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You are wrong! Uh, no I'm not

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  • You are wrong! Uh, no I'm not

    My first SC story!

    This just happened to me today (I work at a major USA office supply store chain).

    First a tiny bit of background info. We've been running a special on self-service color copies that will continue indefinitely. $0.39 for color. The catch is that this price only applies to letter size (8.5 x 11) paper. Legal size (8.5 x 14) is $0.79 and Ledger (11 x 17) is $1.39. It's not uncommon for people to not realize that the larger sizes are more expensive, but usually they realize that it's perfectly logical and don't put up a huge fight.

    Not this guy. He comes up with a single color copy, in ledger size.

    Me: How are you today, sir?
    SC: Just one copy.
    *rings in 1 color ledger copy; SC puts two quarters on the counter*
    Me: That will be $1.39 please"
    SC: What?!
    Me: $1.39
    SC: Sign says $0.39! YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!

    Ok, now I usually don't take this sort of thing personally; I've been a CSR for too long to let that happen. But 1) I wasn't expecting trouble for such a prosaic transaction and 2) being so rudely informed that I am wrong when I know I wasn't just burned me. I could feel my face flushing with anger, and it was all I could do to keep my tone of voice in check.

    Me: Sir, it's $0.39 for 8.5 x 11 copies ONLY. This *points to his copy* is in LEDGER, which is $1.39!
    SC: No, it's $0.39, AND I did it myself!

    All the registers have a copy of the self serve copy price slip taped up on them. The exact same slip that is at each and every copy machine. So I pulled the slip off and showed it to him

    Me: Sir, $0.39 is for letter size. *points to the price for letter* Your copy *points to it again* is LEDGER size. 11x17. The price for ledger is $1.39 *points to ledger price.*

    The SC stared at the pricing slip for several seconds, then stammered again:

    SC:I made it myself!
    Me: Sir, this is the SELF-SERVE pricing list *points to the top of the slip which says "Self Service Copy Pricing"*

    So after staring at the slip for several more seconds, he pulled out a dollar bill and handed it to me.

    *rings out transaction, gives SC $0.11 change*

    Me (in normal tone): $0.11 is your change, here's your receipt, and have a nice day.

    *SC stalks off without a word*

    Just WOW. YOU ARE WRONG! No, no I'm not. YOU ARE and HERE'S THE PROOF. I just wish I was allowed to kick people out sometimes (only managers are allowed to do that here).
    Last edited by Dave1982; 11-21-2006, 10:28 PM. Reason: typos
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Dave1982 View Post
    YOU ARE WRONG! No, no I'm not. YOU ARE and HERE'S THE PROOF.

    Hahaha, isn't it fantastic when you are able to prove right then and there that a customer is wrong? Must feel great to be perfectly in the right to give 'em their own attitude right back in their face . . . I live vicariously through stories of justice; I have another one to add to the collection!

    BTW . . . to
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      Oh, how I love it when stupid SCs tell me how to do my job. Yes lady, I know perfectly well how to bill your insurance, no, that is NOT the wrong copay, that is what you've been paying since time immemorial, because YOU want the brand name, despite the fact that the doctor says it's ok for you to have the generic. Tough titties.


      • #4
        I love being able to prove people wrong. It's even better when you can point out that not only are they wrong, but you have proof that they wanted it the way you did it.


        • #5
          Quoth kerrisan View Post
          Hahaha, isn't it fantastic when you are able to prove right then and there that a customer is wrong? Must feel great to be perfectly in the right to give 'em their own attitude right back in their face . . . I live vicariously through stories of justice; I have another one to add to the collection!

          BTW . . . to
          Yes, it is fantastic. Thanks for the welcome and the feedback.

          I've got PLENTY of good (well, at least I think so) SC stories that have come to mind as I've browsed the site here. I'll be off to post another soon.
          "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

          RIP Plaidman.


          • #6
            Quoth Dave1982 View Post
            So after staring at the slip for several more seconds, he pulled out a dollar bill and handed it to me.

            *rings out transaction, gives SC $0.11 change*

            Me (in normal tone): $0.11 is your change, here's your receipt, and have a nice day.
            So you charged him $0.89 for a $1.39 copy? how come?
            I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

            "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


            • #7
              The guy had already put 50 cents on the counter -- the buck was in addition to that.

              I'm guessing.

              Great story!
              Everything I do goes through...

              Think About It Central


              • #8
                Quoth BlakeMP View Post
                The guy had already put 50 cents on the counter -- the buck was in addition to that.

                I'm guessing.

                Great story!
                Yes. He had already put 50 cents down, so in total he gave me $1.50

                Should have made that a littel clearer. Sorry.
                "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                RIP Plaidman.


