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No cheese please.

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  • No cheese please.

    This lady in her 50's/60's shows up at the service desk with a brick of cheese she had just purchased. She starts explaining that it was supposed to be on sale and it was scanned at regular price. To give her the benefit of the doubt, and because sale items don't always scan at the proper price because they haven't been changed in the system, I compared the item she returned to the one advertised in the sales flyer, even performing an item inquiry on the register to see what it scanned at.

    Confirming that the cheese she returned was indeed $4.99, the price it was advertised at in the flyer, I then looked at her receipt and noticed that she had purchased TWO bricks of cheese but had only returned one. We carry two brands; Black Diamond and Cracker Barrel. The one she returned was the Cracker Barrel, the one on sale. The other brand which was obviously absent was the Black Diamond which her receipt had indicated was $8.39.

    I then proceeded to explain to her that she had returned the cheese that was on sale and that I needed the $8.39 one in order to refund it. That's when said customer starts to lose all sense of understanding and starts arguing that no, both cheeses she purchased were the same brand and the same price. I repeatedly attempted to show her that the cheese in her hands was indeed $4.99, even pointing out on the receipt that one was called Cracker Barrel and the other Black Diamond, eventhough they are listed as CB and BD. I don't know, maybe it's the abbreviations that confused her...

    Anyway, after about a couple of minutes of trying to explain to her that she was attempting to return the wrong kind and that she needed to produce the other, she starts yelling, her voice raising an octave by the second about how I was actually going to make her go all the way back home to get the other cheese. After seeing that this woman would not show any reasoning and because I wasn't going to refund an $8.39 cheese she still had at home, I got on the phone to page a manager, whom conveniently enough were all on their lunch break. After a couple of minutes on the phone trying to dispatch ANYONE who might have been available, the woman was still ranting and raving, which I had tuned out by that point. Then I saw her stomping off and heading out of the store. I kept expecting her to come back, but there was no further sign of her during the remainder of my shift. So maybe getting home, she realized her mistake and was too embarrassed to attempt her refund a second time.

  • #2
    Quoth GroceryGIrl View Post
    So maybe getting home, she realized her mistake and was too embarrassed to attempt her refund a second time.
    not bloody likely. i'm sure there will be another attempt. no matter how wrong, no matter how unjust, no matter how stupid the SC's always come back to do more damage.


    • #3
      Maybe not, she threw a temper tantrum but didn't get her way. It'll take a few days for the shock to set in at least.


      • #4
        I also work in the cash office several times a week, and we have to do refund reports. Going through yesterday's report, I noticed that an $8.39 cheese had been refunded. I had the day off yesterday, so unless someone made the same mistake, I'm willing to bet it was the same customer. It's too bad I wasn't there. I would have loved to tell her "I told you so!"


        • #5
          Quoth GroceryGIrl View Post
          I also work in the cash office several times a week, and we have to do refund reports. Going through yesterday's report, I noticed that an $8.39 cheese had been refunded. I had the day off yesterday, so unless someone made the same mistake, I'm willing to bet it was the same customer. It's too bad I wasn't there. I would have loved to tell her "I told you so!"
          I was really surprised (and pleased!) when that story didn't end with her getting the cheese for free or some crazy thing
          "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


          • #6
            Not to nitpick, but an octave is actually a measure of frequency, not voume.. which makes the story seem funnier. That her voice got progressively higher and higher pitched, until dogs' heads started exploding and glass was shattering..
            I will never go to school!


            • #7
              Sounds to me like it was a scam more than a mistake.

