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We are just a retail store...

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  • We are just a retail store...

    Ok i waited until i got the story from managment before i posted this one....

    As the story goes a lady was in with a few of her children and she claims a man tried to abduct a child right infront of her. She then goes to a manager and tells him. She gives him a vague description (mid 30's blue jeans male kinda thing' and they look around for him. She then changes her description to another kinda vague man. This is an hour into it and then she finally leaves.

    She comes back a few days later and demands that we show her our survailance tapes and our manager tells her that we cannot release those to the public. She still demands and my manager just tells her this is a police matter and she needs to go to the police about it.

    Police show up and ask for the tapes. We give them of course. They dont find anything on the tapes and there isnt much more we could do about it.

    Yesterday she comes in AGAIN and demands to see our company policies and demands that we train our temp holiday xmas staff to be on the lookout for 'strange men' and we need to do a PA announcment with the description she gave us warning people about a child abductor. My manager is just like 'i dont know what your expect us to do.....our staff are trained to sell merchendise......nto be babysitters....

    sigh* well we will see how this goes. she raises holy hell with us every time she comes in now because we cant notice when a 'strange looking adult' is walking around with a kid......

    and u know what i think the kicker is when she is buggin us about 'strange looking adults' with kids? she is white and her children are black......adopted or a black father i dont know but yah
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    Well, retail stores do offer a nice babysitting service. You just leave your kids there and come back a few hours later and ask a cashier to page your kids to the checkouts. And, if so much as a hair on the child is harmed (even if they did it themselves), you can yell and scream at the cashier who makes minimum wage because he/she wasn't watching your pwecious wittle baby. Because running away from the tills and following kids around and making sure nothing happens is in their job description.

    Hey, you're a good customer. That $4 you spent here last month entitles you to a good babysitting service.
    free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


    • #3

      Or how about that coupon you used last month that entitled you to a free portrait? FREE babysitting service? Fantastic!

      I never get how parents can leave their children unattended- I work in the mall- and it is SOOOO easy if you are a child molestor to grab a kid and book it out the back door... WTF? I would have more concern for my child than to leave them in a store unattended. I don't care what kind of reputation the company or its employees have, nor do I trust the other CUSTOMERS shopping in the store!

      These people should not be allowed to breed... (I say breed as I don't consider people of this calibur to be truly human).
      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

