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Fresh coffee or DEATH! (Long-ish)

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  • #46
    Wait a minute. You're telling me that this waste of genetic material watched the coffee pot like a vulture over a dying zebra and he still had the stones to complain that the coffee wasn't fresh?

    Ow! My brain hurts

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #47
      Quoth Tigress View Post
      ...the slavering, greedy paragons of consumerism assembled outside of our store.
      Finally! I finally broke rule one.

      And after 9pm with stale hotel coffee no less.


      • #48
        I do not drink coffee, I've had it once and I detested it. I have not set foot in a Starbucks since 2005, (Tea there is crap IMO) and I will drink tea and even that is a rare occasion for me. Keep in mind I work nights and I have gotten home at 3 AM and do not feel a need for caffiene when I wake up, in fact it takes me 5 minutes to fully wake up without a drop in my blood.

        That said, I have seen people do some crazy things over coffee and it boggles my mind.

        Jester, you may like this as you may have had some of these customers. WARNING: A LOT OF LANGUAGE!!!! It also relates to Jager Bombs.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #49
          I'll stick to crack, err uh Red Bull. And I've given up soda for Lent. If I make it through I'll give it up all together.

          I'll drink coffee sometimes. My wife too. But not enough to care about it. If I get coffee out it's from a gas station where you pour it yourself.

          I can understand wanting fresher coffee. But it's stays good for a few hours I think. Shoot my boss will brew a pot on Monday and drink it till its gone, even if its not gone till Friday.


          • #50
            Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
            Finally! I finally broke rule one.
            Damnit... I just realized (OT) I'm reading a Terry Pratchett book where one of the main characters keeps reminding his charge to "Remember Rule 1", but never states what it is... I certainly hope this is rule #1, that'll make the book absolutely hilarious.

            Quoth Jester View Post
            Then there is my other friend, Aviator. Aviator and his wife are both vegetarians. They have been so since high school (they are in their thirties), and are not preachy about it. They could sit at dinner with you and watch you eat a steak and not care. They just choose not to eat any meat at all.
            I did the vegetarian thing for about a year back in high school, and, one day, I was over at my then-friend's house, having dinner with his family, very pointedly ignoring the pork steaks, and eating mostly the mashed potatoes (if I remember correctly...) Friend's younger (and annoying) brother looks at me, then at his Dad, and asks, loud as day, "How can anybody not eat the steaks?"
            Dad responds with, "Well, some people just don't eat meat."

            I'd guess it was revenge for my comment the first time I went over for dinner, and we all had soup, and I half-seriously asked the little brother if he knew how to properly eat the last bit of soup in his bowl. He and most of the family gave me a look like, "WTF, mate?" Friend-at-the-time knew I hardly ever was serious about anything... and ignored it.
            Last edited by Imogene; 02-27-2007, 03:46 PM. Reason: Stupid space bar...
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #51
              Quoth flybye023 View Post
              Actually, I can taste if water has been sitting out for awhile. There seems to be a stale, mineral taste to it.
              That happens for two reasons, one, dust settles in it, and two, the oxygen that's been dissolved in the water has bubbled away, in much the same process that causes soda to go flat, just replace carbon dioxide with oxygen.

              And on the original topic, I have to leave my coffee out for ten minutes before it's cool enough to drink anyway. Oh, and TNT, whereas I am not hip to the more baroque areas of coffee culture and prefer coffee-flavored-coffee, banning cream and sugar is a tad excessive.
              You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.

