...at this job anyway.
So for the last week I've dropped hints about this incident. Today, someone from social services came to pick up the guys stuff, so I assume he's been remanded to psychiatric assessment instead of going to jail, and it's probably the last I'll hear about the issue.
What follows at first is a copy of the police report I made. The only changes are to remove names and identifying details. This will be followed by other details I learned of after making my report.
Incident report 6/27/09 <Infinitemonkies>, Night Auditor, <Hotel, location>
Upon arrival for my shift at approximately 11:20 pm on the night of Friday, June 26th, 2009, I was warned verbally by the previous shift to keep an eye on the guest in room 97.
I was advised that the guest, registered as <Crazy SC>, had been brought to this location, the <Hotel> at <street address>, by the RCMP, who stated that he hadn’t done anything wrong, but didn’t understand or speak English very well and needed a place to stay.
I was further informed that he had earlier brought a leaf to the front desk asking that it be placed “with the others.” This was followed by another visit with what appears to me to be some sort of lantern or decorative cover for an outdoor light. He reported claimed it was “an infection, and needs to be disinfected.”
At approximately 11:50pm, I could clearly hear what sounded like large amounts of packing or duct tape being pulled from a roll. At this time I considered knocking on his door to ask him to be quieter, but given the language barrier and surreal nature so far exhibited, I decided to ignore it unless it went on for a long time or another guest made a complaint.
Around midnight, <Crazy SC> came to the front desk, watched a few seconds of footage of a promotional video for a wine tour we have constantly playing in the lobby. He smiled in what I took to be approval and contentment, and said to me “Film,” then immediately returned to his room.
About ten minutes later, he again approached the desk, smacking himself on the back with a wooden-handled metal meat flipper, seemingly with a great deal of force. I greeted him and he seemed to indictate his room by pointing and gesturing. He then stated, quote, “My wife is my sister,” followed by a hand/tongue gestured used to indicate cunnilingus. He laughed, and went outside for a cigarette.
A few minutes after returning to his room, at approximately 12:20am, there came a very loud rhythmic banging, as though he were drumming on the walls. I knocked on his door. The banging stopped for a moment, then resumed. I knocked louder. The drumming stopped, and I knocked again in the silence to make sure I was heard. <Crazy SC> refused to answer the door. I stated loudly that he would have to be quiet. He screamed in reply “NO!” The banging resumed. I again knocked, and stated he would have to be quiet, or I would have to ask him to leave. He screamed “No” again, and I could hear that he was now hitting something glass.
I opened the door, and observed <Crazy SC> in the corner of the room, the large metal meat flipper in his left hand, and what appeared to be a small hand garden trowel in his right, which he was using to smash against the window of room 97. At this point he started yelling “Police.” I closed the door and immediately dialed 911 from the front desk. While I was given information to dispatch, I also called <Security guy>, head of <Hotel> security, on his pager and stated I needed him back at this location ASAP.
At this time, 12:29 am according to my cell phone log, I was also assisting a guest at the front desk, and fielding numerous calls from other guests and passers-by reporting the damage being caused by <Crazy SC>. On the first phone available I also called <el jefe>, the manager of this location, and told him <Crazy SC> has smashed his window.
Officers arrived quickly on the scene, and apparently apprehended <Crazy SC> on the sidewalk, having exited the building through his window after smashing it apart.
End report
I entered the room with security and several police officers who were photographing the damage. I noticed several things that were decidedly odd:
He had bought a 12-pack of disposable bic razors, taken the safety-cap-thingy off each of them, and placed them around his room in an obviously deliberate fashion. (ie. one on top of the tv, parallel the remote, one on each arm of the chair, one on each side of the sink, etc.)
He had also bought a 5-pack of irish springs soap, taken each bar out of the package, and likewise spread them throughout the room.
In addition, he had a 30-pack of toilet paper, thankfully not taken out of the package.
In one corner of the room, he had opened up a loaf of bread and spread the slices around like a gluten prayer mat.
Interestingly, that particular room had just been renovated, he was the first post-reno occupant. Part of the reno included installing a very large flat-screen tv in the room. Not only did he NOT damage the tv, but he had unplugged it, bundled up the power cable, and wraped it with a piece of electrical tape, exactly like you'd get it right out of the box.
He had torn the phone jack out of the wall, as well as an outlet in the bathroom. He also tore out the whatchamcallit metal box the outlet gets installed in, that mounts on the stud in the wall, and yanked out several feet of live wires.
A large cooler FILLED with cigarettes (must have been at least $400 worth) as well as 2 suspicious packages about the size of a cell phone, each wrapped with an entire roll of packing tape (never did find out what was in them, but I'm very curious.)
A ton of camping/fishing gear, marketed towards young girls, such as a pink Dora the Explorer pup tent and matching child-sized sleeping bag, a childs life jacket, small pink fishing rod, etc.
And my personal favorite: He had mounted over the bed a portrait of himself, done very much in the same style as the infamous Kramer portrait.
To top it off, it turns out he'd been a cash-paying guest, who'd paid for 10 days in advance (Over $1200 dollars cash, even at a discounted weekly rate.) Guess who isn't getting their deposit back?
