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How Dare The Help Talk To Me

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  • How Dare The Help Talk To Me

    So I encountered someone so precious I should have felt honored to have met her. Her first crime is to show up less than hour after checkout on a holiday without calling ahead to warn us. Luckily for them A.) They are renting adjoining rooms and one of them is vacant and B.) I was already cleaning the room when they showed.

    Crime number two, in the fifteen minutes it took to finish their other room they poked their heads in three times. First to look at the room, then to ask me how long, then five minuted later asking for an ETA on when the room is done (How about when it's ready)

    So all done I head off to another room and made the mistake of saying hello to her. She stiffens up her shoulders, curls her upper lip and lets out this little grunt. She then mumbles how it's unprofessional and informal I was acting.

    Oh god forbid the maid give you a polite Hello, princess. Go home it's obvious you're just too special to be forced to associate with us commoners. In other words you are a stuck up bitch.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    Don't speak to the snobs unless you are spoken to, you lowly creature you!

    GAD! I hate that! I really hate that. Pop your head in a million times to talk to you, but the moment you show a little human common courtesy they are all of a sudden too good to talk to you.

    I hope they did not have children.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Well, how DARE you act like anything other than a silent, soulless robot programmed to work around the clock at top speed and efficiency for your betters and superiors!

      Ms Snob should work cleaning rooms for a month. She'd have a radically different point of view then, guaranteed.


      • #4
        Quoth Brighid45 View Post
        Ms Snob should work cleaning rooms for a month. She'd have a radically different point of view then, guaranteed.
        Oh, no! That would never do it. If she had to WORK a day in her life doing something such as cleaning a hotel room, I am sure the universe would collapse onto itself and I rather like my life today!
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          Ya know, I bet that if you had just walked by her without saying anything, then she would have complained that you were rude. You just can't win with people like that.


          • #6
            This reminds me of Maid in Manhattan


            • #7
              Jeebus Cripes! WTF were you supposed to do? I agree with Sedoma, had you just walked by her without saying anything, she could have just as likely complained about that!

              Maybe you shoulda dropped to your knees in front of her, and without making eye contact, bowed to her glory, and kissed the ground she walked on!



              • #8
                What the frak did she expect you to do? Bow and back away so you're back wasn't to her?

                She deserves a smack


                • #9
                  Ms. Snob, meet Vanessa Williams. Vanessa Williams, Ms. Snob.

                  You two diva bitches should have plenty in common to, uh, bitch about.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    Wow, you were WAY outta line there, TH. I mean, the audacity of you talking with Miss SnifflyButt is just atrocious. So unprofessional! HAHA
                    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert

