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Evil, Creepy, and Stupid.

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  • Evil, Creepy, and Stupid.

    Evil Lunatic Strikes Again!

    OK, in my first thread I mentioned working retail. I also currently work at a law office. First off, let me establish that two lawyers have offices in this building. I work for "John." I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with "Amy's" practice, unless you count transferring phone calls to voice mail, and sometimes taking mail back to her assistant.
    I do, however, usually stay later than either Amy or her assistant. So sometimes I take calls from people who want to talk to Amy. In this case:

    Me: "Hello, Law Offices, How can I help you?"
    ELWRFMG: I want to talk to Amy.
    Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, but Amy and her assistant are both out of the office for the evening. If you can leave a message on her voice mail, she or her assistant will call you back in the morning.
    ELWRFMG: Well, my son's in jail, and it's all Amy's fault and I want to talk to her and tell her that she ruined my life because my son won't be here for Thanksgiving, or Christmas. (Insert profanity as you desire, there was a lot of it)
    Me: Well, I'm sorry, ma'am, but I truly can't do anything for you. If you wish to speak with Amy, you will have to leave a message.
    ELWRFMGstill spewing profanity and yelling about how Amy destroyed her family)
    Me: *looks terrified*
    John: Oh, is that the Crazy Lady? She rents from your grandma, you know. Haven't you heard about her? She calls here every year around this time.
    Me: *nods*
    ELWRFMGstill yelling)
    John: hang up on her.
    ELWRFMG: (still yelling)
    me: *looks terrified some more*
    John: hang up on her.
    Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, I wish I could help, but I can't. *hangs up* Are you sure she isn't going to come after me now?
    John: *laughs*

    It turns out she is now harassing my grandma, too. She calls with questions like, "What are the people across the street doing? Why aren't they parked the same place they were parked yesterday? What are you going to DO about the fact that they moved their car?"

    Creepy Men Who Like My Chest - part 1
    Why I hate mirrored sunglasses

    I also spent 3 months in Alaska, where I climbed a lot of mountains. A LOT of mountains. And thousands upon thousands of stairs. I lost about fifteen pounds that summer. All of it from my stomach, none from my chest. I made the mistake of wearing a slightly tight-fitting shirt on my first day back to working at TV Hardware. (Where, by the way, my brother also works)

    Me: Scanning items
    Sunglass man: (to my brother) Wow, you're a lucky guy, you get to spend your time here with the pretty girl.
    Brother: Uh, gross, man, she's my sister!
    Sunglass man: Oh! Well, then, it's my lucky day, because I get to see the pretty girl!

    Let me draw this scene for you. This man would be somewhat taller than me, except that our register area is elevated slightly, so that customers typically have to look up slightly to look me in the eye. This man's face was pointing straight ahead... about at my throat. I am aware that my throat is not a particularly interesting area of my body, and although with mirrored sunglasses he could have been directing his eyes at my face, his comments, vocal tone, and the creepy feeling I had about him all suggested that he was actually staring somewhat lower than my throat.

    I fought back the urge to slap him, yell "I'm up here!," rip off his sunglasses, or run away crying, finished the transaction, and went to my supervisor to inform her that I would no longer be helping male customers who wore mirrored sunglasses. She, being the wonderful person that she was (she died of cancer last fall, and every single person at the store misses her terribly) told me in no uncertain terms that if I was ever uncomfortable with a customer again, I was to call one of the boys to finish the transaction, and remove myself from the situation.

    Creepy Men Who Like My Chest - part 2
    Learn your numbers before you ask for them
    I don't have a problem with hispanic people who have difficulties with English, in general. I understand that it is scary and uncomfortable to be in a place where you dont' understand the language, and intimidating to even begin to learn the language. Some things, in my mind, are more important than others.

    Also, for the record, my brother speaks fluent Spanish. I speak German and enough Spanish to find a bathroom or order a meal.

