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Metal Gear Flaccid

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  • Metal Gear Flaccid

    Tactical Espionage Asshats

    So, yeah, I haven't posted in, like, forever. It's not that I don't love you guys, it's just that I kind of got bummed from being told through repeated PM's my stories don't technically involve customers. Then I got busy. Then I didn't think I had much to add to the forums. But I digress. Here's a crop of stories from inside the prison walls. Actually, we don't have a wall, we have a fence. But it has like 7 layers of razor-wire and would totally shred your ass.

    IM: Inmate
    CO: (Inmate-speak for "Corrections Officer")
    CW: Coworker
    SGT: Sargent

    By the Power of the Secretary of Corrections, I Have the Power

    In a control room

    ME: Yeah?
    IM: Hey CO, can I come out to get some ice?
    ME: No. *turn intercom off*
    ME: Yeah?
    IM: What do you mean, "no?"
    ME: Do you have a dictionary?
    IM: Yes.
    ME: Look it up. *intercom off*
    ME: Yeah?
    IM: What's your name?
    ME: COI [Kara] (that's CO-1, my rank)
    IM: How do you spell that?

    I've been doing this for a year and a half now, but after ten years of working retail and customer service, and I still looooooove to be able to say "no" without giving any thought to the possibility of losing my job. In the meantime, this assgoblin filed a Grievance against me that I wouldn't let him out to get ice at a time where there was no movement going on. I consider Grievances to be a way for the Captain's Office to know I'm doing my job effectively

    A High Cost for Relief

    We had a fight in the restroom in the gym the other day. After they locked to two participants up, they escorted another guy to my house to be placed in Segregation (the hole). Later, I asked one of the escorting officers what he did.

    After the fight, they secured the bathroom and put up several strips of "Crime Scene" tape across the doorway. A little later, they were asked to search the bathroom by the Captain. As they moved the Crime Scene tape aside and stepped into the bathroom, they nearly plowed into an inmate that was walking out.

    CW: What are you doing?
    IM: Well, uh...
    CW: Did you not see the bright yellow tape right there?
    IM: Yeah, but-
    CW: Then what the f*** were you doing in here?
    IM: I had to pee.

    Congratulations! You've won an all-expense-paid one-way ticket to the hole, where you will be confined to a glamourous 6x12, poorly ventilated cell where you will enjoy a daily routine of being locked down 23 hours a day, having to be restrained and escorted anywhere outside your cell, unable to concentrate with all yelling from the guys who play chess with each other on separate ends of the house, and waking up every hour or so when the night shift shines their 4 million watt flashlights in your face to make sure you're still breathing.

    But that's not all! If you are found guilty by the Disciplinary Officer in your hearing for interfering with a crime scene, your stay could be extended by 14-30 days.

    Secret Agent (wo)Man

    In a control room again

    SGT (on phone): Hey, [IM1] just shouted to [IM2]'s cell that "It's in the same place as last time." So we're going to look around before the next Dayroom" (like indoor recess for convicts).

    Next Dayroom period starts. IM2 was on Restricted status, meaning he got in trouble. Not severe enough to go to Seg, but enough to lose most of his privileges for a week, including coming out for Dayroom. I see IM3 walk to his door and turn on the intercom.

    IM2: Hey, go there in the mop closet and [inaudible].
    IM3: The one in the corner?
    IM2: No, the other trashcan.
    IM3: Oh, alright.

    I call my SGT and relay this, and IM3 gets caught digging through a trashcan. Nothing is found (it was probably a pack of Ramen Noodles or something), and he is told to get lost. So he goes back to IM2.

    IM2: You got it?
    IM3: Nah, they came in there and searched me.
    IM2: That's cause the bitch up in the bubble (IM term for cellhouse control room) is spying on us! Did they find anything?
    IM3: Nah.
    IM2: Yeah! That's what you get for listening in on motherf***ers! Hey! (repeatedly hitting in-cell intercom button).
    ME: Yeah?
    IM2: Why you spying on us an shit?
    ME: I'm not spying. I'm doing my job.
    IM2: Yeah, well spy on THIS! *Splat This is the sound of a wad of wet toilet paper being thrown on the intercom
    ME: ...
    IM2: Try spyin on me now!

    It's cute how you think you have some right to privacy that I am somehow violating. I also like how you point out my "spying" skills, like I'm some a member of some elite, covert ops team. The damn intercom is right there by your desk, it's not like I have a radio-controlled rat under your bunk or anything. However, my finely trained ninja-special agent ears can still hear you talking despite your clever ploy to make this impossible with soaking wet, one-ply, John Wayne toilet paper. Today, I think I'll sit next to his cell inside a cardboard box.

    Why I'll Never Be a Counselor

    IM (Yelling across the house): Hey [Kara}! Come here!
    ME (Yelling back): Hey, [Inmate]! Kill yourself!
    SGT: Um, you probably shouldn't tell them to kill themselves.
    ME: Why not?