So for the last week I've dropped hints about this incident. Today, someone from social services came to pick up the guys stuff, so I assume he's been remanded to psychiatric assessment instead of going to jail, and it's probably the last I'll hear about the issue.
What follows at first is a copy of the police report I made. The only changes are to remove names and identifying details. This will be followed by other details I learned of after making my report.
Incident report 6/27/09 <Infinitemonkies>, Night Auditor, <Hotel, location>
Upon arrival for my shift at approximately 11:20 pm on the night of Friday, June 26th, 2009, I was warned verbally by the previous shift to keep an eye on the guest in room 97.
I was advised that the guest, registered as <Crazy SC>, had been brought to this location, the <Hotel> at <street address>, by the RCMP, who stated that he hadn’t done anything wrong, but didn’t understand or speak English very well and needed a place to stay.
I was further informed that he had earlier brought a leaf to the front desk asking that it be placed “with the others.” This was followed by another visit with what appears to me to be some sort of lantern or decorative cover for an outdoor light. He reported claimed it was “an infection, and needs to be disinfected.”
At approximately 11:50pm, I could clearly hear what sounded like large amounts of packing or duct tape being pulled from a roll. At this time I considered knocking on his door to ask him to be quieter, but given the language barrier and surreal nature so far exhibited, I decided to ignore it unless it went on for a long time or another guest made a complaint.
Around midnight, <Crazy SC> came to the front desk, watched a few seconds of footage of a promotional video for a wine tour we have constantly playing in the lobby. He smiled in what I took to be approval and contentment, and said to me “Film,” then immediately returned to his room.
About ten minutes later, he again approached the desk, smacking himself on the back with a wooden-handled metal meat flipper, seemingly with a great deal of force. I greeted him and he seemed to indictate his room by pointing and gesturing. He then stated, quote, “My wife is my sister,” followed by a hand/tongue gestured used to indicate cunnilingus. He laughed, and went outside for a cigarette.
A few minutes after returning to his room, at approximately 12:20am, there came a very loud rhythmic banging, as though he were drumming on the walls. I knocked on his door. The banging stopped for a moment, then resumed. I knocked louder. The drumming stopped, and I knocked again in the silence to make sure I was heard. <Crazy SC> refused to answer the door. I stated loudly that he would have to be quiet. He screamed in reply “NO!” The banging resumed. I again knocked, and stated he would have to be quiet, or I would have to ask him to leave. He screamed “No” again, and I could hear that he was now hitting something glass.
I opened the door, and observed <Crazy SC> in the corner of the room, the large metal meat flipper in his left hand, and what appeared to be a small hand garden trowel in his right, which he was using to smash against the window of room 97. At this point he started yelling “Police.” I closed the door and immediately dialed 911 from the front desk. While I was given information to dispatch, I also called <Security guy>, head of <Hotel> security, on his pager and stated I needed him back at this location ASAP.
At this time, 12:29 am according to my cell phone log, I was also assisting a guest at the front desk, and fielding numerous calls from other guests and passers-by reporting the damage being caused by <Crazy SC>. On the first phone available I also called <el jefe>, the manager of this location, and told him <Crazy SC> has smashed his window.
Officers arrived quickly on the scene, and apparently apprehended <Crazy SC> on the sidewalk, having exited the building through his window after smashing it apart.
End report
I entered the room with security and several police officers who were photographing the damage. I noticed several things that were decidedly odd:
He had bought a 12-pack of disposable bic razors, taken the safety-cap-thingy off each of them, and placed them around his room in an obviously deliberate fashion. (ie. one on top of the tv, parallel the remote, one on each arm of the chair, one on each side of the sink, etc.)
He had also bought a 5-pack of irish springs soap, taken each bar out of the package, and likewise spread them throughout the room.
In addition, he had a 30-pack of toilet paper, thankfully not taken out of the package.
In one corner of the room, he had opened up a loaf of bread and spread the slices around like a gluten prayer mat.
Interestingly, that particular room had just been renovated, he was the first post-reno occupant. Part of the reno included installing a very large flat-screen tv in the room. Not only did he NOT damage the tv, but he had unplugged it, bundled up the power cable, and wraped it with a piece of electrical tape, exactly like you'd get it right out of the box.
He had torn the phone jack out of the wall, as well as an outlet in the bathroom. He also tore out the whatchamcallit metal box the outlet gets installed in, that mounts on the stud in the wall, and yanked out several feet of live wires.
A large cooler FILLED with cigarettes (must have been at least $400 worth) as well as 2 suspicious packages about the size of a cell phone, each wrapped with an entire roll of packing tape (never did find out what was in them, but I'm very curious.)
A ton of camping/fishing gear, marketed towards young girls, such as a pink Dora the Explorer pup tent and matching child-sized sleeping bag, a childs life jacket, small pink fishing rod, etc.
And my personal favorite: He had mounted over the bed a portrait of himself, done very much in the same style as the infamous Kramer portrait.
To top it off, it turns out he'd been a cash-paying guest, who'd paid for 10 days in advance (Over $1200 dollars cash, even at a discounted weekly rate.) Guess who isn't getting their deposit back?
