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Don't act like it's MY fault....

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  • Don't act like it's MY fault....

    ....if you refuse to drive somewhere else to get it if you can't get it here.

    Now where I work at is in a rather busy tourist place from May until about the beginning/middle of September. This is important to the tale.

    This lady yesterday wanted a Mahogany shadow box to hold a flag in but the only colors we have is either black ( the smaller one, 5 x7 I think ), Oak, or Cherry ( both Oak and Cherry are in the bigger size, 7 x 9 I believe ). She found one online that she liked but wanted to see if she wanted to get a better deal elsewhere.

    Well the store doesn't carry it in the color she wants and she doesn't want to spend the money for custom framing ( I don't blame her either for this, since the cheapest a custom frame usually goes for is about $50 for a 5x7, and that's just the basics ). Myself and the FES on duty at the time both gave her some places to go to, like the mall that's not EVEN five minutes away. When we suggested the mall she said, and I quote, "I don't go to <mall down the street>." in a very uptight, condasending manner. She also said that the only reason she was at the store was because her son drove her and that she was from New York. She wouldn't drive because of the traffic ( she was VERY adament about this and looked HORRIFIED we'd suggest she go to another store ) and left a few minutes later.

    The FES turned to me after the customer left and told me that if the customer didn't want to deal with traffic then she shouldn't have moved from one busy place to another. I can understand not liking to drive in traffic but seriously -- if you don't want to drive in the traffic during the busiest time of the year AND live in a tourist town, get the fuck out and don't let the door hit you on the way.

    Bonus Story:

    I work at Random Craft Store which, well, sells crafts and artists supplies. It even says so on the big, lighted sign on the outside of the store and no one could miss it. If you, the customer, walks into the store and asks where the bedding department is and where sheets and towels are, expect a ten second pause followed by laughter by everyone within ear shot.

    And, no, we're not laughing at you, just your question in a CRAFT store.
    Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.