    I mean, seriously, with all the budget cuts the state has been making left and right, why not try to save some money?

    Convict Philosophy

    I'm standing outside while two inmate custodians sweep the rugs from the entrance to the cellhouse

    IM1: You know what the problem is with a lot of CO's?
    ME: What?
    IM1: They don't understand that, when they go home at the end of the day, that's it. They don't got to think about this place anymore.
    IM2: Yeah, then they come up in here the next day and think they can just start runnin shit.
    IM1: Exactly. What they fail to realize is that we live here. This is our house. We be runnin shit, not them.

    Right, so, in essence, we should just let you guys do whatever the hell you want and not try to enforce any rules simply because you are the ones that "live" there. You don't "live" there, though, you are "confined" there. Why? Because the last time you were left to your own devices, you wound up in prison. So maybe that's why we're a little hesitant to trust you.

    A Proposition

    IM: You know I get out next week, right?
    ME: Yeah. Don't f*** up again and wind up back in here.
    IM: Nah, I'll be putting ink on people. Probably a lot of officers from here.
    ME: Probably.
    IM: So what's up? You want me to set you up? I got a tattoo gun.
    ME: In your cell?
    IM: No, on the street. You got any tattoos?
    ME: No.
    IM: Come see me when I get out, I already got a job. I'll give you a 50% discount.
    ME: No, I'm good.
    IM: You sure? I could tattoo my name on your titties.
    ME: No thanks.
    IM: Okay, well, if you change your mind, let me know.

    Yeah, there's that whole "trust" thing again. I don't even want regular people injecting dyes into my flesh with sharp pointy objects, I sure as hell don't want ex-cons doing it.

    That's all for now.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    I like your stories. I am sorry you got PM's about them.
    Please keep posting them, I get a kick out of 'em!
    "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
    "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


    • #3
      Yay! More prison stories!

      Did you/are you going to sit outside that guy's cell in a box?
      What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


      • #4
        Well Kara, I have to say I've missed your stories, they're always awesome.

        And as for the naysayers that say it shouldn't be in SC Forum, unless they are a moderator, just ignore them, for every one who complains I'm usre there's 3-4 that aren't bothered and love your stories.
        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


        • #5
          Good to see you back Was worried as you'd previously had health issues.



          • #6
            oh, I missed these stories. Loved the cardboard box bit. I could see them not realizing, either
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Welcome back Kara! You're one of my favourite posters.

              To hell with those PMs, I'd say the convicts are close enough to SCs in your line of work.

              Keep them coming.
              "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


              • #8
                I LOVE your stories. To be able to tell someone off, such a dream for so many of us.

                Be safe!
                Is it really SO hard to listen to the prompts?


                • #9
                  Lol @ title. Also there's "Moron Gear Solid".

                  Quoth Kara View Post
                  IM: What do you mean, "no?"
                  *insert best Sean Connery voice* Well, it's the opposite of "yes".
                  Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                  • #10
                    Of course the prisoners are SC's ... Ones that got caught and busted for it.

                    Thanks for a good morning laugh.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kara View Post
                      Tactical Espionage Asshats

                      So, yeah, I haven't posted in, like, forever. It's not that I don't love you guys, it's just that I kind of got bummed from being told through repeated PM's my stories don't technically involve customers.
                      While you don't deal with customers I LOVE your stories, they among the top ones on the board. Ignore the PM's and keep posting.

                      I think that many of the SCs we see are just IM that have not be prosecuted ( Fraud, Threats, Assault, Negligence, Vandalism ).
                      If it makes sense, it's not allowed™. -- BeckySunshine

                      I've heard of breaking wind but not breaking and entering wind. --- Sheldonrs

                      My gaming blog:Ghosts from the Black


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kara View Post
                        my stories don't technically involve customers.
                        Sure they do. They're just "Involuntary Customers."
                        "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


                        • #13
                          Kara's back! Kara's back! *tackles* I missed your tales!

                          *has managed to work "Go Go Gadget Rulebook" into an argument *
                          Quoth Crossbow View Post
                          Sure they do. They're just "Involuntary Customers."
                          Customers of the state, only with the standard SC powers (mostly) stripped from them.
                          Last edited by Dreamstalker; 08-07-2009, 02:28 AM.
                          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                          • #14
                            If the people who PM you do not like the stories all they have to do is ignore the topic.

                            I enjoy them.

                            Keep them coming.

                            I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                            • #15
                              Kara!!! You're BACK!!!!!

                              *tackle hug*

                              I was beginning to wonder if you'd been eaten by a grue.

                              Ignore the PMs, if they don't like what you have to say, they can just not click on the threads. It's the internet after all, it's not like they have to read it.

                              Most of us love your stories. More, please.
                              The High Priest is an Illusion!

