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The Lotto Lingerers (long)

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  • The Lotto Lingerers (long)

    At the mom-and-pop store I work at, we have several regular customers. Most come in in the morning, to hang around, and gab with my boss. However, by the time my shift rolls around, most of the regular customers I see are the ones who play the lottery, primarily scratch tickets. Some just stop in, buy a few tickets, and then go out to their cars, to scratch them; occasionally bringing in the winners in order to buy more, but often just leave. However, there are some certain regular customers who go well beyond that. I’ve come to nickname them “the Lotto Lingerers.” Here are some of the more notable ones:

    The Russian Lady: Has a thick accent. Tends to stick to one or two types of tickets; notably, a $5 ticket called “Ruby Red 7s”, and a $10 ticket called “$10 Million Hold-’em Poker” (though she often buys a $2 ticket called “Sapphire Blue 5s”, similar in format to Ruby Red 7s, whenever we happen to have them). A typical part of her run will include getting “two Ruby Reds, and a Poker,” after which she’ll head over to the scancard booth to scratch them, returning a few minutes later. This often continues for 15-30 minutes, before she gets frustrated, and buys a last lot of tickets to bring to her car, though she occasionally scratches those outside, and returns for more...

    The “Where’s The Beef?” Lady: has a voice similar to the character from the classic ‘80s Wendy’s ad, and just about as annoying (even more so if she’s in a whiny mood). Walks very slowly; has a cane, which rarely seems to touch the ground most of the time (she often leaves it hanging off the edge of the counter, which leads to it falling to the ground). Has dentures, which can be often heard shuffling around in her mouth as she talks. Is rather deaf, which means that I have to constantly repeat the amount of money (if any) she won on her scratch tickets, or resort to visual signals. Buys mostly $2 and $1 tickets; more often than not, rather than using the number system we have our ticket slots labeled with, she’ll just ask for “a number 2”, while pointing in the general direction of the ticket she wants. Constantly asks “do I have enough?” for her intended ticket purchase, often resorting to small change. Usually takes 30-45 minutes to finish a ticket run, resulting in a long (for our store) line forming behind her, since she usually scratches her tickets right in front of the main counter. More often than not, at the end of a ticket run, she’ll announce to me “This is it. I’m done,” yet she usually ends up getting more tickets anyway. Usually talks about how broke she is, and how cranky her husband must be getting, as he waits in the car for her to finish her run (he must have infinite patience, since he usually looks fairly content). Woe be to anyone stuck behind her in line...

    Last but certainly not least, there’s The Addict. Regularly spents $100 or more in a single ticket run, often getting one each of our $10 and $5 scratch tickets. Spending $1,000 total in a ticket session is commonplace for him; he’s likely blown tens of thousands of dollars during my tenure at the store. Often spends an hour or more in the store, scratching away either at the main counter, or on a corner of the main counter, near the trash can. Usually only scratches parts of the tickets, looking for a three-letter code which indicates a store-cashable (between $1 and $500) winning ticket; brings any with a non-winning code home with him, to check and see if any of them are big winners (the stack of non-winners is regularly several inches thick!). Plows the entirety of his ticket winnings, if any, for the run back into more tickets. Rarely brings along enough cash to cover the amount of tickets he intends to buy, which means I have to keep a log of the amount of money he spends, to make for a running total of his debt. During one session, counting the amount he spent in cash, in ticket winnings, and the amount spent as credit, he blew a grand total of $1,170. It’s not uncommon for him to end up owing $200-300 after a ticket session (why my boss lets him do this is completely beyond me, but he pays the debt off eventually, so it’s not really my place to say). He’s always aiming for that big $500 winning ticket, which he has hit before, but not nearly often enough to support the debt he runs up each session. When he does, however, he usually tips me $40, telling me to use it to take my mother out for ice cream. The lesser regular lotto players have told me that our store is not the only one he plays lottery tickets at...

    Honorable Mention: the Scancard Lady. Doesn’t play scratch tickets at nearly the same frequency as the three listed above, but still deserves a mention. Her primary reason for coming in is to play the daily numbers game. She typically spends $70-120 per session on three- and four-number combinations, usually involving the numbers ‘2’, ‘4’, and ‘0’ for some unknown reason. Usually has me play numerous manually-entered three-number combos ($3 a pop), and then starts handing me stacks of scancards, typically worth $3.50-7.00 apiece, and usually has me run them twice each. She always pays in checks, often writing them out for a bit more than what the grand total comes out to (again, I don’t fathom why the boss lets her do this, but he does).

