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Customers who throw things at you ....

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  • #16
    Quoth Luckymom View Post
    He chucked his car keys at me hitting me pretty hard. I was dazed and felt the wet trickle down the side of me head.
    Did he have to ask for his car keys back?
    This area is left blank for a reason.


    • #17
      There have only been two times things were thrown at me. One was entirely my fault.

      When I was in managment, I remember one christmas season saying to a customer as I shuffled off to fix something. "Listen, I've gotta go get that, I'll be right over there if you need me. I've hearing problems though, so oh, if you need me, just toss something at my head." I was kidding, and a person with common sense would have picked up on this.

      Imagine my suprise to suddenly be concussed some minutes later, when that customer threw a bottle of cologne at my head. When the other manager ran over, the guy actually said. "He said throw something at his head when I needed him." I, on the other hand, was out like a light, my face buried in the underwear stack that had fallen over.

      Second time:

      Working at Lowe's, I had to inform a woman I needed her ID for a check. She refused, so in good spirit I refused. No ID, no Check. (NO I didn't say it like that). The lady got pissed and tossed a 4X4 post at me, breaking part of the register and injuring another customer. A customer that ended up suing the woman. Never found out how that one played out though.
      Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


      • #18
        Quoth lordlundar View Post
        There should be a sign that says "If you throw something at the staff, they can throw YOU!"
        Actually, I do.

        Now, being a bartender, I often develop a rapport with my guests, and being a smartass bartender, sometimes they will throw stuff at me, such as balled up napkins, ice, coasters, etc. It is all in good fun; and yes, I will throw stuff back at them, again in good fun. And that is all fine. Fine, that is, if you have been sitting at my bar and are just having fun with me.

        What is NOT fine is throwing stuff at me to get my attention, especially if you have not been sitting at my bar for a while, bantering with me, and having a good time.

        Before the remodel, the back bar had mirrors behind the bottles, so even when we faced away from the guests, as we had to do to work the register, we could still see what was going on if we needed to. (I miss those mirrors.)

        One busy night shift, I was rocking and rolling, and a new group had bellied up to the bar, but I was taking care of a transaction at the register. One of their group tossed something at my back to get my attention. I can't remember what, but it was something small and non-dangerous. That being said, that is not something I tolerate at my bar.

        I whirled around, looked right at the offending party, not smiling. He, being the clueless sort, seemed happy that he had just gotten my attention. His joy was quickly deflated, though, as I pointed to him and said, very seriously, "You! OUT!" and pointed to the door.

        Now, to be fair, I was kind of joking, and can keep one hell of a poker face when I have to....but damned if the guy didn't just stop in mid-smile, turn on his heel, and leave. Leaving me trying not to laugh, his friends in shock, and me explaining to his friends that I was just having fun with him. Their response? "Don't worry about it....he's a jerk anyway."

        Yet another reason I am thrilled to be tending bar and not in retail. (Sorry, my retail brethren. Not trying to gloat.)

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #19
          Quoth Clintmax View Post
          Oh gods! I would have gone and hid out for a while too! would have been funny if you had said when you saw her and you realized she knew you were talking about her...

          "Yes, YOU!"
          The very second she threw anything at me, I would have thrown her.

          Out of the bloody store.

          On her bony old ass. You don't get paid NEARLY enough to deal with that. Managers do. Let them deal with it.


          • #20
            Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
            Did he have to ask for his car keys back?
            Hmm it's been about 6 years, I am sure he did, but I could really care less if he got them or not.


            • #21
              If a passenger dared to throw an item at me they'd be met by the police at the other end. Thank God for strict air laws. Interfering with a crew member is illegal.
              No longer a flight atttendant!


              • #22
                Quoth repsac View Post
                There have only been two times things were thrown at me. One was entirely my fault.

                When I was in managment, I remember one christmas season saying to a customer as I shuffled off to fix something. "Listen, I've gotta go get that, I'll be right over there if you need me. I've hearing problems though, so oh, if you need me, just toss something at my head." I was kidding, and a person with common sense would have picked up on this.

                Imagine my suprise to suddenly be concussed some minutes later, when that customer threw a bottle of cologne at my head. When the other manager ran over, the guy actually said. "He said throw something at his head when I needed him." I, on the other hand, was out like a light, my face buried in the underwear stack that had fallen over.
                If you'd asked him to tap you on the shoulder, this clueless twit would've smashed a bottle of cologne over your back!

                Seriously, who throws bottles at people? A wadded-up piece of paper, maybe, but a heavy glass bottle?! I hope your manager had the decency to press charges against this knuckle-dragging lout.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #23
                  Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
                  If a passenger dared to throw an item at me they'd be met by the police at the other end. Thank God for strict air laws. Interfering with a crew member is illegal.

                  That would be a felony these days, wouldn't it?
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #24
                    My wife told me she once nearly got into a fight with a customer. The customer threw the money at her, so she threw her change right back at the customer. The customer got pissed, my wife offered to step outside with her. Luckily, the manager saw the whole thing, and ordered the customer out of the store, and my wife into the back room to cool off a bit.
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #25
                      I've had a few customers try it...the most (in)famous was the one that ended up my very own war story, but usually it's change and cards, much like everyone else. Last Christmas eve I had a particularly obnoxious customer who tried to get my attention whilst I was dealing with someone else by tossing a cd at me. I caught it, looked to my manager who's "brow of doom" was raised (that means do whatever you want for revenge), and promptly tossed it back at him, making sure to hit him RIGHT in the back of the knee as he tried to turn away... Oh what a shame...he went down like the pig he was and was escorted from the premises by security

