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Fufu needs to vent.......

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  • Fufu needs to vent.......

    hey guys!

    Just had to vent I just had 2 SC's in a row right before I close up. Ive had sucha quiet day, spent alot of time on here today. And then POW!! 2 SC's get me going LOL

    So it's our fault eh??

    This SC had a legitimate complaint, but was definately seeking compensation very very assertively, and hassling me a lil which I dont take kindly to. I'm good cust service, I take care of my cx because quite frankly, I make a comp a would like them to return to me for their future visits...but this thank you.

    Apparently it's our fault his other bank doesnt issue him personalized cheques unless he pays for them. Because we require a personalized cheque to set up the transfer, he wants compensation for the inconveneince. Again, legitimate complaint, but his attitude and way of speaking with me about it, ALLLLLLL wrong. So I could apply a lil bitbit to his account, go through the right channels and get it done. But I think instead, I'll charge him an asshole tax for having to deal with this &(%^*#@* and so, its evens out. Too bad he couldnt just speak to me like a decent human being.. he may have gotten what he wanted plus a lil, cuz im such an angel

    No, I DONT think you know my job better than I do

    This lady DROVE ME CRAZY!!! She kept asking questions, then cutting my answer off with an argument or whatever AGAINST what Im telling her. She was signing her 17 yr old daughter up with an account, and as I was trying to explain the accounts to her daughter, she kept intterrupting (god i just wanted to stop talking altogether and let her do it, seeing as how she knows my job so well ) and telling me she'll tell her daughter that later. So to sum up what I had to deal with with this women: asking questions just to interrupt the answer and insert her own, made it impossible for me to DO MY JOB and explain the workings of her daughters bank account to her daughter, argued with almost anything I had to say regarding the account, and was in a rush the whole time checking her watch, but continued to ask question as argue. Seriously, Im here to help. If you dont want my help, then why are you here?? oh thats right, you DO need my help. Then shut up a take it, I'm on your side here.


    K, its out of my system now. Thanks for letting me vent. I go home in 5 mins, and I have re-applied a smile to my face. I feel much better totally love you guys!!
    Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

    ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~

  • #2
    Bet you feel better now, I always feel better after a look at customers suck.


    • #3
      Glad you feel better! Days like that are really lame... but yeah, venting a bit always helps.
      "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron

