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Creeps, Freaks, and Thieves...In Textbook Hell...

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  • Creeps, Freaks, and Thieves...In Textbook Hell...

    I think I've discovered a new circle of hell the last few days. Seriously. It's like the 42nd circle of hell... >.< I got all the strange and crazies!

    Er...not very bright for a would be thief, are you...?
    Guy comes in. Guy grabs copy of newspaper and very blatantly puts it in front of his face and hustles to the textbook section. I intercept, ask if I can help. What follows is a very painful 20 minutes of him very blatantly trying to force me to leave him alone and me being peppy and cheerful and oh-so-helpful. Included are tidbits of the following.

    Me: All right, and what can I help you find, sir?
    Him: Nothing! Go away!
    Him: Just go stand on the other side of the store, and I'll call you if I want you.


    Me: All right well, <goes into spiel about textbooks for incoming freshmen because he claims he has a son who's starting this fall. This spiel includes a few deals>
    Him: All right, now go away!
    Me: <Wanders off, but not far, I have a cart of books to shelf. I wander back down that aisle to shelf books and he turns, startled>
    Him: I said go away! I'll call you if I need you!
    Me: sir, I'm putting books away, I'm doing my job...
    Him: Do it in another aisle!
    Me: <Thinking: Oh, yeah, that's not suspicious at ALL...>

    Mind you, aside from him coming in suspiciously, AND the fact that he was wearing a shirt 7 sizes too big for him, (Generally, people will slide a book into the waistband of their pants, and walk out. People wearing huge clothing always get a second look, regardless of gender or race, etc.) I had the niggling feeling he was familiar.

    And then my CW walked in to clock in and saw me craning to keep an eye on him while running another transaction for another customer. She offered to take over, then commented:

    CW: Hey...isn't that the guy you turfed for hiding a book under his jacket on one side, then showing you the empty side and screaming you're a racist bitch??
    Me: Is it...? <Takes a second look> It is

    I page the manager, explain the situation, and we go approach the would be thief.

    Me: Sir, you have to leave our store, you've been banned.
    Him: No I haven't!
    Me: Yes, you have. I banned you...
    Him: Lying racist bitch!
    Me: <To MOD> Yep, definitely him.
    MOD: You. Out. Now.
    Him: Racist bastard!
    MOD: You leave now, and never come back. <He has his cell phone out> And now the police are going to know you're never allowed in here again.

    Aaaaand, he leaves, cursing and ranting...

    Farking panhandlers...
    We had a few customers come in complaining about a woman panhandling in the parking lot. I mean REALLY aggressive panhandling. As in, she pounds on their car windows and won't let them get out while she's demanding money.

    We tell her to GTFO of our parking lot. She leaves. She comes back. We call cops, she scurries out, screaming at us. But she keeps coming back! Guess she's not really an SC, but she's causing customers to bitch at us because she's out there. Fun times.

    We turfed her one last time, after another call to the police. And I watched her leave the parking lot because there were customers going to their car. She proceeds to go out to the streets, step into traffic until a car stops, and proceeds to pound on their window, demanding money...

    We called the police again after that. Well, my managers did. I figured, why interfere with Darwin...?

    No money, no goods. Period. End of story.
    Scruffy, zoned out guy shuffles in. Shuffles to drink cooler. Grabs a bottle of juice, brings to register. We ring him up. Tell him total.

    Him: I don't have money.
    Him: I can have it though?
    CW: NO money, no juice, sorry...
    Him: I can have it!
    Me: I'm sorry, sir, but if you can't pay for it, we can't just give it to you.
    Him: Can I have candy instead?
    CW: No!
    Him: <Huffs and gives CBF> You fucking suck!
    Me: Sir, please leave now...
    Him: You SUCK! <He storms out, and shuffles off to the Domino's Pizza next door. To try the same ruse, I presume...>

    You don't get a discount!
    Two ladies came in with two children. One in a stroller, one about 3 or so. Stroller child keeps shrieking her head off. I mean, it's a wail of "I'm in agony, DO SOMETHING!", and the women completely ignore her as they scavenge the clearance section. Every 2 minutes, screaming child. >.<

    They grab their goods and come up to the registers, and haul out a shirt they want to exchange. Of course, they have no receipt. CW explains that we can't do anything without a receipt, so they immediately demand a manager. MOD gives the ok for an exchange, but it MUST be at equal or greater value of the current retail price. Their clearance items are less, so since we're not giving any credit, they have to go find something to add to what their buying.

    They bring up more shirts, clearanced for $5. Ring up, the difference is around $10. Then it gets really fun. I'm standing off to the side, working on another project. Also, mind you, throughout the entire exchange, the child is STILL shrieking at odd intervals, and completely ignored by both women...