    There are other lesser Lotto Lingerers, but they’re not quite as notorious as these four. Whenever someone laments that they play too many tickets, I often mention The Addict, and they usually agree that he’s crazy. Perhaps I’ll mention some of the lesser lingerers in future installments, if anything notable comes up.
    Goofy music!
    Old tech junk!

  • #2
    Whenever I play the lotto, it is the scratch offs. Maybe here and there, I might play the Super Lotto, but only if it is a good amount.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      Gambling is a symptom of addiction. Some folks are just as addicted to gambling as I was to dope. I don't understand it. (Just as I am sure that some didn't understand my drug addiction) There are some people I know in the program (12-steps) that will not step foot in a casino or play the lotto because they think that's equivalent to a relapse on substances. Me, if I go to the casinos - I take $20 - 40 (that is not much) and if I lose that - I lost. Most of the time, it doesn't take long for me to lose that little amount, but there was the one time that I played for a long time on that small amount and I walked away with $40 in winnings.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        To the OP, you are not alone dear.

        I'm surprised I don't have nightmares about my past job at the gas station, and all the "Lotto whores" and "Lotto losers".

        Heavens to Betsy did we have some horrible addicts. The worst part was (yes, me being judgemental but most likely correct, since it was a mom and pop type of gas station on a road surrounded by a very bad, quite low income, quite high drug use neighborhood) most of these addicts couldn't afford it.

        We had all of the games you just mentioned, plus $20 ones. Trust me, it was nothing for one of our losers to come in and buy 5 of the $20 ones and only win $20 back......then buy more and more and more. Of course, it was always MY fault that I didn't sell them a winner. I always wanted to say, "Idiot, please...if I knew which ones had the big winners, I would have bought them myself and quit this place already!"

        These people are very difficult to deal with. Dealing with anyone with an addiction is hard...but these people are nearly impossible. I found dealing with drunk people, at times, (not all the time, but at times) to be easier than dealing with our lotto scum.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          I get a kick out of the people who blow a hundred bucks on scratchers only to come with nothing, or a free scratcher.
          "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

          When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


          • #6
            When I was younger, people said "Too bad you can't tax stupidity."

            They don't say that any more.


            • #7
              Got an update (well, an example of the actions of one of the LLs)

              The Russian Lady came in last night. She started off as normal, with her "two Ruby Reds and a Poker" runs. However, before too long, she started buying tickets other than her usual. On one of the non-Ruby Red $5 tickets she bought, she actually managed to win $100. This triggered a ticket-buying run that I've never seen from her.

              At one point, she bought at least four $10 tickets in one run! That'd be normal for The Addict (well, more like a light run for him...), but not for the Russian Lady. She was at the store for around an hour, scratching off a large (for her) number of scratch tickets. She soon burnt through the $100 winnings (well, minus a $5 tip she gave me ), and a further $100 or so after that.

              Near the end, she seemed to realize what she'd done, lamenting how much she'd spent on all those scratch tickets, yet she continued to play more... Finally, she decided to cut her losses, and leave. Once this was done (leaving me over an hour late for my usual chores, I might add), I was a tad exhausted, and quite grateful to have the time to get back to my usual duties (not to mention for getting the tip). Fortunately for me, it was fairly quiet afterwards.
              Goofy music!
              Old tech junk!


              • #8
                I could never see myself getting hooked on drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, etc., because I find the thought of most of those unsavory at best (and caffeine and I don't get along at all, beyond chocolate and headache medicine). Gambling, though, is an addiction I could very easily see myself succumbing to, should I ever allow myself to start. I can walk through a casino just fine, but I know if I were to sit down with a handful of change to play the slots, or buy a few scratchcards or whatever, I'd blow my life savings in no time flat. Some of these people just boggle me (and make me sigh with pity).

                Luckily, Wal-Mart doesn't sell scratchcards, so I don't have to deal with the lingerers.

                And my husband likes to say that the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math (which is a quote he's picked up elsewhere).
                "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                • #9
                  Quoth blas87 View Post

                  We had all of the games you just mentioned, plus $20 ones. Trust me, it was nothing for one of our losers to come in and buy 5 of the $20 ones and only win $20 back......then buy more and more and more. Of course, it was always MY fault that I didn't sell them a winner.

