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Belated Tales from the 9-13

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  • Belated Tales from the 9-13

    So, What has happened in the past two weeks? Am I still employed, am I getting and nothings phasing me, or do I somehow put off a suck not allowed field? The answers are yes, no way it's possible, my heart is too black as it is, and unsure.

    so anyways onto the stories...

    No Shirt, No Shoes, No Literacy, No Service

    So if the others from the general Pugety Sound region haven't clued you in, we've been delivered weather that seems to have been delivered north, to the great northwest, instead of going to the lower Midwest and south where it belongs. As such, we get to pull out a sign that is unusual to see in oft-precipitous King County, the wonderful... No shirt, No shoes, No service sign. It gives me great pleasure that it's one of the few times that I can be something of an ass, though can't go too far.

    In total, I've seen about 10 people ignore the sign, but two really take the cake.

    on Sunday 2 August, 2009, had a wonderful father and son duo walk in, and upon being told they needed shirts, the father bursts out...

    Me: Your wonderful blue bunny (my thoughts in parenthesis)
    GED: "Great" example dad

    Me: Excuse me sir, you need to have a shirt on.
    GED: (oh shit) FUCK THIS SHIT! Let's go!
    GED drags son out, (not literally thank goodness) and gets into his (penis extension) truck, right in front of the front doors, Driver's side level with the sign. Hey not my fault he has customer illiteracy, bad I might add.

    and over the past couple days, we've had a guy I will now call go back to Cali guy (GBTCG for short,) GBTCG comes in, ALWAYS shirtless, raises a fuss over having to follow WASHINGTON'S health law/code and *gasps* finally admits why.... can anyone guess...

    He did it all the time in California and nobody seemed to care.

    That's nice. But as the awesome regular behind him put it, well it's Washington health code. At least GBTCG admitted he should go back to the place that let him.

    Other than that, most people seem to gt it and comply.

    The heat, dear god the heat

    Now I thought it was OK the first few times, but after about the fifth time of being told, oh you must be staying cool in here, when it should be clear from the sweat on my forehead that I'm not (this being due to being stuck serving thee public in a store that serves cold beverages of the sugary, corn syrupy, watery, hoppy and icy varieties during a heat wave means I'm stuck behind the counter for hours on end at some points, OK for almost half my shift, and it's plain as day since you came in when there's five others on the machine with you and nobody seems to know each other, and more keep coming in (as in it's clear that nothing's bringing me from behind the counter aside from having to clean up a mess... I'll save that one for sa second.) Now how bad is it, well lets see, you got to pass by the counter area, which some people have told me they can feel the heat from... and act amazed when they ask why it's so hot... oh I dunno, a roller-grill, a hot foods case, and a SUPER-MICROWAVE of SCIENCE! that looks like a regular oven couldn't do it, oh and it's afternoon, in a west facing story, with about 7-8 lanes worth of asphalt between the front of the store and the nice shady, yet brier patch...y area beyond that could have nothing to do with it. Nope I'm just faking having heat exhaustion because half you people don't understand, and the other half feel you're entitled to something.

    Wont somebody think of the children.

    Now onto the rant so I don't derail the previous rant. We have been doing great Squishie business... so great that thanks to a beloved feature of Seattle... Seafair AKA, let's mess with everyone's commute by having some blue colored flying squids (if you know military jargon, you might know what I'm talking about here) fly right over one of the busiest bridges in the Puget Sound area, we completely ran out of the two largest size cups... and the lids went down to 2 or 3 at most.

    Why you may ask didn't we plan on this? oh we did... well on the lids, the cups was kinda, we weren't expecting flying squid to affect our deliveries as they did. No our lids were gon through by parents letting their kids TRY to get at the largest size lid (most young kids would barely be able to reach the smallest size lid) because it's just too cute... of course since they want the one that's 4 back from the front they grab it and pull it out, letting the rest of them go all over the floor, now isn't that pwecious, though I'm starting to doubt it, seems more like people just don't give a shit and pull off 3 thinking it's one and just toss the other two to the ground to be stepped on, and rendered useless. As ATM would say... "Savages."

    And it's plain to see why he says that, after the first two hours of the rush, when I have about 3 minutes to do any cleaning, at least one if not ALL of the minutes is used cleaning up squishie lids and or squishie straws off the ground, and cleaning up people's squishie accidents... often left to just sticky everything up, because they can't be bothered to use the trash can located conveniently. RIGHT. ON. THE. WAY. TO. THE. REGISTER. but just leave a pile of wrappers wherever they please, hell fast food morons weren't this lazy, and by golly they can be lazy, So either teach you kids good lessons like personal responsibility and picking up after yourself, or do their Squishie get for them, you clerk will thank you.

    I'm shocked

    Oh and once again, I'm really starting to remember WHY I hate one brand of smokes over all others I hate. The brand which I would love to see crushed, see their executives driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women, I speak none other than of N-ports.... yes I greeked this popular cigarette name, just to be on the safe side, not of any sort of trademarking, but for people who'll fly off and call me racist. However judging by the number of folks of a particular heritage, and their fellows of a different heritage who like the first's culture, though their ancestors probably hated each other for quite a while, who give me the look, you'd think by saying we're out I would have gone from my gelled coif, tattoo free, tolerant, nice guy to being an angry neo-Nazi skinhead with white power tattooed on my forehead shouting out RaHoWa in their faces. Unlike the last time this had happened, this time it hasn't been said directly to my face, no, I just get the look of utter disbelief that this honky cracker would dare deny them mentholy goodness in the form of an overpriced over-hyped, collection of menthol crystals and tobacco, of course I do have their cheaper cousins close to them... Mmmm every once in a while I loves me some Kools, nope not gonna greek that, Kools are superior, thanks to their flip-top box.