    Creep: *waves key at me, pointing to the key machine and jabbering in Spanish.*
    Me: You would like a key made?
    Creep: si. yes.
    Me: How many?
    Creep: *looks confused*
    Me: Would you like one key or two? (hoping that at least he would recognize "one" and "two" and pick up on what I was asking)
    Creep continues looking confused.
    Me: (into my radio) Bob, could you come cut a key please? (to Creep) Would you like one? *hold up one finger* or two? *two fingers* *point to key to clarify that I am referring to his keys*
    Creep: Two. Two.
    Bob arrives and I request two copies of the key.
    Creep: You have telephone?
    Me: yes.
    Creep: I can have your number?
    Me: No.
    Creep: Why no?
    Me: I don't give out my number to people I don't know.
    Creep: I call. Then you know me.
    Me: I don't give out my number.
    Creep: Please?
    Me: No, I'm sorry, I don't give out my number.
    Creep: I call you.
    Me: No.
    Creep: You pretty. I give you number. You call, I take you dinner. *hands me a business card and walks away*

    This guy didn't make me feel as naked as Sunglass man, so mostly I told my Supervisor because I knew everyone would get a kick out of the guy who couldn't understand "how many" but could ask for a girl's phone number with no problems.

    So you would use the easier one to use?
    I was checking out a customer at ABC fabrics when the phone rang, so I called my supervisor, "Kari," up to grab the phone. As I was finishing my transaction, this is what I heard.
    Kari: ...Yes, we do have several different shades of brown vinyl. ...Well, yes, there are some that are chocolate color, but it would be best if you could come in and determine whether one of them matches what you want yourself. ... We carry vinyl that is backed with flannel and some that is backed in knit. ...The flannel backed costs $$$ and the knit backed costs $$$. Well, for that, I personally would use the flannel backed. ...It's more flexible and easier to work with. ...Flannel is soft. ... Yes, kind of fuzzy. ... No, not furry. ...Yes, we do have some in brown. ... yes, we have a few different shades. ...yes, flannel backed and knit backed. ... well no, it isn't stretchy. ... I would use the flannel backed. ... It's more flexible and easier to use. (and so on and so forth for several minutes.) ... Could you hold for a moment, please? ... OK. *puts customer on hold.*
    Jess, could you take this phone call for me? I've answered all of her questions several times, and she just doesn't seem to be understanding, and I just can't take it anymore.
    Me: sure. *picks up phone* This is Emily, how can I help you?
    SC: Yes, I'm trying to cover a child's chair in vinyl. Do you have brown vinyl?
    Me: Yes, we do have several different shades of brown vinyl. We have some that is backed with flannel and some that is backed with knit fabric. The flannel backed costs $$$ and the knit backed costs $$$.
    SC: Which one would you use, if you were doing this?
    Me: I would use the flannel backed. It's easier to deal with because it's thinner and more flexible.
    SC: What's the difference between flannel backed and knit backed?
    Me: The vinyl is the same, but for stability, vinyl has fabric fused to the back. The knit backed one has knit fabric, like a T-shirt, fused to it, and the flannel-backed has flannel fused to it.
    SC: Is the knit backed stretchy?
    Me: No, because the vinyl is bound to the knit, so even though knit fabric is stretchy, once its fused it doesn't stretch.
    SC: Can you spell flannel for me?
    Me: F-L-A-N-N-E-L
    SC: OK. F-L-A-N-N-E-L (as if taking notes). What is flannel?
    Me: It's a woven fabric, so it isn't stretchy, and it's soft and kind of fuzzy.
    SC: Furry?
    Me: No, not really, just like winter pajamas. fuzzy.
    SC: Oh. So would you use the flannel backed or the knit backed?

