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Not so important now

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  • Not so important now

    I work in a pharmacy and last week our delivery driver was off so the staff members would take the delievers around the village to people deemed an emergancy or people who are bed bound. On thursday we got a phone call from a distressed lady who wanted an emergancy delivery, she wad 85 and lived close so I said I'd walk it down there. I really didn't mind as it's only a 2 minute walk from the store . So off I go to her house and this is where a sweet old lady in desperate need becomes an SC

    I get to her house and as usual with the warden controlled apartments her front door is slightly open. For our own safety we're not allowed to enter their apartments. This is to protect us from the senile ones claiming we robbed them. I knock on her door and no one answers. I can hear a TV on so I wait assuming she's getting up and being 85 might take awhile. After about 3 mintues I ring the bell again and still no one comes. Feeling a bit worried as there's obvious signs of life I went to the warden and told him that number 7 wasn't answering the door even though I can hear the TV. He thanks me for my concearn and said he will go and check imediatly. Again for security I can only give the medication to the patient so I take it back to the store. The manager and other staff all feel a little concearned for the women as she was very desperate on the phone and we're all hoping she hasn't been taken ill. I don't hear anything about it till the next morning when my manager says

    MANAGER :remember that lady you delievered to yesturday but she didn't respond?
    ME: yes, is she ok?
    MANAGER: oh she's fine. She phoned today saying she didn't come to the door as she didn't want to miss the end of her programme
    ME ....even though she phoned 5 minutes before begging for a delievery and I was there 2 minutes after her call?
    MANAGER: Yes, I told her she has to wait till the driver gets back now seeing as she's not an emergancy

    people like her are why other staff members refuse to take deliveries to people 'in need' on their way home now. Liars ruin it for the good people.

  • #2
    Gah. We don't do delivery as a general rule, unless it's for a long-time customer that's in a bind. I've done that a few times. (apparently she lights a candle for me now at mass, which is very sweet of her i need all the help I can get)


    • #3
      She could have at least said something like "come in".
      "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


      • #4
        Goooooooood grief.
        Everything I do goes through...

        Think About It Central