    SC1: And how much is that with our discount?
    CW: what discount?
    SC2: The alumni discount!
    CW: Do you have your alumni card?
    SC2: NO! They NEVER ask us for it, just give us the discount!
    CW: <Going through their purchases.> Actually, these are all clearance items, there is no extra discount on those.
    SC1: But you did it for us last time!
    CW: I'm sorry, but we literally can't take a discount in the computer on clearance items.
    SC1: But SHE did it for us the other day! <Points to me>
    Me: <blinky blinky> Uh...what...?
    SC2: Yes, she gave us the alumni discount on the shirts over here!
    Me: Huh? I'm sorry, i dont' remember serving you, ma'am.
    SC1: You did!
    SC2: AND you gave us a DISCOUNT! WITHOUT any stupid alumni card AND on clearance stuff!
    CW: Ma'am, if these items WERE on clearance, then all sales are final, regardless, so I couldn't exchange them for anything you have today.
    SC1: No, they're not clearance, but we did get a discount!
    SC2: And we didn't need an alumni card.
    Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, but without the alumni card, we don't give a discount. Store policy.
    SC2: But you did it LAST time.
    Me: <Hides the smirk, hides the smirk!!> Well, ma'am, if you had your receipt showing the discount, and who served you, we could help, but as it stands, I can only stand by CW and what he, and the manager say. Sorry!

    They eventually paid and left, grumbling the entire time. And the poor child was still shrieking... >.>

    Phone time fun!
    Yay...incoming freshmen (AND parents!) calling about textbooks

    SC: I'm on your website trying to order books and they're saying Na.
    Me: Na? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what that means...
    SC: It's spelled N-line-A.
    Me:'am, that means "not available" meaning we don't have any stock in the store, so they're unavailable for purchase at the moment.
    SC: So, I can order them...?

    SC: Hi, I'm trying to get some information on books?
    Me: Sure, how can I help?
    SC: I'm taking these classes. Can you tell me what books are being used?
    Me: Sure! <I go through the process.>
    SC: Uh huh, great, and can you give me the IBC numbers?
    Me: The wha...?? <I know she means ISBNs, but still...wha...? Mmm...root beer...>
    SC: You know, the numbers so I can order them online!
    Me:'am, I can't give that information over the phone, it's store policy.
    SC: But I don't want to purchase them from you!
    Me: And, with all due respect ma'am, I'm not going to give you the information required so you don't have to buy from us.
    SC: <Huffs and demands a manager. I pass the phone to a random manager, and upon hearing the explanation, they with me...I didn't get in trouble, though. Yay me!>

    SC: Uh, hi, I'm on your website, trying to order books?
    Me: Ok...and, how can I help you today?
    SC: Well...I click on order, and then it asks me for a CC. Do I HAVE to pay for my son's books before I get them.
    Me: ... ... ...
    SC: Hello?!?!
    Me: Um...yes, ma'am, we can't ship the books until we get payment for them...
    SC: <Huffs> Well, can't I just send a check once I get them?
    Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, it doesn't work that way...
    SC: Well that's just too damned inconvenient!! <click>
    CW: Huh...?

    Bonus first thing this morning!
    I get to work and there's a body lying on the sidewalk near the Domino's Pizza next door. I pass it as I'm walking inside, and morning manager asks me if it looked like they were breathing. I don't know. Apparently this person has been there since manager got there at 6 am that morning. She didn't know what to do. Idjit coworker showed up a little before I did and started hypothesizing it was a dead body, and we should call the morgue. Right...

    We did call the police. They came and verified that it was female, and yes, she was still alive. They poked at her. They shook her. And she didn't wake up. It took THREE blasts from their sirens to wake her up. They told her she couldn't sleep on the sidewalk, and she had to go home. She nods and agrees. Then proceeds to walk to our doors...and lie down directly in front of the door, after flipping us off.

    Police tell her she HAS to leave. She grumbles and shuffles off. Police leave, and she shuffles back. This time, she lies down directly in our parking lot next to manager's car.


    We call the police again, and thankfully, a cruiser was still nearby. They came back and literally followed her out of the parking lot, down the street, etc, until she was gone and was sure she wasn't coming back.

    <BIG SIGH>

    And those were just the big incidents occurring in the last THREE DAYS. Holy cow...doesn't include the random incidents of suck.
    Last edited by lupo pazzesco; 07-29-2009, 06:53 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
    Er...not very bright for a would be thief, are you...?

    CW: Hey...isn't that the guy you turfed for hiding a book under his jacket on one side, then showing you the empty side and screaming you're a racist bitch??
    Me: Is it...? <Takes a second look> It is
    He tried to steal from the SAME store he was caught at before!?!?!? Oh my god. That's a good level of stupid right there!

    Farking panhandlers...
    step into traffic until a car stops, and proceeds to pound on their window, demanding money...

    . I figured, why interfere with Darwin...?
    I agree. It seems as though it will work out for everyone in the end. She will no longer need money nor be panhandling in front of your store for it!

