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Customer Banned

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  • Customer Banned

    Hey, long time no post. Not for a lack of SCs, just for a lack of original SCs--they all try the same thing the same way at candy stores. Oh, I work at a candy store that sells in bulk, so bins of candy where you can mix whatever amount you want and I charge by weight.

    Me: the much put-upon candy pusher
    SC: male teen I wanted to slap
    SCF1: SCs friend
    OL: old lady too nice for this kid
    CW: coworker
    SCF2: SCs other friend

    This particular happenstance had a precedent, and so now begins my two act play.

    Act 1

    SC and SCF1 enter the store. I have a sixth-sense by this point about trouble and I could see "@$$" written all over SCs forehead. He is perhaps 17, like his friend. First thing he does is ask for a sample. I say no, because it's too big. We only allow samples to those who appear to be purchasing (bag in their hands, seriously looking for something, etc.) and certain items are not sample-able due to size. As we do everything by weight, this is kind of a "duh". He, who fit none of this criteria, chortles to himself and asks to sample the giant jawbreaker. His friend laughs and calls him an idiot. I say no.

    Repeat. Ad nauseum. For fifteen minutes. A big crowd was there, so I had my hands full watching this kid and the twenty other people in the store (my bedroom is larger than my store; twenty people is a lot). Finally, when he thinks I'm not looking, he does what I've been waiting for him to do and eats a candy that fits in the 'too large to sample category'.

    I yell. "Please don't eat the candy before you pay for it!" He tries to leave. I block him.

    Me: You have to pay for that.
    SC: You serious??
    Moron, if I weren't serious I wouldn't have been blocking you this whole time and watching you like a hawk. And I hate that question.
    Me: Yes, pay for it now. 25 cents.
    (Yes, I rounded up a penny but he won't know that. We can only give samples in the 12 cent range as we are suffering from the economy, too.)
    SC: Hey, can I borrow a quarter? *asking random customers*
    SCF1: Dude, just use your money!
    Me: *by this point I'm making sure he doesn't leave the store*
    SC: *keeps asking*
    SCF1: *keeps telling him to use his own money*
    Me: *pissed* I suggest you use your own money.
    OL: Here. *hands him a quarter and leaves after she pays*
    SC: Here! *not even thanking her, hands me the quarter and leaves, muttering* B**ch.
    CW: You shoulda punched him.
    Me: I haven't find another job yet.

    Act 2

    SC returns yesterday (2 to 3 weeks later), again with SCF1 and now with SCF2. I recognize him on sight, but this time I am alone in the store and it's, again, busy. He always seems to time it this way. Cursing to myself, I opt to watch him while I handle the line. He chortles his way through asking for huge, obnoxious samples again with me giving increasingly blunt and angry answers to the negative, and finds his way to my Gummi Giant Snake bin (these snakes are 2.5' long and occasionally break, leaving smaller pieces in there--usually the head or tail, which we leave in there because some parents don't want that huge of a piece for the kid and it prevents a fit).

    SC: Hey! Can I try a snake? *using the tongs to pick out a snake head, which is still too large and I will give this jerk nothing
    Me: No!
    SC: Even this piec-- *drops the head on the ground*
    SCFs: *bust up laughing* You're so stupid!
    Yeah, quit encouraging him, you nimrods.
    SC: *picks the head off the ground with the tongs, scraping it*
    Me: Excuse me. *to my line, and then stalk over there and take both the head and the tongs from him* No samples, stay out of my bins. Now I have to wash the tongs because you touched them to the floor.
    SC: *seems to think this is funny*
    Me: *goes back to my line, throwing the head in the spill bucket and checking people out. Finally I wittle it down to four people in line*
    SC: *takes one of our bags, blows it up and BANG!! Pops it*
    Me: *finally loses my temper* PLEASE LEAVE!
    SC: *ignoring me and throws the bag on the floor, still laughing with his friends*

    Wash, rinse, repeat five times before I finally move to grab the phone for security and get in his face at the same time. He leaves at that precise moment. Luckily for him, he didn't take any candy this time, because all I could think of was "And that's when I hit him with the scoop, your honor." (Our scoops are metal and hefty for being so small. I coulda killed him with one blow, and he's twice the size of my petite 5'2" frame.)

    Then, his "friends" return to actually buy candy while I see him hovering outside, thinking he's cute by peeking into the store around the wall, like I can't see him. I glare at him.

    SCF1: You should tell him he has a big nose.
    Me: I'm sure he owns a mirror.
    Me: Yeah, whatever, 99 cents.

    Once they leave, I call my boss and explain, in case SC calls corporate (we're a franchise, so while that's an annoyance, it still won't do much to us, but my boss likes to be informed). He not only supported my decision, but this kid's mug is now on our bulletin board so that all my coworkers will know to kick him out. He was stupid enough to do all of his shenanigans in front of the camera with the best shot in the store and my boss printed a few of the shots for all to see.

  • #2
    Wooow... what a douche. Was he trying to impress you with his mad annoyance skillz? 17 just seems a little old for that level of immaturity. I think you handled it really professionally though!
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


    • #3
      Quoth Mnemjian View Post
      17 just seems a little old for that level of immaturity.
      On the contrary. 16-17 is a common age range for what I like to think of as the second coming of the Terrible Twos. Only instead of the kid learning how to say, "NO!", it's more a case of the kid learning that he/she can ignore authority figures when THEY say, "NO."

      Near-adult intelligence coupled with an immature lack of self-control and, often, a parent-fed sense of self-importance and self-entitlement. Not a good combination.

      I get along much better with preteens than I do teenagers...

      - - - - -

      Yes, adarhysenthe, you handled yourself VERY well in that situation. I would have called Mall Security, personally. (assuming that you're in a mall... I don't think I've seen a stand-alone candy store in over a decade)


      • #4
        After nearly 10 years of working with teens/preteens, one thing is certain. Anytime you encounter an a$$hole kid, they are the product of an even bigger a$$hole parent or parents, oh... 98.9% of the time.
        I will never go to school!


        • #5
          Think about the poor teachers at his school that have to put up with his dumb ass everyday.


          • #6
            Yes, I work in a mall. Our security is kind of a joke, but over this I might have been able to get the kid banned from the mall.

            Thanks for the reassurance over my behavior though! It's nice to know I did ok. My patience is kinda out the window dealing with these kids after three years in the candy biz.


            • #7
              Quoth adarhysenthe View Post
              Luckily for him, he didn't take any candy this time, because all I could think of was "And that's when I hit him with the scoop, your honor."
              Oh, so many times a day do I think this... "And that's when I hit him with the AV Receiver, your honour."


              • #8
                I'm always annoyed by the people who let their friends get away with this kind of stuff even though they themselves know better. And it's not always kids. I had two full-grown adults come in once after drinking all night. One was hitting on me despite constant "no"s and his friend laughed about it and walked away. Get back here and take your friend with you!

                I hope for your sake that this kid doesn't try anything again. Sounds like he's quite a handful

