in a fortune on Asshole Tax if your boss would let you charge it!
        Last edited by XCashier; 07-01-2009, 08:13 PM.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          If you can, give us an update on Mr. sexist c*ckface getting pwned.
          I will never go to school!


          • #6
            Quoth BaristaTrav View Post
            If you can, give us an update on Mr. sexist c*ckface getting pwned.
            Still don't know how that went down yet. Will let you know as soon as I do
            If brains were gunpowder some would not have enough to blow their nose off!! ~RobertM

            Getting married for the cake is like getting arrested for the free photo. ~ EvilEmpryss


            • #7
              I really have no idea how possessing a penis qualifies a person to give tech support, or do anything else.
              It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
              -Helen Keller

              I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


              • #8
                Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
                I really have no idea how possessing a penis qualifies a person to give tech support, or do anything else.
                [bad sexist joke]

                It's really very simple. When dealing with electronic devices, a guy will hold his penis with one hand while the other hand is poking around inside the device. That way he never gets shocked. Since a girl doesn't have a penis to hold onto, she uses both hands to poke around inside the device, and gets shocked.

                [/bad sexist joke]
                "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