    No money, no goods. Period. End of story.
    Scruffy, zoned out guy shuffles in. Shuffles to drink cooler. Grabs a bottle of juice, brings to register. We ring him up. Tell him total.

    Him: I don't have money.
    Him: I can have it though?
    At least he didn't try to steal it! I guess that's the upside!

    On another note, I start school here in August...finally out of the junior college level and at the four year level. I am taking care not to end up like one of your SCs. But, I don't think that will be such a problem.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
      Farking panhandlers...

      We called the police again after that. Well, my managers did. I figured, why interfere with Darwin...?
      There is one problem with that: if a car hit her the person driving could get injured. Not only that their car could get a lot of damage from that. If it weren't for those problems, I'd say go for it.
      "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


      • #4
        OK, the woman at the end who kept falling to the ground and sleeping. Why didn't the cops haul her off to detox or call an ambulance? This just doesn't seem safe.

        Though one time I fell asleep in my car after graveyard shift and then got woken up by....a firefighter in full gear with truck and flashing lights. Apparently someone saw me sleeping and called for help, thinking it was an emergency. Scratch that, it actually happened twice. At least the second time the firefighter just walked down the street in his regular clothes to make sure I was all right (the firehouse was the building next door). Sad part is, the first time I was just so utterly tired that I didn't even comprehend what was happening. At least not until later that evening after I slept.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          If you can't figure out how to order a book, you have no business being in college.

          And sage advice from when I was visiting a vendor in New York once:
          "They still have their shoes which means they are still alive"


          • #6
            Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
            On another note, I start school here in August...finally out of the junior college level and at the four year level. I am taking care not to end up like one of your SCs. But, I don't think that will be such a problem.
            Nah, it takes a special kind of stupid to get to the level of SCs I deal with in Textbook Hell...I'm sure you'll be fine. Plus, you've a leg up, knowing how stupid people are in general, and how NOT to act.

            Quoth Victory Sabre View Post
            There is one problem with that: if a car hit her the person driving could get injured. Not only that their car could get a lot of damage from that. If it weren't for those problems, I'd say go for it.
            Bah, details, details... Although, good points, I suppose. However, if it truly is Darwin's work, then couldn't one argue that if the driver got hurt or not was also up to Darwin? In a truly wonderful universe, Darwin's principle would take out two birds with one stone...

            Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
            If you can't figure out how to order a book, you have no business being in college.

            And sage advice from when I was visiting a vendor in New York once:
            "They still have their shoes which means they are still alive"
            If we went by that yardstick, there are so many people that don't have any business being in college...

            I'll have to remember that about the shoes, though, and share it with my manager...


            • #7
              SC: Well...I click on order, and then it asks me for a CC. Do I HAVE to pay for my son's books before I get them.
              I wonder if she uses this arguement when she goes clothe shopping:
              Do I have to pay for them before I wear them?

              Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, it doesn't work that way...
              SC: Well that's just too damned inconvenient!! <click>
              Me: <To CW> I want my brain cells back...
              SC: Huh...?
              I guess you meant "CW" not "SC" :P

              but anyway, it's inconvenient? Um, maybe you should let jr. live at home and not work. Then you won't be inconvenienced with getting everything for him, or doing his homework.
              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

              I wish porn had subtitles.


              • #8
                Oops! Fixed, thanks depechemode.


                • #9
                  Quoth Victory Sabre View Post
                  There is one problem with that: if a car hit her the person driving could get injured. Not only that their car could get a lot of damage from that. If it weren't for those problems, I'd say go for it.
                  Not only that, but simply on the basis of car vs. Human, most juries would side with her if she were hit, so she'd be able to sue the driver...once they finish their term for assault with a deadly weapon. @_@


                  • #10
                    Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                    SC: I'm on your website trying to order books and they're saying Na.
                    Me: Na? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what that means...
                    SC: It's spelled N-line-A.
                    Me:'am, that means "not available" meaning we don't have any stock in the store, so they're unavailable for purchase at the moment.
                    SC: So, I can order them...?
                    I ed reaaaaally loud at that one! Thank goodness that this person is going to college... they desperately need educating. It amazes me that you can put up with these nutcases, lupo!
                    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


                    • #11
                      Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                      He tried to steal from the SAME store he was caught at before!?!?!? Oh my god. That's a good level of stupid right there!
                      The levels of stupid are endless . . .just like SC's.

                      It seems as though it will work out for everyone in the end. She will no longer need money nor be panhandling in front of your store for it!
                      Might be bad though for the unfortunate person who hits the panhandler. Possible legal charges, insurance and license points . . . I know I wouldn't want that on my plate (even though from the sound of it, it sounds as if it fall more under the category of Public Service)
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                        SC: I'm on your website trying to order books and they're saying Na.
                        I immediately thought of this Monte Python classic:
                        Last edited by StanFlouride; 07-30-2009, 03:01 AM. Reason: bad link
                        "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
                        -Eric Foreman That 70's Show

