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And if I EVER see them again...

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  • And if I EVER see them again...

    This was from a couple weeks ago, but with moving I haven't had the time to post it.

    Some backstory: At my work dancers (strippers) get a discount. They don't have to pay tax on clothing or shoes. So in other words, anything they would use for work.
    In order to ensure that the right people are getting the discount, dancers must register with their license. This takes about five minutes. All we have to do is see their license, enter their name into the system and voila, they're done and never need to bring their license again.

    Note: Toronto dancers need a license which is, I believe, a couple hundred bucks every year. The reason for this is because Toronto dancers remove their bottoms. Mississauga dancers do NOT remove their bottoms and therefore do not need a license. I, personally, make sure to get the name of their club. Saying they freelance doesn't fly with me because having a very good friend who is a dancer, I know then even freelancers have regular clubs.


    So a young girl (YG) about 24-ish and her... boyfriend? sugardaddy (SD) of about 50-ish come in and head straight for the lingerie.
    Ok, fine.
    They pick out a handfull of stuff, place it on the counter and ask if they can leave it there while they look for other items.
    I agree (as things are supposed to be left there anyway) and start a little pile for them.

    YG picks a few items she would like to try on and I get the fitting room set up for her.

    This is where it gets weird.

    SD gets a call.

    YG (to SD): How long is he going to be?
    SD: About half an hour.
    YG: Half an hour!?

    YG takes me by the hand.

    YG: If I'm going to have to wait I'm getting EVERYTHING I want.


    So we wander the store while she picks out what she wants, asks my opinion on things, etc. All the while SD is CROUCHED on the floor, texting.

    We make our way over to the shoes and YG asks if we have anything in her size.

    YG: I need something with an ankle strap for when I'm on stage.
    Me: You're a dancer?
    YG: Yeah.
    Me: Ok, cuz we can knock off the tax on the lingerie and shoes for you.
    YG: REALLY!?

    YG tries on an outfit and moves back to the shoes area. SD is sitting on the chair we have next to the shoes and YG SITS IN HIS LAP!

    Me: Um, you really can't be walking around the store in lingerie (sheer babydoll that barely covered her ass).
    YG: Why not? (asked while SD is slapping her ass.)
    Me: It's inappropriate.
    YG: But this is a SEX store!
    Me: It's not the kind of SEX store you seem to think it is.

    YG sulks off and actually puts her fucking clothes back on.*

    After AN HOUR AND A HALF they're ready to check out. It is now two minutes to closing and in my stupid haste I forgot to register YG.
    This came to bite me in the ass because their bill was over $600 after the discount, which came to about $75.
    In hindsight they probably, no, DEFINITELY lied about her being a dancer and my manager asked me about it a few days later.
    She said we'd let it slide and that they screwed me over, and if the owners said anything about it (they haven't and likely won't now) that she'd have my back.

    But how, you ask, did my manager come to know about this transaction?

    Well well.

    The day after this transaction was my day off and my manager was working. SD called the store and the conversation my manager told me about went a little something like this:

    SD: Yeah, we were in yesterday and the girl there charged us for a bunch of stuff that never ended up in the bag.
    Manager: I see. What was your total? (We can pull up any receipt regardless of payment.)

    Manager pulls the receipt up.

    Manager: I see you got the dancer discount but she wasn't registered. Why is that?
    SD: I... uh... we forgot.
    Manager: Mmmhmm. And what was missing in the bag?
    SD mentions the more expensive items on the list.

    Now here's where he screws himself.
    Our system in the store is as follows: everything in triplicate.
    Two receipts print: one for the customer and one for us.
    We take the one we keep and on a separate form, record everything that was purchased. Then we check the computer and record how many of those items are in the system. Then we check how many of those items are on the floor to ensure both numbers match.

    Manager checked the number in the system vs. the number on the floor and guess what? They matched. If I had forgotten to put something in the bag there would be one extra on the floor.

    Manager: Well my system tells me we have X of those items and we also have X on the floor. This tells me the items purchased indeed left the store.
    SD: I... well we couldn't find them. (Note: He never suggested I stole the items, just that I didn't give them to him.)
    Manager: And what would you like me to do?
    SD: Can we have a refund?
    Manager: How's this, you guys come in with YG's license, we'll register her and then we can take it from there. Until then the only refund will be the $75 you owe the store.

    My manager can smell a scam from a mile away.

    SD: Well, we live far.
    Manager: Oh that's no problem, we can do it over the phone if you just tell me the number on her license and her name.
    SD: I uh... don't have it.
    Manager: Well then you can bring it next time you're in.
    SD: She lost it.
    Manager: Then I suppose she's not working?
    SD: No, uh... she's a Mississauga dancer.
    Manager: So then she doesn't have a license?
    SD: Yeah. She doesn't have a license.
    Manager: I see. Well you can just come in and we'll handle it then.
    SD: Uh, no, that's ok. Maybe we misplaced something. Thank you.

    I am just ACHING for them to come back so I can get on their case about the license.
    Yes it was my mistake in the first place, but they essentially tried to say I screwed them for more than $100 worth of merchandise!