                • #9
                  YOU ARE WRONG! No, no I'm not. YOU ARE and HERE'S THE PROOF:

                  I've been meaning to post this for a while. It's not really necessary, but this is the self serve slip available at EVERY copy machine. Right there in black and white for the SC to ignore.

                  (Sorry about the quality; the slip got mangled in my pocket.)
                  "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                  RIP Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    Telling me how to do my job, are we?

                    As if you don't know how much stuff costs! You only work there....

                    I get so many customers giving me grief about our prices at my lab. Our prices are out there plain as day... except that they're all priced for 24 exposures (as it says on my display).

                    Of course, if your roll has more than 24 pictures on it, it's gonna cost a little more than the posted price. On the other hand, if you have fewer than 24 exposures, then it'll cost less. We have no idea how many exposures are on your roll; that's the magic of film!

                    If you want a price sheet, I can show you one (but you can't take it home with you!).

                    If I had a PENNY for every time a customer declared at me, "I thought it would be $6.99!", I wouldn't have to work. Ever.
                    "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                    -- The Meteor Principle

                    Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                    • #11
                      Reading is sooo hard:

                      Today I had a woman come in who was very pissed off because she had been "overcharged!"

                      At which point she shoved the receipt in my face.

                      "Um, Ma' weren't charged anything. It was a free rental, see?"

                      and I show her the charge line.


                      Apparently she looked at the receipt and saw the number 5 on it...which is how many days she can keep the rental.

                      And here's one on me:

                      Out shopping for new bed linens with my husband when I see a sale sign above the pillows that say $1.00. ONE dollar?!!! I can't belive it!! OMG I get very excited. I am going to buy EVERY pillow in that pile! OMG!!! I pull my husband's sleeve and point out the sign making little squealing noises that I hope aren't too loud because I don't want any of the other shoppers to see the sign. Fantastic!

                      And my husband gives me a look that says, "When I married you it was because I thought you were the most intelligent woman in the world, but love blinded me, because you were obviously dropped on the head repeatedly and with purpose as a child"...and then he points at the sign again and says, "Baby,'s buy one pillow (at $40.00) and get the second one for a dollar".

                      Granted, they were very good and grand pillows and that's still a good bargain, but I was crushed...and exceptionaly relieved that I hadn't dragged the entire display box of pillows up to the register.


                      • #12
                        Gah, had one today too. Big ugly wench flounced in, and slapped a receipt on my counter, sighing that she's been having sooooooo much trouble with this prescription, that this was the 2nd monday she had to come in for it. The problem? She didn't think we had run it through her insurance.
                        I look: "Well yes ma'am, we did indeed put it through your insurance. $61 is your copay for this medication. If I had not put it through, it would have cost you $118."
                        BUW: "No you didn't! I talked with my insurance company just a few hours ago, and they said my copay should have been $55! YOU people charged me wrong! The lady that was here said that it would be $55!"
                        Me: "Do you know who it was here that told you it would be $55?"
                        BUW: "NO, I don't memorize you people!" (that's exactly how she said it, too. Yeah, lady, it was that awful Somebody tech. Somebody is constantly giving out misinformation. I have no idea who Somebody is, I've never worked with him, but Somebody needs a slap upside the head, apparently. )
                        Me: "Well, if you checked with your insurance company just a few hours ago, perhaps they fixed something on their end. I'm billing it correctly here. Let me go ahead and rerun it and see if anything comes up differently." *typety type type type* "Nope, it's still coming up as the $61 copay. This is the copay that your insurance is telling me to bill you. I submit the claim electronically to them, then they come back to me with the appropriate copay. I have no say in what the cost will be."
                        BUW: "Well, if you don't get it to the $55, I'm gonna bring this medication back and have it filled somewhere else!" (yeah, because other pharmacies charge different copays. ya, right. Well, they do, but only if it's a percentage of the total cost, then it's dependent on the original cost of the med, or depending on if there's a preferred pharmacy. Neither was the case here.)
                        Me: "I cannot return a medication once it's left the pharmacy."
                        BUW: "Well, you've done it before!"
                        Me: "If you want that as an option, you'll need to talk to the pharmacy manager, she's away at lunch right now, she'll be back in 30 minutes or so."
                        BUW:"Well, that figures. So I'm just going to call my insurance company again, tell them that you're not going to give me the $55 copay, and that if I want a refund I have to talk to your manager?" (said threateningly, wierdly enough)
                        And off she huffed. Here's to hoping I pissed her off badly enough she joins Crazy Eye Drop lady at Rite Aid.