                  That's as bad as the people who get mad they didn't get rich going to Vegas.


                  • #10
                    Yeesh, what memories this thread has dredged up.

                    When I worked at a C-store, we had this one guy who spent what I considered insane amounts of money on the state lotto and Powerball. I remember one time when the Powerball had gotten up to a near-record (at the time, before they changed the game's matrix) $100 million, he came in that Saturday afternoon bringing in play slips and wanting quick-picks for EVERYONE he worked with. We're talking about $600 just on Powerball tickets.

                    Oddly enough, some time later (not in that drawing) one of the young ladies I worked with actually sold him a winning Powerball - not the jackpot, but he did win $100K. After taxes, he still managed to take home a cool $72K. The thing that sucked about it was, he had always said that he'd give at least a little something to whoever sold him a good winner. Not that we were holding our breath for him to win, but for all the guy's other faults, we at least thought he'd be true to his word, even if it was only a $50 bill or something. Nope, not a dime to the young lady - completely went back on his word. Not so much that any of us felt that he "owed" it to her, and not that anyone even said anything to him about it or got upset with him, but considering his promise, it would have been a nice gesture.

                    Matter of fact, he stopped coming in shortly after that. Completely disassociated himself from our store.


                    • #11
                      I myself don't play lottery games all that much, since I know that I won't win anything (I tend to have horrible luck when it comes to contests of all sorts; I've won maybe two raffle prizes in my entire life). Most of my addictions seem to have to do with collecting stuff (see my website below for some examples). Anyway, when it comes to the lotto people wanting winners, most of them do know the score, and only chide about me being sure to pick out a winner for them. I have yet to have anyone get truly mad at me for selling them a losing ticket; if someone complains (in good humor, mind you) about getting a loser, I tell them to take it up with the lottery commission...

                      Anyway, yet another LL update...

                      Around 5 or so, who should pop in, but The Addict... However, like with the Russian Lady example above, his visit was atypical for him. Most of it was spent gabbing with someone who was already in the store. Once he got down to business, he spent "only" around $150 ($100 in cash, $50 or so in ticket winnings, plowed right back into getting more tickets). Apparently, he had somewhere else to be, yet that didn't prevent him from stopping in to get his fix, or so it'd seem...
                      Goofy music!
                      Old tech junk!


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mighty Girl View Post
                        That's as bad as the people who get mad they didn't get rich going to Vegas.
                        How true. I work in a casino, not in Vegas though. And the people who play table games always want to put all the blame on the dealer when they are on a losing streak. They complain about us always having a 10 up (well, there's 4 times as many 10s in the deck, genius), about how we always seem to draw out (because we have to draw, and aren't nervous about it), about how they'll be down thousands and still be pulling out money to try and catch up... it's insane.

                        And yes, gambling is an addiction, and yes, I've seen people at my tables who are addicted, and it's not a pretty sight.
                        Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

                        This happens more often than most people want to believe.


                        • #13
                          My grandmother (not the one who previously had my kitty) actually thinks that the lottery should be 'shut down.' Her reasoning? If there was no lottery, there wouldn't be anything for "poor people" to waste their money on She actually thinks that "poor people" spend their entire paychecks on lottery since they see it as a get-rich-quick thing.

                          Uh, no, that's not quite it. *Many* people, usually those addicted to gambling will waste their paychecks on that crap. Granted though, in some areas, like rural SW PA, you have a *higher percentage* of lower-income folks buying that crap they are *not* the only ones.

                          Then there's the fact that some of the lottery cash goes into other programs...mainly for the benefit of our elderly population...

                          Of course if I mention that, she gets mad
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            It has never occured to me that tipping was involved with buying lottery tickets.

                            Then again, when I buy a ticket it's usually just on a whim and I buy one and walk away. I suppose if I was standing there playing ticket after ticket I might consider tipping. /shrug

                            Learn something new every day.


                            • #15
                              I very rarely get tipped. Usually, it's when one of the regulars manages to stumble upon a big winner. Typically $5, occasionally $20 or $40. Once got tipped $40 by someone who thought one of the tickets she had brought in was only worth $5.00, when it was actually worth $500 (I noticed that the three-letter code under the latex denoted a $500 winner, and discovered a tiny speck of latex between the 5 and the first 0). I pointed it out, and she was quite grateful for my honesty.
                              Goofy music!
                              Old tech junk!