    AND this is why I hate undeciders, or No means no.

    And last story. It's about 5 minutes until I get off shift, I'm trying to complete the last of my tasks (namely counting out my till so I can have it verified by oncoming guy) when a simple purchase comes up. So I stopped what I was doing, and started to ring him up... and nothing went wrong... BTW if you believe that I have some oceanfront property in Kansas I'd be willing to sell you, and a couple bridges to boot.

    Me: if you don't know by now it's too late...
    Stoned Guy/SG: Not sure if he was but if not, musta been dropped on his head quite a few times.

    SG has gotten himself a Pepsi and two beverages of an alcoholic nature. SG also looks nowhere near 30, and even then he looks bearly over 18.

    Me:Can I ee your ID please?
    SG: Oh come on. (Shatneresque pause or SP) Frank, you should know by now. *shows anyways*
    Me *finishes checking him out* Anything else (most people this is a no that means no)
    SG: no.

    I finis the transaction.

    SG: Yeah let me get a slice of pizza *SP* and six of those wings,
    Me: which ones (we have three types, Teriyaki-ish, BBQ and Hot)
    SG: Six wngs
    Me: what kind
    SG: Oh uh *SP* BBQ
    Me ok anything else?
    SG: no.

    Finish his transaction, and start to close out again. less than a minute later he's back up at the counter, now being heled by guy relieving so I can get the hell out of there and home to my hoppy goodness and two days off.

    And looking back on this, I realize something, he must have something wrong, since he often comes in, and just to annoy us seems to try to do the following asks what smokes he can get with 5 bucks along with *food item and/or food item* (uhm maybe A as in ONE single cigarete and ultimately all he ends up getting is regular drink, an alcoholic one, and a grap swisher sweet... all this after (if there's a line) he has held people up for a couple minutes, too bad we can't tell him, decide or GTFO when that happens, would be great.

    aaaaaaand... mmmmmmm Beer.

  • #2
    Quoth bunnyboy View Post
    and over the past couple days, we've had a guy I will now call go back to Cali guy (GBTCG for short,) GBTCG comes in, ALWAYS shirtless, raises a fuss over having to follow WASHINGTON'S health law/code and *gasps* finally admits why.... can anyone guess...

    He did it all the time in California and nobody seemed to care.
    I call bullshit on this guy. Everywhere here is also "no shirt, no service." The only places that aren't are the ones right down on the beach itself.

    Sounds to me he's more just a lazy jackass.
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:


    • #3
      Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
      I call bullshit on this guy. Everywhere here is also "no shirt, no service." The only places that aren't are the ones right down on the beach itself.

      Sounds to me he's more just a lazy jackass.
      In Cali over here - and yup, it's health code here, too. I grew up in a hippy town and spent most of one summer barefoot. but I always kept a pair of flip-flops in the car so I could go to restaurants since I knew it was against code for me to be in there with no shoes.
      Interesting Fodder:


      • #4
        Oh Iknow he was saying BS, I've lived in cali before, but people like him should just go back there... preferably on a dugout boat... that goes out too far and sinks. yeah not bitter about the lack of anything but L.A. Area Californians up here. Or the time I was in the California Side of Tahoe's school system... or various other things...


        • #5
          Hi fellow (well normally) drowned rat!

          Yes that heat was annoying..especially when you work at a certain hardware store in Renton that was out of a/c and fans Okay I'll behave now...maybe..
          Out of retail!


          • #6
            Or a hotel out on the Olympic Peninsula without air conditioning


            • #7
              Quoth Keiara View Post
              Hi fellow (well normally) drowned rat!

              Yes that heat was annoying..especially when you work at a certain hardware store in Renton that was out of a/c and fans Okay I'll behave now...maybe..
              Dear lord Renton? you probably know the 9-13I workat... and have seen me...


              • #8
                lol The only one I've been close to(never went in for some reason) was the one in Des Moines
                Out of retail!


                • #9
                  Quoth bunnyboy View Post
                  SG has gotten himself a Pepsi and two beverages of an alcoholic nature. SG also looks nowhere near 30, and even then he looks bearly over 18.

                  Me:Can I ee your ID please?
                  SG: Oh come on. (Shatneresque pause or SP) Frank, you should know by now. *shows anyways*
                  Me *finishes checking him out* Anything else (most people this is a no that means no)
                  SG: no.

                  And looking back on this, I realize something, he must have something wrong, since he often comes in, and just to annoy us seems to try to do the following asks what smokes he can get with 5 bucks along with *food item and/or food item*
                  Everywhere I went as a regular I never got asked for ID after a while cause the cashier would recognize me. Even at a few "9-13's." I don't look anywhere near my age either. Since he's a regular and you said he comes in often did you ask him for his ID to annoy him since you feel he annoys you with his habits?


                  • #10
                    Quoth Willis View Post
                    Everywhere I went as a regular I never got asked for ID after a while cause the cashier would recognize me. Even at a few "9-13's." I don't look anywhere near my age either. Since he's a regular and you said he comes in often did you ask him for his ID to annoy him since you feel he annoys you with his habits?
                    Thing is he's not quite a regular, unlike a lot of "regulars" he comes in about maybe once a week, during a non-peak time, and gets ONE thing, a single swisher... yeah, nope we're being told to check on ANYONE who looks under 30 for all age restricted items so, just following protocol.

                    And yeah we're known for it, I used to frequent my 9-13 and always got carded anyways.

