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Impatient much?

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  • Impatient much?

    Alright so im relaying this story my gf told me about a few days ago.

    She works at Tim Hortons (Canadian coffee/donut chain).

    She told me she was taking an order from 2 women who ordered a coffee each, so... 2 coffees takes all of.. what? 45 seconds if that to get them ready.

    there was some guy in line behind the 2 women who kept sayin the ENTIRE time my gf was trying to take their order stuff like "hurry up, i can't believe you're so fucking slow, can't you work any fucking faster' etc. (yea, droppin the f - bomb every 3rd word or so'.

    to the point my gf said she was close to tears b/c well.. she didn't do anything wrong and yea those women had their coffees n were outta line in less than a minute.

    but the guy kept up his tirade the whole damn time he was waiting the 30 seconds for HIS coffee.

    What sucks more is. NO employees could say anything because she said thanks to the retarded policy there if ANY employee basically talks back to a customer or says something outside of what 'corporate' approves they're basically fired on the spot.

    and her ONE good/awesome amazing manager left for a better job. and the other managers there are your typical spineless pieces of flesh (seriously, jellyfish have more vertabrae in em).

    and, thus killing my faith in humanity even more so, not ONE person in the store said anything to the guy (not the women in front of him, not anyone else in line, no one). Christ if i were there (or in any store), and someone was insulting a cashier like that (gf or not it doesn't matter), i'd say something along the lines of 'shut the fuck up asshole!' but... wasn't there, probably a good thing...
    Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.

  • #2
    people are amazing, i wish i could be a manager, he seriously would have been out when the first f bomb came out, even if i have a potty mouth myself..
    If Cupid's got a gun, then he's shootin'


    • #3
      Yea, the manager my gf liked and got along with and worked with and STOOD UP for her employees moved onto a new job. But she's working in the same city as a manager of a different store (not connected to tim hortons in any way, just still workin in the retail industry).

      So I told my gf to give her a call and see if the place was hiring. (not sure if she has or not yet)

      Hours might be less but at least she'd be working for someone she liked and knows wouldn't let an employee get treated like shit for no reason.
      Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


      • #4
        It really bothers me when idiots try to treat service people as their slaves.

        I was driving to Tampa a year ago or so and I stopped at a McDonalds to grab a bite to eat. There was a car in front of me with 4 younger guys (late teens, early 20s) in it, and they were all yelling into the drive through microphone and changing their orders and being complete jerks. When they finished, I ordered and got my food, but they were still parked at the exit of the drive through. I pulled up next to them and said "y'know guys, that was really immature. I've done the service industry, I've done fast food, and that wasn't OK. You guys treated the poor lady like crap, and for what, your entertainment? You seriously need to find something else to do to pass the time." I rolled my window up and drove away. They looked kinda stunned.

        Seriously though....where do people learn manners nowadays??
        Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

        Proverbs 22:6


        • #5
          Last night at supper the servers where I work were running their butts off and I overheard one of them telling the MOD.
          " This couple yelled 'come here, come here' quite loud. I went up to them and told them to be polite, I may be your server but I am not your slave" They were quiet the rest of their meal.

          Some people never learn any manners.


          • #6
            I think the bigger travesty is that the other customers in the store who could have said something and intervened were all too afraid or complacent to bother interferring and ruining their otherwise mundane, boring day. I hope those people get screwed over by an SC sometime themselves and nobody comes to help them.
            Part Angel Part Sadist


            • #7
              Quoth thegiraffe View Post

              Seriously though....where do people learn manners nowadays??
              What are these "manners" of which you speak?
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Grrr, I hate it when customers think they can say whatever they want to workers! I'm a manager at a fast-food restaurant and I don't put up with that. Swear at my employees or insult them and you're out!


                • #9
                  I agree... no one should have to work somewhere that allows them to be sweared at.

                  If you curse you no longer receive service, there's the door


                  • #10
                    Quoth MergedLoki View Post
                    there was some guy in line behind the 2 women who kept sayin the ENTIRE time my gf was trying to take their order stuff like "hurry up, i can't believe you're so fucking slow, can't you work any fucking faster' etc. (yea, droppin the f - bomb every 3rd word or so'.
                    That would make me completely ignore him and work ever so slightly slower.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      sounds like someone could cut down on the caffeine a bit...