    OK you get the picture. Lets just say this went on for a full fifteen minutes, with only two employees in the store and customers to help, too. Finally, when I was asked "Who manufactures the flannel backed vinyl, and where is it made?" which was at least a creative new question, I may have rolled my eyes slightly. ONLY physically, not in my voice. SC had no idea. Kari did. "Put her on hold," she directed.
    Kari: OK. We've both been dealing with this woman for several minutes, we have patiently answered all of her questions multiple times, and we have recommended multiple times that she come in to see the vinyl for herself. Right?
    Me: yeah.
    Kari: OK. Give me the phone. *picks up* Ma'am?... yes. Well, we don't have that information available. If you call back tomorrow and talk to the woman who does the ordering, she may be able to help you with that. ... Well, actually, we have several customers in the store, and we have been on the phone with you for fifteen minutes now, so we really need to get back to helping them.
    SC (loudly): You've been TIMING me!? I'm a customer, I'm going to come in and spend money at your store, and you're TIMING me? Don't you want my business?
    Kari: Actually, ma'am, I don't really care if you buy from us or not at this time. We really need to get back to our other customers. I'm going to hang up now, good bye. *hangs up*
    Now, admittedly, telling the SC that she didn't care if we got her business or not was probably not the best choice, and I can think of at least two things that could have been said that would have kept everyone happy and calm, but Kari has a breaking point, after which she isn't really concerned with keeping SC's happy. So instead, she called the manager and explained what had happened. The manager agreed that the end could have been handled better, but mostly supported the decision to hang up on this individual. The customers who are actually in the store are our first priority. Part of the explanation was, "Even JESS was getting irritated." Apparently, despite having a famously short temper for most of my life, I have a reputation for a cool head when dealing with SC's. I'm proud of myself for that.

  • #2
    Girls shouldn't get angry at men for looking at them. It's genetic. We cannot do anything about it. We like looking at pretty girls. It's not meant to be degrading or anything else. We are visual beings.

    What you can get angry about is aholes. Because they, for the love of god, cannot shut their mouth for long enough to not embarass themselves. No, that pretty girl DOES NOT want you to mention her breasts in public WHILE SHE IS WORKING. If she wanted to get hit on, she would be in a single bar or on a datingsite. Now SHUT THE FRAK UP enjoy the view and leave.
    Melody Gardot


    • #3
      I agree with Claud. If I can't look at girls once in a while, then you might as well tell me to stop watching TV for a while because "The graphic nature offends you".
      Anyways, telephone SCs are the worst IMO. I can't punch someone through a phone.


      • #4
        Sorry, but "it's genetic" is not an excuse to stare at a stranger's breasts and make them feel uncomfortable. I realise it's human nature to want to look, but we have a little something called self-control/social skills, which allow us to NOT engage in shitty behavior just because there is an urge to do so.


        • #5
          Quoth Calud View Post
          Girls shouldn't get angry at men for looking at them. It's genetic. We cannot do anything about it. We like looking at pretty girls. It's not meant to be degrading or anything else. We are visual beings.

          What you can get angry about is aholes. Because they, for the love of god, cannot shut their mouth for long enough to not embarass themselves. No, that pretty girl DOES NOT want you to mention her breasts in public WHILE SHE IS WORKING. If she wanted to get hit on, she would be in a single bar or on a datingsite. Now SHUT THE FRAK UP enjoy the view and leave.
          The problem she has is the men who talk to her breasts, not to her face. I can enjoy looking at a girl, but if she starts talking to me, my focus is on her face, not her chest. Mirrored sunglasses man probably wasn't giving her that courtesy.


          • #6
            There's looking and then there's STARING. It's natural to glance. It's not natural to stare so hard you can actually FEEL their eyes on you.
            I normally reciprocate by staring very hard at their crotch region.
            The report button - not just for decoration


            • #7
              Hiking in Alaska....I am insanely jealous. Oh Denali....I will see you one day.

              "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
              "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


              • #8
                Quoth iradney View Post
                There's looking and then there's STARING. It's natural to glance. It's not natural to stare so hard you can actually FEEL their eyes on you.
                I normally reciprocate by staring very hard at their crotch region.
                Like some comic once said;" there's a fine line between an admiring glance, and the piercing stare of a psychopath"
                And the sky was full of stars... and every star, an exploding ship, one of ours...


