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My first TRUE Sucky Customer...

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  • My first TRUE Sucky Customer...

    At least that I can remember.

    I started at noon today, so didnt see this guys' clothing when it came in. When he picked it up, it was myself and Arna (name changed) who had been there longer than me, and handles the suit jackets, blouses, silks, etc... (she rocks btw).

    So this guy comes in to pick up his shirt and jacket, and sadly, they are stained... he is upset and wants to know why the stains didnt come out.

    Me: Sorry, sometimes they just dont come out sir. I know we tried really hard.

    Him: I want to see the girl that did this! I want to see the manager!

    Me: The manager isnt here right now but... ARNA!

    Arna comes over, and of course he's complaining about the shirt AND the jacket with his friend. While Arna is on her way over I try to get payment. They ignore me.

    Arna: We tried but we would damage the materials or color if we did any more work on it. If you want you can leave it anther day and we can wash it again but there is no guarantee.

    SC: I need this for tonight! this is terrible! I run a business and i would NEVER turn a customer away happy!

    Arna: well sorry sir there is nothing we can do. We only had one hour to work with it.

    SC: It was here for FOUR hours! I brought it in at Nine!

    (It was 2ish when he came in. And just because you drop it off right away means it will instantly be moved ahed of the que. Arna was getting angry though she didnt show it. I stood by stoically. Usually I'd bugger off but I wanted to see this. I kept just staring at the man, stoically with a blank exprssion, imagining little laser lights searing the large cancerous lump that grew at the end of his neck)

    Arna: well sorry sir there's not much else we can do.

    SC: I wont pay for this! This is a ripoff! The stians are still all here! Here, and here! This should come clean! Its Polyester cotton!

    Arna*to me*: Tuna, call boss I can't deal with this (the customer did not hear this)

    Without a word to the customer, I dialled the boss.

    Sc to his friend: Look at this! Terrible! look here, and on the back, here! This one didnt come out either! they probably just pressed it, didnt even wash it!

    Me inside: *on phone with boss*

    Boss: Hello! What's up? (he knows when the store calls)

    Me: Yes, a mister Gets Into Fist Fights And complains When Whiskey And Blood Wont Wash Out Of His Cheap Suit is here and wants a discount on his ENTIRE order.

    Boss: *knows EXACTLY the guy I'm talking about* Tell that guy he can take his F***ing shirt and F***ing Jacket and get the F*** out of my store and never to come F***ing back.

    Me *manages not to either pale or giggle at the boss. *

    Me: Oh. okay. thanks. Bye!"


    They look at me expectantly. I take a deep breath, heart racing

    Me: The boss has decided to comp your order this time.

    SC*who wasn't listening: so how much are you charging me for this?

    Me:Nothing. Its yours on the house this time.

    SC: This is a terrible job, I own a busines you know.

    Me: Yes sir.

    SC: and I would NEVER turn a customer away unhappy.

    ME: Of course not sir. *trying to work up courage to tell him to GTFO*

    SC: Next time I come back I expect a proper job!

    Me: There wont be a next time sir. The boss has told me to tell you not to come back again please. Your service is not wanted here.

    SC:*laughs in a 'you gotta be kidding' way* so this is how you treat customers that you try to make pay for a sloppy job?

    Me:*rant* Of course not sir. But it does turn out that we dont work for free.

    SC: them maybe you should get HIM *meaning the boss no doubt* to pay you more!

    exit SC and friend.

    At this point, I am quivering with rage. i have NEVER ever told a customer that he was not welcome anymore. I am still very much wet-noodle-spined and he was a larger gentleman. I do not remember now if he was a new customer or not. I was actually PALE the other girl told me and it took me a good hour to stop stuttering.

    sadly, a half hour after he left I thought up a smartass comment:

    *rewinds in daydream land*

    Me: Sadly sir, if we gave refunds and comped every customer's bill for everyone who cannot stay out of fights or feed themselves without spilling food on their shits, we'd be out of business.
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

  • #2
    Awwwww, you let the opportunity to be as nasty to him as he was to you go by.

    But also, yay for getting rid of him!
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


    • #3
      Quoth Horsetuna View Post
      everyone who cannot stay out of fights or feed themselves without spilling food on their shits, we'd be out of business.
      *giggles at typo* Sorry, brain in gutter.
      "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

      My pony dolls:


      • #4
        I just noticed that myself. BWAH.

        maybe I was typing what I was thinking 'Spilling food on their shit' or something. Not sure

        I will leave it as-is for humor's sake.
        Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


        • #5
          Oh man, if only I could ever get permission to curse at a customer. I do share your pain for thinking up witty replies about half hour after the incident.
          I would have said "Sorry sir, but cum stains are rather difficult to get out. You'll have to take your business elsewhere." looking at his friend.


          • #6
            I would have relished telling him exactly what the manager said, verbatim. You are a much better person than me.


            • #7
              Quoth Horsetuna View Post
              Boss: Tell that guy he can take his F***ing shirt and F***ing Jacket and get the F*** out of my store and never to come F***ing back.
              Is your boss single?

              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


              • #8
                Technically, yes. however, he has five children, an ex and a girlfriend. And he's mormon.
                Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                • #9
                  hell you should have put the boss on speaker phone


                  • #10
                    I know how you feel. Even if I got a free pass from the bosses to kick someone out its so against my nature that i'd probably just end up shaking or crying or both. Sadly I'm not a brave person. Which is why I live vicariously through this site.


                    • #11
                      I never get the chance to really be a smart ass or tell an SC off since I work at a call center. Nonetheless, kudos on you telling him to GTFO and never come back. Your boss rocks!
                      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

