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Yay! The creep is gone!

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  • Yay! The creep is gone!

    Or at least he can't come through our lines any more.

    Alright... Since I've started working there, there's this guy. I think he's slightly slow in the head, but he's still creepy.

    He came in every day, would spend a good half hour pretending to read a newspaper while actually peeking around it to stare at me and the other younger girls. Once he'd decided he had stared long enough, he'd take the newspaper, wander through the store a bit (presumably now to stare at the new girl in deli), end up picking up a soda from one of the coolers, maybe a magazine, and going through the lines of one of aforementioned girls.

    Then he'd leave comment cards. They used to be varying in wording, but recently they've all looked like this:

    "<girl cashier>-Cashier: Soso helpful and pretty. A++. You should award her"
    <insert name and his phone number here>

    It's not too bad, but at the same time, it's made a couple of our cashiers really uncomfortable. To the point where they leave the front end and hide up in the break room until he's gone.

    So when I get in last night, I'm informed that if he comes in at any point from now on, one of us is to get either whichever MOD is there, or the store manager. Last night he came in, so I got our manager B who went and talked to him and basically told him that he's not allowed to go through the lines of any of the younger girls any more

    I don't think he quite got it, because he then attempted to go through the line of one of his "favorites." B just simply picked up the few things he had on the belt and moved him a couple registers down.

    I'm not sure how well this will work unless we go through this EVERY time this guy comes in, but it would honestly be worth it because these girls are quite honestly either nervous or flat out frightened when he shows up. We had already started hiding the comment cards when he comes around, but I guess this is a step up. Hopefully it works, but I doubt it seeing as we only have three men trained on the registers at this time, and the older women are usually gone by 5 or 6 at the latest.

    I figure if he comes in, he can come through my line seeing as while I find him creepy, he doesn't scare me in the least. He never tries anything beyond the comment cards and never says anything directly to us, so I don't view him as potentially dangerous.
    I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

    After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...

  • #2
    Ban him. There is no excuse for your manager putting up with this assclown. From a legal perspective, allowing this terrifying creep to continue coming in the store could be construed as a hostile working environment. He's still going to continue ogling the female employees, even if he doesn't use their registers.

    From a business perspective, the costs of the female employees hiding in the breakroom every time he shows up HAVE to be bigger than the profits the store is making from whatever he is buying.



    • #3
      Agreed with sirwired, he needs to be banned. It's to the point where cashiers are afraid of him, which is not right.

      A customer like him is not worth keeping.
      "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
      ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


      • #4
        The only issue with banning him is that no one has ever talked to him before. So they want to give him one or two warnings before they ban him; especially since, as I said, he's a bit slow mentally.

        We realize it's not going to do much, but as long as we give him plenty of warning, we don't have to worry about any repercussions where he's concerned. We know we're going to ban him because that's the only way to solve it, but it's not a severe enough case (i.e. him actually coming onto one of them directly) to where the rest of us, aforementioned girls included, feel that banning him immediately would be a good idea.

        But we have run all the decisions past the girls. They understand why we're handling it the way we are and are ok with it as long as we don't let it go past one or two more times.
        I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

        After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...


        • #5
          while I agree with the whole "let's ban him" scenario, reading Melodious's latest post kind of sets things in scenario.

          At this stage, you can refuse service to him. it might be enough to stop him shopping there if he's discouraged from doing so. But if he's still doing it and then he does hit on one of the girls, then yep..."Hello Mr. Security Guard, can we have some shiny bracelets please? "

          Too bad you can't get him for soliciting a minor.
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            Quoth fireheart17 View Post
            Too bad you can't get him for soliciting a minor.
            If they were minors, maybe we could >.<
            Last edited by MelodiousBubbles; 07-11-2009, 12:02 AM.
            I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

            After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...


            • #7
              Quoth fireheart17 View Post
              "Hello Mr. Security Guard, can we have some shiny bracelets please? "
              Ahh, if only it were as simple as the ability to do that. Most security guards, unless hired by the store itself cannot do that. Liability issues.

