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Keep on honking, I'm not getting up..

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  • Keep on honking, I'm not getting up..

    So, I’m sitting in my office and if you didn’t know, I work with public housing residents so, I’m in the middle of this particular housing complex (we have 5 different ones throughout the town). I see a red car pull up in front of our office and the driver starts to honk the horn, I assume that he’s at the wrong building and will figure it out or he wants me to come outside and take his rent (wrong office), complaint(wrong office), needs maintenance (again, wrong office call the number on your fridge) or resident survey (we sent out yesterday). Fun Fact-since I work where I do, I’ve become immune to the annoyance of horn honking, loud radios, and yelling also. For all I care, he can sit there all day and honk his horn, I’m not getting up. This goes on for about 10 min and he finally gets out of his car and I see the orange resident survey in his hand, he walks the 20 feet from his car to the door, complains that he’s been out there for 10 min waiting for someone to come out and take the survey from him and I hear a co-worker say “yea, we don’t do that”.

  • #2
    Talk about lazy! It's not a drive-through! See? Fast food has created uber-entitlement.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      "I waited for 10 minutes when I could have handed it to you in 15 seconds! Not fair! Whine gibber moan bitch!"
      Life's too short to drink cheap beer


      • #4
        Oh, gah!

        I hate the lazy schlubs who can't be arsed to pull their lazy carcasses out of their car to walk up to the door of whoever they are waiting on.

        It's even worse in an apartment complex where you have know idea who he might be trying to signal, since there are 30 apartments that funnel out to that street location. Argh!

        My brother actually mandated that should he have a daughter who then had a boyfriend who pulled that shit, he would forbid her from ever seeing him again.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Sorry, concierge fees are extra
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

