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Do they put stupid juice in the water?

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  • Do they put stupid juice in the water?

    OK, here's a short one for now while I am typing up a long one offline for later (I'm working through my own personal backlog of SC stories, being new here and all). This one didn't actually happen to me, but was related to me by a co-worker from Electronics, we'll call him Lenny. Now Lenny is a really nice guy, soft-spoken, almost never even gets frustrated, let alone mad. Except this one time when I ran into him in the back room just as I'm punching in.

    Lenny: You know I think they must put retarded juice in the water in this town or something?

    Me: What makes you say that? (I knew this had to be good if Lenny was making a comment like that)

    Lenny: Well, I mean, you can't walk two steps without bumping into someone who's retarded here! I just ran into this guy in aisle 5 on my way back here......

    SC: Do you guys have calendars?

    Lenny: Yeah, they're right there. *points* (they were literally standing right in front of the calendar section).

    SC: Well, I dont' want a big desk calendar. I'm looking for more of a wall calendar. Do you have any of those?

    Lenny: Yeah, they're right there *points a little lower this time*

    SC: Oh, good. And how much would those be?

    Lenny: Well there's a tag right there that says $5.99 (or whatever the price was).

    SC: Oh, ok. Can I get two?

    Lenny: Yes.

    Paging Captain Obvious! SC in aisle 5!!!!!!!! Apparently from the moment the SC stopped him to ask the first question, they never moved an inch. It was all RIGHT THERE.

    (Don't mean to offend anybody by using the word "retarded." It was the way my co-worker put it, and I think substituiting "stupid" just wouldn't cut it.)
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    There is a difference between "Retarded" and "Learning Disability".

    A person with a learning disability is trying to learn, they are trying as hard as they can to learn.

    A person who is retarded is just too lazy or stuborn to learn. They just don't try to learn at all.

    They are stupid by choice.
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


    • #3
      Someone who is 'retarded' is slow in growth and development. Like, someone who is mentally retarded learns things slower than other people, and someone who is physically retarded grows slower than others. It's not their choice.
      'Our brightest days are yet to shine'
      'You see the depths of my heart, and You love me the same'


      • #4
        All I can say is to that guy's stupidity is a strong case of typical SC stupidity. He didn't even take a few seconds to look at all.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #5
          Tag & label right out in the OPEN for reading...

          Can they read it? Nope...

          I only pray that these same folk don't run a ...hmm... say a nuclear plant or a recovery ward....

          Can't read a tag, how can they read a gauge or monitor?
          "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

          Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


          • #6
            *Spiffy puts on mod hat*

            Alright, the use of the word "retarded" probably wasn't the best choice of words that Dave's co-worker could have picked. HOWEVER, let's not jump on Dave for quoting a story-after all, that's what we do here, and we do it very well. We're all grown (or growing) adults here, and we all know the proper use of the word "retarded". It's what was used in the original tale, so let's just take this in context, and remain civil, mmmkay?

            *Spiffy takes off mod hat.*
            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


            • #7
              I heard Carlos Mencia when I read this post... Dee Dee Dee!
              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                There's a difference between stupidity and ignorance. Ignorance can be overcome by gaining knowledge. Stupidity can't. And yes, I have a *very* low tolerance for stupid people. They deserve what they get

                However, people with learning disabilities are *not* stupid. They are doing the best they can, and are usually enthusiastic about learning something new. They want to overcome their disabilities. "Stupid" people do not--they are content at being stupid.
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

