I am wandering around the pub clearing tables. I walk over to the SC's table, and noticed an empty plate in front of him.
Me: I hope everything was OK with your meal, I'll just clear that away for you.
The SC grabs the plate so I cannot pick it up. I look on the plate, and notice a crumb, probably about the size of a pinky fingernail, left. The SC, without saying a word, very slooooowwllly reached for the crumb, slowly placed it in his mouth and slowly chewed it, without saying a word, and with his face fixed on me. I can only describe the look on his face as somewhere between smug and vindictive.
I simply let go of the plate so it hit the table with a clatter, and walked away. I noticed him staring at me, then shaking his head and going back to his newspaper.
Anyone got any idea what this guy's problem was?
Me: I hope everything was OK with your meal, I'll just clear that away for you.
The SC grabs the plate so I cannot pick it up. I look on the plate, and notice a crumb, probably about the size of a pinky fingernail, left. The SC, without saying a word, very slooooowwllly reached for the crumb, slowly placed it in his mouth and slowly chewed it, without saying a word, and with his face fixed on me. I can only describe the look on his face as somewhere between smug and vindictive.
I simply let go of the plate so it hit the table with a clatter, and walked away. I noticed him staring at me, then shaking his head and going back to his newspaper.
Anyone got any idea what this guy's problem was?