                • #9
                  Quoth iradney View Post
                  I normally reciprocate by staring very hard at their crotch region.
                  Which is probably counter productive.
                  Last edited by trunks2k; 07-09-2009, 01:04 PM.


                  • #10
                    Quoth iradney View Post
                    There's looking and then there's STARING. It's natural to glance. It's not natural to stare so hard you can actually FEEL their eyes on you.
                    I normally reciprocate by staring very hard at their crotch region.
                    Quoth trunks2k View Post
                    Which is probably counter productive.
                    Not if she can perfect the "Nothing interesting there!" sniff/expression.
                    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                    • #11
                      Quoth jess_hawk View Post
                      Evil Lunatic Strikes Again!

                      Creep: I call. Then you know me.
                      AWWWWW....I almost feel sorry for the guy. What is it with guys being attracted to women in 'uniform'?
                      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                      • #12
                        Quoth jess_hawk View Post
                        Now, admittedly, telling the SC that she didn't care if we got her business or not was probably not the best choice,
                        No. It was probably the best thing to say.

                        Businesses are run to make money. From that money, they employ people such as yourself.

                        Profitable customers, those who spend more money at the business than it costs to service them, are to be treasured and encouraged to return.

                        Unprofitable customers, on the other hand, should be discouraged.

                        Even if a customer spends a great deal of money, they are not necessarily a 'profitable' customer, if they constantly demand more time from the employees than their purchase is worth.

                        My father used to own a lighting franchise, and he would constantly bewilder his employees by refusing to accept large orders from difficult businesses. He ran a profitable enterprise (enough so that he could afford to put each of his children through expensive private schooling and university) by making decisions like that.

                        When he sold it, it went under in eighteen months. Mostly due to the fact that the new owner took *all* orders, including the large, unprofitable ones.


                        • #13
                          Quoth jess_hawk View Post
                          So you would use the easier one to use?
                          She asked you the same questions multiple times, ignored your answers, then gets irked at you because you tried to stop her wasting your time? You and your boss both have the patience of the saints; I think I would have lost it after the third go-round and given it to her with both barrels.

                          Damn it, when someone answers your question, you listen to the answer and remember it! It's not rocket science!
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!


                          • #14
                            Thanks everybody.

                            Yes, regarding Sunglass man: Yes, men will look. I'm used to that. Staring is another matter. The shirt was a little tight but not immodest (ie not inviting undo attention), and I was at work. If you want me to answer a question, sir, it is my head which hears and answers, and not my breasts.
                            Anyway, I work at a hardware store: I deal with a LOT of men, of all ages, who do everything from make off color comments to try to set me up with their friends and relatives... I deal with them all quite well. This was only the second time I've ever had a customer make me uncomfortable enough to refuse to deal with them in the future.

                            The Hispanic guy, yeah, it was kind of cute in a creepy way. lol.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kali View Post
                              Sorry, but "it's genetic" is not an excuse to stare at a stranger's breasts and make them feel uncomfortable. I realise it's human nature to want to look, but we have a little something called self-control/social skills, which allow us to NOT engage in shitty behavior just because there is an urge to do so.
                              Well, yes that was what I was saying but maybe didn't express properly.

                              Although I have to defend my statement about it being genetic. It really is.

                              There were experiment done in canada that prove that men that are aroused cannot think straight. This would be the equivalent of a women during her period. (not the best comparision but I think you get the basics.)

                              They tested three groups.

                              They were asked to look at pictures and then decide if they wanted to get 50$ now or 100$ in 2 weeks.

                              Group A were men, they were shown pornographic pictures.
                              Group B were men, they were shown non-pornographic pictures. Waterfalls, landscapes, etc.
                              Group C were women, they were also shown pornographic pictures.

                              Group B and C, obviously, took the 100$. But all subjects from Group A took the 50$.

                              The conclusion really is that an aroused man is not able to think straight. Thats why I think that burkas are not that bad of an idea. Just the excecution of the idea is done really badly.
                              Last edited by Calud; 07-09-2009, 07:50 PM.
                              Melody Gardot

