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3 carryouts, 3 problems, 3 headdesks

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  • 3 carryouts, 3 problems, 3 headdesks

    I swear these things can only happen on my days to work.

    The first three carryouts of the day wound up becoming baffling ordeals for different reasons:

    Carryout 1--a child's Step 2 sandbox for a woman trying to pay with credit-card issued gift cards of some sort that evidently require you to know the balance on them before they can be rung up. You don't just scan it and the system knows what the balance is. And of course she didn't know the balances on any of the cards and was harping at the cashier to figure out what was wrong, and the service desk person ended up having to call the credit card company to find out the balances while simultaneously dealing with some old battle ax flipping out about--something. This wasted a good fifteen minutes.

    Carryout 2--two tables to some people who purchased close to $500 worth of stuff, much of it small clearance stuff, they had a lot of items, and for some reason the cashier ended up having to do a total void and ring everything up all over again. After already having bagged it all, so she just typed in UPC numbers off the customer's old receipt. Another ten minutes spent doing nothing.

    In between carryouts, I had to haul a bunch of fixtures and shit in from outside, upstairs by hand to this little storage room so the managers won't have to go outside all the time to retrieve it whenever people need it. I just wanted to get that done with; it was grueling, sweaty work. I hurt.

    Carryout 3--a coffee table for somebody who then found that they didn't bring enough money with them, so they went home--and didn't return.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    I had a lady bitch to me about those gift cards once. But I refused to call them for her. They weren't cards from my store, so it's not my responsibilty to help her out with them. The most I would do is offer her our phone and then take the next customer until she figures out what she wants to do. Seriously. After a point it can get ridiculous. What if somone breaks the heal on their shoe while they're walking through my store? Will I then be required to repair it for them so they can continue shopping? You give an inch....


    • #3
      Quoth jjllbb View Post
      You give an inch....

      ...& they demand several miles worth of suck.
      Last edited by Broomjockey; 07-13-2009, 03:16 PM. Reason: excessive quoting


      • #4
        ah! Those stoopid visa/MC/Amex whatever giftcards!!! Those drive me insane! NO ONE ever understands how they work! It's very simple:

        you have $x amount to start. If you try to buy something that's over $x amount it declines LIKE A CREDIT CARD! so you call the 800 number on the back, the nice people tell you how much is on there and then you charge that amount on it and use another form of payment!! grr...not difficult!!

        The part that always drives me nuts? That most of my coworkers don't know how to deal with these when they decline....They always ask me: "Is the DSL down? This giftcard (That doesn't say our company name) won't work"

        *ahem* thank you for letting me rant.
        Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


        • #5
          Quoth Spork4pedro View Post
          ah! Those stoopid visa/MC/Amex whatever giftcards!!! Those drive me insane! NO ONE ever understands how they work! It's very simple:

          The part that always drives me nuts? That most of my coworkers don't know how to deal with these when they decline....They always ask me: "Is the DSL down? This giftcard (That doesn't say our company name) won't work"

          Ugh those cards drive me crazy because my coworkers don't seem to remember how they work even after I tell them over and over again.

          Most customers understand after I explain it to them and we usually figure out how much is on the card.


          • #6
            i've posted instructions on how to ring up those mc/visa/bleh giftcards right by each cash that are so dumbed down a newbie could understand. everyone still has trouble with them, and insists they do not work! never had a problem with them so long as the customer knows their balance.
            though i usually cheat. if its a card that the person hasn't used before, and the original amount is usually printed on it, i will calculate their balance and write it on the card for them in sharpy. the old ladies apreciate it anyway.

            Hobby Twitter.


            • #7
              I have had a couple of those cards.

              When I plan to use one, I'll call the number before I leave the house so that when I get to the checkstand, I can get myself out the door and out of their hair and on to my other business in good speed.

              Oh, if only the rest of the pouplace could figure this stuff out.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                I've actually been getting several customers lately with those verizon rebate cards.

                And you know what? EVERY SINGLE ONE I've personally dealt with so far has KNOWN their balance remaining on the card!Apparently I've been getting people who actually posses some amount of intelligence.

                Who'd have thought.


                • #9
                  Those credit card gift cards ARE irritating. Yeah, it will decline if it's anything over the amount on the card. When people don't know the amount, sometimes we do trial and error. If their total is 154 dollars, but their gift card was originally for 50, we first try running it for 50, then 40, then 25...etc, until it goes through. Not too many, most I've ever done is 4 tries. That's the most effort I'll extend.

                  So many people assume it's the cashier being a dumbass, when it's because they suck ass.

                  I can find out the balance for the Glitter Hell pushing a button. I can find out the balance on the credit card gift cards by directing you to the 1-800 number on the back and having you take your ass somewhere to call them.
                  you are = you're. not "your".

