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get to the point

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  • get to the point

    I am sure this isn't just a phone operator's issue, but why don't SC's get the the point quicker sometimes?

    1. I do NOT want to know why you are booking your reservation. I don't care all that much about your great Aunt Edna, that you've never been here & why not, the vast details of your planned vacation. As much as it sounds like I am a sweet lady, in the back of my head I am screaming at you to go away.

    2. Don't call & then have to keep asking another mysterious person in the room what kind of room etc they want. You will end up giving the phone to them... If not I sometimes have the lady who is talking to both me & the mysterious other person & then yells at me that they weren't speaking to me. Cover the damn phone for a second then. (I know far too many of you have had situations similar to this.)

    3. I don't want to hear about your horrible last stay here or any place from 8 years ago. Shit happens. We do our best to make a stay perfect, so stop acting like you are the FBI and I have personally committed a federal crime. Why are you still going? It's like people want to force me to argue with them!

    4. Don't start telling me all of the details of your coming stay with us & THEN FINALLY mention that before (it's now 430am and I have no shuttle driver) 5am you just drove in and are leaving your car here & need a ride to the airport when you get here. Crap. Cuz I had nothing written down & NO DRIVER. So, I told them I had to have the breakfast lady take them at 5am and I would have to make the breakfast. They said that they called last week & spoke to...well someone they don't remember who & they said we would bring them ANYTIME or pay for a taxi for them. Then they asked if we had breakfast ready at 5am? I told them that is when the breakfast hostess prepares the food... (No, there is no cooking. The lucky hostess comes & waves her wond & *BING* breakfast is cooked & prepped itself!) I told them that since we didn't have anyone written down needing that, we just didn't have a driver until 5am and need to call the taxi service ahead of time normally. (I will take this moment & thank...whoever for not writing down these people so we could have tried to be prepared!) No surprise, they called & said they would just pay to leave their car at the airport rather then wait for a driver here. ... ... super

    It's been a...great week...
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

  • #2
    1. is EXACTLY how I feel! I usually have to wait through 5 minutes of backstory before they set up the reservation. And Din/Nayru/Farorie help us all if they have a story to go along with every piece of information we have. I've sat through stories about why they've selected a particular date.

    4. Guests who don't have dates figured out ahead of time. If the reservation is for "tomorrow" or "this Friday" fine. Don't call up saying you need a room for two months from now without knowing dates. "I'm looking for a room on the 27th of October. No wait, I need one for whatever date is Thursay of that week." Intuition tells me that these types of reservations are the most common source of no show fees.
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #3
      I once had a guy that had to tell me his life's story before he would get to telling me who he wanted me to transfer him to.

      And he.... spoke.... like.... this.... and... had... to.... use.... five... words.... where.... ony... one... would... do.... at .... every.... opportunity.

      I warned my coworker about what I was transfering before dumping that guy on her. Ugh!

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        I get situations like #2 all the time at the c-store. People call to order a pizza, and I ask what kind they want, and next thing I know they're going back & forth with someone in the background about what they want, do they want the special, etc. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BEFORE YOU CALL!! ARGH!! Oh, and let's not mention the people like the old lady that called tonight, on the front line, asked me 20 questions while a line formed at my register, then called the kitchen line twice, finally ordering her four larges the second time. People make me want to sometimes, I swear!!
        "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


        • #5
          Quoth Mr Hero View Post
          And Din/Nayru/Farorie .


          We get folks like that at the registers, and on the floor. It's sometimes harder to GET THEM TO GO AWAY, because they can see you. It's the only time I don't mind being called to a register.

          I wish customers understood, when I ask what an item is for, it's not because I CARE, it's because--If I know what it's for, I might be able to figure out what the hell they're asking for. Because, sometimes, crap has different names, depending on the application. Not because I really care if you're buying it for your bible school, your disabled uncle bob, your friend in the mental institution, your neighbors bratty little girl who doesn't like the color pink.

          I also don't care why you want to use more than one of the same coupon. I don't care what elaborate story you've come up with.
          you are = you're. not "your".


          • #6
            On the phones I simply tune out long winded customers. I'll be looking at wikipedia or something, occasionally make a vague noise of agreement so let them know that I'm still on the line.

            When they finally stop babbling on about completely irrelvent material, I'll then ask them what the problem is.

            At some point during their long ramblings they did drop all this information, but its so disjointed, unorganized, and overwhelming me with details that they forget to actually tell me what the problem is!

            I don't care what motherboard you have, what memory you have, what PSU, GPU, CPU, how many fans you have in your case, what keyboard and mouse you have, who sold you them, who built the machine for you, what you do with the machine, how awesome and l33t it is...whats the problem? Obviously you have a problem or you would not be calling tech support.

            On the flipside are people who ramble on with specs and model numbers as soon as I pick up the phone, and go on for minutes listing off every single detail as if this would be helpful information. Its not. I'm ignoring you. I'm going to wait for you to finish the verbal diarrhea before asking you what the problem is. Then if it warrants it, I will ask you for the model number of specific parts.

            Believe it or not, but what brand LED fan you're using has nothing to do with your computer having BSOD's.