    *I have only made one exception on this and it was for the dancer who was having some trouble getting into the outfit she was trying on. She needed my help and the fitting room is just too tiny for the two of us to move around in so we stepped into the store. SHE at least had some class and held the curtain up in case anyone came in while we were out of the fitting room.

  • #2
    Um... are you waiving taxes or providing a discount equal to the amount of tax? Cause the first is illegal (exception: status indians for GST/PST, businesses for PST, federal government for PST, large corporations for PST)


    • #3
      Gee. Most strippers I know get at least half off.
      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


      • #4
        Quoth prb View Post
        Um... are you waiving taxes or providing a discount equal to the amount of tax? Cause the first is illegal
        Hmmm, I wonder... I'm sure they're doing the illegal one. And I'm sure rerant would admit to it in public, too.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Quoth rerant View Post

          So a young girl (YG) about 24-ish and her... boyfriend? sugardaddy (SD) come in and head straight for the lingerie.
          In cases like these, I prefer the term "meat dildo." (Thanks Mongo)

          And who knew there were so many regulatory bits and bobs about taking one's clothes off for money? I learn something new here every day!
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Quoth prb View Post
            Um... are you waiving taxes or providing a discount equal to the amount of tax? Cause the first is illegal (exception: status indians for GST/PST, businesses for PST, federal government for PST, large corporations for PST)
            The discount comes off the item, so before government taxes, and it shows that on the receipt.

            In any case, HOW the discount comes to be isn't necessarily the point of the story...


            • #7
              Quoth rerant View Post
              Note: Toronto dancers need a license which is, I believe, a couple hundred bucks every year. The reason for this is because Toronto dancers remove their bottoms.
              remove their bottoms???

              Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
              Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


              • #8
                Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                And who knew there were so many regulatory bits and bobs about taking one's clothes off for money? I learn something new here every day!
                You should see in Britan. There's agent's for the government that are called "ghostbuters"(I swear I'm not making it up). They are tax people for the specific purpose of making sure prostitutes pay their taxes.
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician


                • #9
                  Here in B.C. I buy my work boots P.S.T. free. The first time,I had to fill out a long form and include my SIN#, but that was a one time thing, now there's no hassle.

                  Note: I don't actually need steel-toed work boots for the hotel, but I also volunteer as a lighting/sound tech for a couple of theatre groups, and as such can purchase my boots as a legit work expense. Oddly, the same does NOT apply to any tools I need to buy, only footware.

                  Shrug. The difference between tax law and magic is that with years, decades even, of study, magic can start to make sense.
                  Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                  "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


                  • #10
                    ok, now I'm just really curious about how they get the licence. Do you have to go in with a paystub from a club? Or does the club get them for them?

                    Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
                    Note: I don't actually need steel-toed work boots for the hotel, but I also volunteer as a lighting/sound tech for a couple of theatre groups, and as such can purchase my boots as a legit work expense. Oddly, the same does NOT apply to any tools I need to buy, only footware.
                    Don't know if that is a union rule or OSHA (US) type rule, but if safetygear is required for the job, then that why it is only shoes and not the tools - basicly to make sure you actually have the safety gear.


                    • #11
                      Quoth auntiem View Post
                      ok, now I'm just really curious about how they get the licence. Do you have to go in with a paystub from a club? Or does the club get them for them?
                      I'm working from memory here, but I was talking to a friend of mine who is a dancer a while back about her license.
                      From what I can recall there's basically an office they need to go to, pay for it (I think about $400 for the initial license then a couple hundred for yearly renewals), get their picture taken and that's that.

                      The girls are responsible for getting their own license - the clubs don't do it for them, nor do they pay for the licenses.

                      I think anyone can get one and you don't necessarily need to prove you work at a particular club because some girls work freelance (that way they can work as many clubs as they want, with the drawback being they only work for tips and don't get a paycheck) but if you want to dance in this city, freelance or otherwise, you have to have one.

                      I can ask my friend again for more details, but considering her job she's not exactly up and awake at noon.


                      • #12
                        Quoth lordlundar View Post
                        You should see in Britan. There's agent's for the government that are called "ghostbuters"(I swear I'm not making it up). They are tax people for the specific purpose of making sure prostitutes pay their taxes.
                        First I've heard of it, but it's not necessarily a trade I support.



                        Only two relevant links I could see in the first few pages of 'ghostbusters tax' from a search. This one vaguely mentions it.

                        A lurid detail like that wouldn't go unreported (and in a heavy way when it is reported). I suspect it's something blown out of proportion - they'd be after far bigger fish with paper trails.

                        I may be using the wrong search criteria, so if anyone has more knowledge I'd be obliged.



                        • #13
                          Well, it was a minor article several years ago (Pre-net) that I saw it, it just stuck out and got locked into my memory for some odd reason. Odds are those links are going to be it.
                          I AM the evil bastard!
                          A+ Certified IT Technician


                          • #14
                            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                            In cases like these, I prefer the term "meat dildo." fuck puppet. (Thank you Six Feet Under)
                            Fixed your post!

                            That's the first time I've heard of exotic dancers having licenses. Some places allow them to go topless at the most. But it's few and far between in the states that allow them to go nude.
                            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

