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Don't drink the water.

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  • Don't drink the water.

    We had a minor scare in my hometown last week.

    Thursday evening the water suppliers put "boil notices" through every door. This means that the water supply is contaminated with something really nasty, so you must boil it before you can use it.

    This has never happened before to my knowledge.

    Of course my shop orders goods in 48 hours in advance, and the final do not pass go transmission deadline is 6pm. When do we find out?

    6:30, when the stampede starts.

    We did manage to get a few dozen cases from other stores, and the depot agreed to send an extra 100 cases for Saturday, but if that was good enough I wouldn't have to post here.

    I finally lost it when one of our regulars came in on Friday asking if we had any water. I apologised for the bajillionth time and explained about our extra delivery the next morning. She went all cat-bum-faced...

    "This is some fine store!"

    "I'm sorry, next time we'll be sure to order extra in before the entire water supply becomes contaminated!"

    You could actually hear the gears in her brain grinding as she worked that one out. And the heat they generated caused her cheeks to flush before she walked away.

  • #2
    Is this at the CALGARY stampede?

    Cause I dont remember any boil notices for work or for home O.o
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


    • #3
      Never had a boil alert? Wow. We get them at least twice a year....
      "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


      • #4
        Quoth Horsetuna View Post
        Is this at the CALGARY stampede?

        Cause I dont remember any boil notices for work or for home O.o

        'fraid not. I live on the North East coast of England.

        I've just checked to be sure, and my home is actually further north than Calgary.
        Guess that explains the shitty weather


        • #5
          "When you visit American City,
          You may find it very pretty,
          But there's one thing you must beware...

          Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air."

          Although I guess it would be an English city in this case.
          Cats are like greatness, Some are born into cat-loving families, some achieve cats and some have cats thrust upon them...


          • #6
            Quoth Horsetuna View Post
            Is this at the CALGARY stampede?
            Wrong stampede. Bunny meant "the horde of customers rushing in."
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Quoth Oberonsshadow View Post
              "When you visit American City,
              You may find it very pretty,
              But there's one thing you must beware...

              Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air."

              Although I guess it would be an English city in this case.
              OMG I LOVE THAT SONG. *ahem*

              So, forgive me if I'm wrong (I've never even heard of a boil notice).. but wouldn't it just be easier, and cheaper, to boil a bunch of water, toss it in a container, and then store it in the fridge?

              Or am I making too much sense? >_>
              You seem to harbor barbaric tendencies. I suggest you visit a physician at your earliest convenience.


              • #8
                Quoth BuggedMei View Post
                OMG I LOVE THAT SONG. *ahem*

                So, forgive me if I'm wrong (I've never even heard of a boil notice).. but wouldn't it just be easier, and cheaper, to boil a bunch of water, toss it in a container, and then store it in the fridge?

                Or am I making too much sense? >_>
                You do realise who we talk about on this site

                Really though most folk wanted water for drinking straight.
                And if you've never tried drinking pre-boiled water, it sucks worse than most customers


                • #9
                  Quoth Bunny the Veggie Slayer View Post
                  You do realise who we talk about on this site

                  Really though most folk wanted water for drinking straight.
                  And if you've never tried drinking pre-boiled water, it sucks worse than most customers
                  I'll second that statement. My friends wonder why I keep some spring water on hand (I use a tap filter normally). I guess they just don't drink water when there's a boil alert....
                  "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


                  • #10
                    Where I live you don't drink the water EVER. It's disgusting and can make you sick. Bottle water is the only way to go. Even my ferrets get bottled water.

                    And yeah, that woman should have stfu its not like you can see the future!


                    • #11
                      Over the winter a water main bust taking out water for most of the town my store is in and large portions of other towns. When residents woke up to no water and realized it was a huge issue they swarmed every supermarket and convince store. By 10 AM we were out of every form of bottled water. They demanded that we call other stores in the area which were in or near the area w/o water so they were out.

                      We were getting a emergency shipment in but that didn't arrive to noon. We were lovky that the nearest dry warehouse s only 25-30 miles away.

                      The SC demanding to know why we didn't plan for this. Well if we knew a pipe would bust a few days before we would have more product, but sadly things don't work that way.

                      The were also pissed that we had to close the deli/prepared foods, meat/seafood and bakery. If the employees can't what their hands, make products or clean dishes we can't open and serve food morons.


                      • #12
                        Benny be cool don't drink the water.
                        Benny stay away from the cocaine slaughter
                        Cause there's a hundred miles of sushi bars
                        And Mazda convertible cars
                        And up on Muholland Drive
                        where Warren Beatty locks himself in his safe at night just to stay alive
                        Nothing's going on.......


                        • #13
                          Ya know, even though SA is a third/first world country (yes, we're mishmash) we're in the top 10 for safe tap water. I drink it every day, and I don't even notice my third arm anymore
                          The report button - not just for decoration

