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Old bat at the old dolks home

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  • Old bat at the old dolks home

    This morning at 8.00 I went into one of our old people who likes to be awoken at 8.00 on the dot.

    I went in to her and she started immediately whinging that why did I wake her up so early, old people had no place to go anyway and nobody could make her bed right etc.

    I gave her her medicine and made her bed twice and finally I left from there.

    She was so annoying and distracting I nearly gave her the wrong tablets. If she would only have shut up for a minute there wouldn't have been any problem.

    The same thing at breakfast, nobody can give her hot porridge- nobody else complained.

    I am mad because she nearly made me give the wrong medicine because she wouldn't shut up and I was shaking so badly at breakfast I was hardly able to give her her porridge.
    It's been a long, long, long, long time...

  • #2
    Quoth chinashirtgirl View Post
    I am mad because she nearly made me give the wrong medicine because she wouldn't shut up and I was shaking so badly at breakfast I was hardly able to give her her porridge.
    I worked with the elderly for a few years out of highschool, and what you described is very typical. One day all is good the next no-one can do anything right.

    It takes an enormous amount of patience and a penchant for masochism to work with the elderly. (neither of which are one of my strengths and the reason I am not working in that field anymore)

    I have tremendous respect for people who can do this type of work succesfully. It is heartbreakingly difficult sometimes. Burn out rate is so high in healthcare because of the emotional and physical investment you pour into that type of career. What happened to you is going to continue to happen, it is human nature to run away or strike out when we are hurt. Not everyone handles illness very well so you will always be the target.


    • #3
      I'd apologise for treatment at the hands of my MIL...

      ...but she hasn't moved to a nursing home yet. She will as soon as a long-term bed is available, though.
      Oh, the other comment-makers are correct; for many residents, you'll NEVER do ANYTHING right. Ever. These are people for whom complaining is their only way of interacting with their environment. The best you can do is remind them that you'll try to do better next time. It won't change them, but having a quick answer that you can give without any effort will make is seem (to them, anyway), that you've acknowleged them, and that their feelings are understood (not that you have any ability to make them happy, but that you know they're NOT happy.)
      Elder care is. HARD. WORK. Thank you for making someone's parent/aunt/uncle safe and as comfortable as possible. You deserve a plate of warm cookies and a whole lot more money than you're making.


      • #4
        Quoth Librarybabe View Post
        Elder care is. HARD. WORK. Thank you for making someone's parent/aunt/uncle safe and as comfortable as possible. You deserve a plate of warm cookies and a whole lot more money than you're making.

        I second that. I know that I wouldnt have the patience for it to be honest. Bless you.

        What kind of medication system do you have? Im guessing its not computerized. Do u have a med cart you go around with and all that?


        • #5
          Quoth Amina516 View Post
          What kind of medication system do you have? Im guessing its not computerized. Do u have a med cart you go around with and all that?
          We have a thing called "apodos" that means that the medicine is in little plastic bags every time like 8.00, 12.00, 18.00 and 20.00.

          This particular woman had an apodos and a dosette which means a few extra tablets not in the plastic bag. It was those that I missed.

          Today I had her again and it was the same old complaints but I was in a different mood today and actually found her funny with all her complaining. I started laughing at what she was saying and would you believe that actually changed her mood and she became more pleasant?!?

          So I guess that's how to tackle it in the future! Just joke along with her!

          Thanks for all the warm wishes!! Working with the elderly is very demanding but also rewarding. I'm glad though that I could vent here among understanding people!!
          It's been a long, long, long, long time...

