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There's SOMETHING wrong!

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  • There's SOMETHING wrong!

    I was casually minding my own business stocking cigarettes when a man comes up...this is the scene:

    CW: Preggers and awesome!
    SC: Old man who can't do math
    SCW: The wife who can't believe it

    SC: Where is your manager?
    CW: Actually our manager is not here right now but I can try to help you with any questions you might have.
    SC: *pulls out a receipt for the pump he was on* This is wrong, there's something wrong with this.
    Me: (could you be more specific?) What exactly is wrong with it?
    CW: *pulls out a calculator to see if there was a mistake with the math.* With this math, it turns out that it's all correct.
    Me: *does the math again to make sure* Yup, it looks to be correct.
    SC: There's something WRONG with it! I'm questioning this, there's something wrong! (I think by now we know that you think there is something wrong)
    CW: Well, if you could write down your phone number and your name, we can alert the manager that you think there is something wrong with this transaction and see what he thinks about it.
    SC: Well, that's good because I've never had to pay this much for gas before.
    CW: I see you got the Plus instead of the Regular, did you mean to do this?
    SC: Yes, I always get the middle one!
    Me: Well, our prices went down YESTERDAY, I did the change myself, and it says on the receipt that those prices are correct.

    He leaves and five minutes later his wife comes in.

    SCW: Hi, he came in here before *waves the receipt* there is something wrong with this.
    Me: Yes, he explained that he was questioning it, but the math is correct.
    SCW: Let me do it myself, I want to make sure.
    Me: *I do it in front of her (you have to put the extra nine at the end or it doesn't turn out right and then she'd be like, "HA!" and she'd be wrong) and it turns out the same* See, it all works out if you do the math correctly.
    SCW: Well, I know how much that car gets, it had a quarter of a tank left and it shouldn't be this high!
    Me: Was there any splashback?
    SCW: No. I think your pump pumped too much gas.
    Me: But you said there was no splashback right?
    SCW: Right. There's something wrong with that. (I KNOW YOU THINK THAT ALREADY!!!)

    I just wanted to scream at her: There is no way that your car can hold more than a full tank of gas. Our pumps literally are incapable of pumping more gas into your car than what it can hold. Your car either has broken gauges, or you're just an idiot. Go away, stupid, go away.

  • #2
    Ugh, I hate it when customers try to argue against the pumps.
    I remember back when the price per litre of gas went over a dollar there was this elderly couple, driving a very expensive car and dressed very nicely, whom I filled up gas for. After paying and giving them their reciept they looked at the numbers on the pump for about a minute before they called me back out. They got angry at me becasue they said I charged them more than it said on the pump. I spent about 5 minutes trying to explain that they were looking at the number of litres instead of the price. They eventually drove off but they gave me the evil eye as they left...


    • #3
      I actually got gas at a place that had something wrong with their pumps. I was in a hurry, so I just paid it and went on my way, but I somehow managed to put over 10 gallons into the tank of my '72 bug.

      That tank only held just over 9 gallons, and there was at least a gallon in there before I started.

      But, yeah, that old couple were just not very bright.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Actually, I have an answer to this now and some advice as well.

        There is a mechanical piece in every pump that requires calibration. If it is calibrated off it will short you and show that you pumped more than you did and sometimes more than you CAN. A whole gallon is WAY off on the calibration.

        NOW FOR THE ADVICE, which is very important, I think. Some gas stations will utilize the ability to be off a certain percentage for ALL THE PUMPS TOGETHER. They will make sure that the END PUMPS are shorting you because they are the busiest lanes, so NEVER USE THE END PUMPS, the middle ones will actually give you MORE GAS FOR LESS MONEY.

        Except at my store chain...we don't do that for some reason. Maybe because we consider it lying.


        • #5
          Quoth Gaki View Post
          Except at my store chain...we don't do that for some reason. Maybe because we consider it lying.
          Or theft.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

