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Let ma call a checker up just for [I]you[/I]!

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  • Let ma call a checker up just for [I]you[/I]!

    Arg this guy was a jerk. There were only two of us checkers in the front, I was in Express (15 or less) and another employee, Fay, was in the regular checkstand right next to me. Fay only had one person in her line, and she was close to finishing up. I had one person in my line as well, and had just finished when Jerkwad approaches Fays line. He kind of hovers there, glancing over at my line, which was now empty. Mind you, he has a cart FULL of stuff. He inches over to my line,
    Me= Me!

    JW: (as he pushes into my line, he says gruffly,) I have too many for express but you dont have anyone.

    Just the way he says it, I know I am not going to let him get away with it.

    ME: She is open right there for bigger orders, (I point to Fays line)

    JW: She's already helping someone. (And he actually starts unloading on my belt!)

    ME: Then I will call another checker up just for you. (And yes, I did emphasize the just for you part)

    JW: So you wont help me?

    ME: No. This is an express line.

    I immediately called someone up for him. He throws his unloaded stuff back in his cart and stomps off.

    Ok, I'd like to think I do a pretty good job of enforcing the express lane, only because other customers tend to get pissy about it. And judging by this guys attitude, if he were the one waiting in express with only a few items, he'd be the first to let me know how inconvienienced he was by having to wait for a big order. As the situation was, Fay would have been long done with the order she was working on long before he even had his stuff unloaded.

    I have taken over the limit before, but not by much. Mostly its because we are getting a little busy, and I know I can have the order rung up pretty quick and no one would even be the wiser. I will not do it for huge cartloads though. Our express lane is a tandem lane, meaning its two checkstands in one. It only has one belt which is about 2 feet long and only has about a foot of room to set bagged groceries. (compare that to a standard belt which is like 5 feet long + they have another belt about 3 feet long to take the groceries down to the bagger) I cannot leave this checkstand to load a cart, because the other part of this tandem lane blocks me. Tell me how in the hell am I supposed to ring up a huge load, and where the hell am I going to put it? It. Just. Doesnt. Work. That. Way.

    Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.

  • #2
    That's the thing right there: SC's dont' think of anything else than what THEY want.

    I got stuck on the Express for most of my shift today. I don't have a problem if it's a couple over the limit (ours is 12 or less) but when they try to come through (even though there's 3 other lanes open) with a full cart, then there's an issue.

    Our express lane is on one side of a kiosk in the middle of the store. The other lane on the other side is a regular lane, then you have Customer Service in the middle at the front. There's simply no area for large order at the Express side.

    I had one woman who tried to act clueless over the fact that she was in the Express line with a rather full buggy load. This is pretty much how it went:

    DG (me, of course, your sickenly friendly cashier)
    CL (clueless lady w/full basket)

    DG: *leaning over counter* Ma'am *pointing at the full buggy* Do you realize you're in the Express Lane? It's 12 or less over here.

    CL: *shaking head* I don't understand you

    DG: *speaking up a notch and pointing at the light, which clearly says Express Lane 12 items or less* This line is for 12 items or less, Ma'am.

    CL: *still shaking head* What?

    DG: *getting louder* YOU"RE IN THE EXPRESS LANE, MA'AM. You have way more than 12 items. *evil glare and wishing for a ball bat*

    CL: Oh. *finally sees sign I have been pointing to while the long line behind her looks at her with daggers* I'm in the Express. Sorry *sheepishly starts to back out while people behind her are moving so she can get her butt over to a regular lane*

    Next time, I'll be sure to ask for whipped cream on top
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


    • #3
      I hated the express lane when I worked at Publix. It always had to stay open and the older cashiers had the bad habbit of telling customers to come to my line when they had to use the restroom. I'd send them right back because it was me who would get bitched out by the guy with one item. Then you'd get the idiot that would just let anyone come in the express line so the same customers would think that I would let them slide with 30 items in the 10 items or less line. They'd say things like "I know I have more than 10 items, but I'm going to come in your line anyway" in a cutesy tone.

