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Ma'am, I'm not Deaf

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  • Ma'am, I'm not Deaf

    You get three today! Yay! BG: I work at a gas station that is part of a rather large chain and I have been teaching myself American Sign Language (relevant).

    First one:

    Lady walks up to my counter on her cellphone. Never a good idea with me behind the counter, because I will interrupt you at every possible moment with happiness and joy. But that day I was rushed.

    SC: Thinks I'm deaf for some odd reason...
    My thoughts in italics.

    SC: (to me) I'll have one powerball with powerplay, the WINNING ticket, please.
    Me: You truly believe that you are the FIRST and only WITTY person to come up with that stupid joke. If I could pick the winning ticket, I wouldn't BE here you drooling pencil pushing whore!
    SC: Make that two, but only one of them has to be the winning ticket, hahahahahaha! (fake laughter)

    Now, I printed them out on ONE ticket. That means two numbers on ONE ticket. When customers want them on separate tickets, they SAY so. If you don't tell us this, we don't do it, simple as that.

    Me: Four dollars.
    Me: You know, lady, if THEY always do it wrong, maybe it's YOUR FAULT. THEY can't ALLLWAAAAYS be wrong.

    At this point I couldn't believe she was screaming about me, right in front of me. It was one of the rudest things I'd ever seen, even worse than the guy who made me sniff his milk. I nearly did it, but I didn't, I wish I did. I almost said in sign language, "Ma'am, I'm not deaf."


    Me: (about to take it back and reprint)
    SC: (SLAPS her hand down on it, barely missing my poor fingers, screaming at me) NO!!!!! I'LL TAAAAKE IT NOW THAT IT'S OUT!!!!

    Story Number TWO:
    Guy comes in this morning, says the pump told him to "see cashier" which pretty much means that either you don't have enough funds, it didn't read your card right, or you're doing it WRONG.

    Me: How can I help you?
    SC: The pump said to see a cashier.
    Me: Ah, sometimes they get a little funky out there, you have a couple options, you can prepay in here if you'd like, do you know how much you wanted to put on it?
    SC: No! No, I just want to..JUST...RUN IT THROUGH AGAIN!!!
    Me: (hasn't touched anything) What? You can go out there and hit "pay inside" and pump your gas and then come back in and pay if you'd like?
    SC: *shakes his head like I'm stupid* I'm just gonna TRY IT AGAIN! *runs out to his van*
    Me: (to manager) I have no idea what he wanted me to do...
    AM: Two words: User Error.

    Third Story:

    This one is a short one, just gave a customer some sass is all.

    He walked up to me and shoved a coffee cup at me that had some grounds in it, which shouldn't happen. When it does, we graciously give the people who got it a free coffee, we don't HAVE to do this, but we do.

    SC: (In the snottiest damn tone EVER) You THINK you owe me a cup of coffee?!
    Me: (Read it like I said, "Uh, DUH") Uh YEAH.
    SC: (Walks away muttering)
    CW: Aren't you going to get him a cup of coffee?
    Me: He has ARMS. (he heard this one too, lolz!)

  • #2
    Oh geez. Sounds like you have had your share of them today. Especially that first one, what a witch. Glad the coffee guy heard you though! H e deserved it for the tone of voice!


    • #3
      I hate those people who can't seem to tear their damn cellphone off the side of their faces long enough to specify what they actually want, and then have a shit fit when you present them with the incorrect thing.


      • #4
        See, that's why I don't bother saying anything to people who are on the phone. That way, if and when I fuck up, they actually have a reason to be pissed at me.

        I always just smile and say, "I was always taught it was impolite to interrupt someone while they're on the phone."
        I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

        After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...


        • #5
          I had a cell phone zombie lady once try to accuse me of short-changing her. I printed her receipt and shoved it at her, she realized she was wrong and I was right, then she tried to back pedal with that, "Oh, I thought you said, blah, blah, blah...." all while still yaking on her phone. I told her maybe she should try "getting off the damned phone and pulling her head out of her ass" next time. I swear some people would probably bleed to death if they removed the cell phone. I just don't know which I hate worse customers on their cell phones when I'm working, or clerks being on their cell phones when I'm the customer (yes, I've seen it several times). The latter usually do make me act out like a sucky customer because I will at least get off my phone when I'm going to pay for my purchases as a customer even if I'm not really done talking yet.
          The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

          Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


          • #6
            I can't believe the nerve of some people! I always hand up my phone before I go in the store and if it rings when I'm at the cash register then the call has to wait until I'm done. To yell at you like that when it's their fault! Ooooo....that makes me so mad!


            • #7
              Quoth aurelemsrealm View Post
              I just don't know which I hate worse customers on their cell phones when I'm working, or clerks being on their cell phones when I'm the customer (yes, I've seen it several times).
              Back when I was in the cigarette store, I was able to watch TV, talk on the phone and surf the net while I was working. I however, always had the common decency to turn down the volume on the TV, put the phone down for a minute and close my laptop whenever a customer came in. I just wish they'd had the decency to put their phones down.


              • #8
                Quoth CiggyStoreClerk View Post
                I just wish they'd had the decency to put their phones down.
                What gets me is when the apologize to the person on the other end because I so *rudely* interrupted them! Excuse me? If you weren't ready to conduct your business with me, you should have stepped out of line you asshat!
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

