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Your're not the only Custoemr

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  • Your're not the only Custoemr

    For some reason it got realllllly busy today for about 30 minutes. About 20-30 minutes later all the customers decide to show up at once to check out. We had every person who had credentials on a register. We had everyone else in the store bagging. Literally all but 3 employees were up front at one time. As I am walking up front near the self scans I see one of the lights start to flash meaning the customer needs help....

    SC: moron who cant uses self scan
    Me: Me
    S: self scan cashier
    AC: Awesome customer

    SC: *whistles* Hey YOUUUUU, why don't you do you job and help me. If you can compered that.

    Isn't this a great way to make me want to help you. Not.

    Me: How can I help you "ma'am"?
    SC: Fix it! I've been standing here like 10 minutes already. I'm a human being, don't I get some respect.
    Me: *thinking well I'm human too but I guess I don't get respect* I do not have credentials for the self scan, let me get someone who does.
    SC: You better.

    I walk away intent on taking my sweet time to find C(who happens to be blond) and telling them. I see them and tell them. I am bagging on the register next to the self scans when C walks up to the SC.

    C: How can I help you?
    SC: ooooh your trying to not be dumb. Fix it.

    C sees that the SC pushed the need help button.

    C: Dis you have a problem with a incorrect price, something not scanning, need me to take....
    SC: I said find the f***ing thing.
    C: what is wrong? You press need help for a reason.
    SC: What? I said fix it. Did you mother drop you?
    C: *voids transaction* It's fixed. Start again.
    SC: You rude. I'm not giving a store money who treats me like shit. *slowley walks off*
    AC: *to fried, loud enough for SC to hear* Wow! Those employees were really polite, but she was such a whiny bitch!

    The SC flips us the bird and leaves.

  • #2
    What a bitch.

    Gotta love being evil right back though

    Am so keeping that in mind for when we get Self Scan.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Yay for AC! We need more people to stand up like that.

