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Passenger complains about coughing

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  • Passenger complains about coughing

    As we were disembarking this evening a passenger said in a very angry tone:

    "I am not at all happy, I was sat next to a passeneger who COUGHED constantly, she might have had swine flu, it's disgraceful!"

    I just said "oh...ok." What else could I say?

    Maybe if they had asked to be moved in flight I could have relocated them. But once the germs are in the air-conditioning that's it! How is the airline meant to moniter sick passengers? Coughing can be caused by a cold, pneumonia, TB, asthma, allergies, smoking etc

    No concern for us, the cabin crew, who fly many hours per week thus increasing our exposure to disease! But it's not something that I worry about unduly.
    No longer a flight atttendant!

  • #2
    Right, so she's worried about a new strain of a disease that has half the mortality rate of the normal version?


    How about this sparky, they might have just had a cough. Get over it.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      Even on the off chance that she did have swine flu, I don't see the benefit of complaining about it after the fact. Did she want you to give her a hug and tell her it was going to be okay?
      "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


      • #4
        And I'll bet the SC had a purse-full of coughdrops on her too.
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          Ugh...the air on planes is generally quite dry - I can get a bit coughalicious myself, but I always have coughdrops when I'm on a plane...
          The report button - not just for decoration

