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short and sweet. Potential SC averted.

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  • short and sweet. Potential SC averted.

    There are plusses to being on nightshift and being the ONLY one in my entire department.

    Big, slightly intoxicated (could smell booze coming off him like he bathed in it) gentleman comes over from the ER.

    "Are you the guy thats gonna take my fucking xrays?"

    me: Yes.. I'm the guy who's going to take your fucking xrays! (basically said in same tone of voice he had which was your basic 'im the king shit here yeaaaa attitude')

    and that was that. drunk ass didn't say more than 2 words to me the rest of the time which was JUST FINE, and he cooperated with me so I was able to get some decent xrays for the ER doc.

    I figure he just thought he'd act all tough or something like that, and figured that no one would DARE talk back to him.

    so yes it was unprofessional but sorry we're all human beings and deserve basic courtesy and civillity (although SC's of course assume all are beneath them and we must bow before their awesomeness)

    Now i have NEVER sworn at, or in the hearing of, a patient EVER. but. sorry, I have very little patience at 3am, and less so when any injuries upon yourself were inflicted because you got drunk and thought skydiving off your roof (or whatever happened) was a great idea at 1:30am. (I usually don't have too much of a problem with people as if someone is VERY belligerent/hostile/threatening I A. can easily refuse to xray them until they are more cooperative and B. if someone's that threatening or hostile usually there are cops and/or security staying with them at all times so it's not an issue because if someone wont listen to me they WILL listen to the nice man in the shirt that says 'POLICE' on it
    Last edited by MergedLoki; 08-06-2009, 09:38 AM. Reason: rewording
    Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.

  • #2
    Well handled. Sometimes they just need to know you won't put up with their shenanigans, and besides, he cussed at you first.


    • #3
      Wiked response. Some people when you speak back to them at their level will simply crumble and show just how much of a coward they really are.
      Part Angel Part Sadist


      • #4
        The Romans used to say that the barbarians would be at your throat or at your feet. It all depended on how you acted.

