I work for the mart of walls... I love my job... most times... I am an over night cashier/stock person....
Why I want to beat *most* college aged males
So it is the night before the 4th... it is about oh 11ish or so... we are fairly busy... out of the corner of my eye as I am working the express closest to the door... I see 3 college aged males grouped and they drop something in the vestibule and quickly leave. I turn to see something sparking *mind you I am ringing up customers* First thought threw my head... AH shit! Then BOOM!!! they had lit and dropped on of those loud firecrackers.. My ears rang all night.... loved the woman I was ringing up... Her response.... They should be locked in a cement room with the fireworks that scream...
Father pwns son
I hate customers that throw money at me....
Gf-that good father
BS- bad son about 12ish
BS- Do you have any fresh flowers?
Me- no we only have those during mothers day and valentines day.
BS- Well it *is* for *my* mothers day.
GF- it is for your mother's birthday that is not the same and you know this.
Me- Your total is XX.XX
BS-begins to slowly take money out of his wallet and throw it at me so it lands all over the counter.
GF- *as i am making the change* What is wrong with you being that rude! Do you think that after working all day taking peoples money she really appreciate you tossing money at her like she is some slave? She has to deal which dicks all day and *YOU* will not be a dick now you apologize to the nice lady for being so disrespectful.

BS- I'm sorry for throwing money at you. Thank you for not yelling at me for being a jerk.
GF- I will not raise a son that treats people helping him like shit. *to me* I am sorry miss you have a great night.
For the first time I just sat there and was floored....
Entitled jackass
We cash checks.... but you need a valid id... not a paper one... unless the old one is stapled to it.
JA-Jackass who if I wasn't 3mo pregnant and like my job I would have gave a face pounding to
JA I need to cash this check.
me-sure I will just need a valid ID
JA-shows me a paper
me- I am sorry sir I can not except this as id. I need a vaild ID with a photo.
*at this point my CS had come over*
CS-Sir I told you already that we will *NOT* cash your check.
JA- *throws a bag of chips at me* Fuck you bitches... fucking suck my dick whores.. *heads for the door* Fucking stupid cunts....
Me- Have a very nice night sir...
JA-fuck you bitch just shut the fuck up
He exited the store but was throwing a fit out side. He was informed that to linger on the premises would bring about a nice friendly visit from the local cops... he left rather fast.
Oh and did you know that visa says that we cant card their card holders...
So said a SC that got pissed that I carded her. I card everyone.... She informed me that I had no right to card her... I politely issued this response...
"Ma'am in this day and age of Identity theft, I am sure that you are aware that you must present ID with the card other wise we have the right to refuse the sale. I am sure that if you call Visa they will laugh at you for your statement, for the simple reason that me carding you saves them from the chance of fraud. Not to mention that it is state law that persons over the age of 18 must be in possession of some form of ID."
She ran it as debit after ranting about how she is losing points because of running debit.