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Wasn't my e-mail clarification enough?

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  • Wasn't my e-mail clarification enough?

    I had this customer who requested via e-mail, as required from all of our business customers, to disconnect her services. She gave me two account numbers, one being a master account, the other being a sub account. Now, the master had two main numbers and seventeen toll frees. The sub had ten main numbers and four toll frees, of which she wanted to keep just the four toll frees.

    Now, due to the excessive amount of phone numbers, I wrote an e-mail back, listing each and every number, highlighting her areas where she stated what to keep. So, I listed every number, and noted very heavily "the numbers below highlighted in yellow are the ones you want to keep. Anything not highlighted is what we are disconnecting, correct?" Her reply was "That's perfect! Thank you!"

    Well, I went to work, disconnecting a total of twelve main numbers and seventeen toll frees, keeping just the remaining four toll frees. About fifteen minutes later, she called my direct line, raising hell about how her people can't make long distance calls, and how they are losing business due to their toll frees being out. And, after I sent the e-mail to her, the reply from her was, I only wanted the sub account disconnected, not the main one. Never mind I had written this to her, asking her to clarify and be sure this is what she was asking for, with her reply being "That's perfect!"

    Yeah, well, it wasn't perfect, was it? And when I advised her of this being the reason for my sending her the e-mail in the first place, she was speechless, and reiterated to me what she really wanted.

    I thank God we have e-mail, because you can use them to prove how dumb and stupid customers are. This lady was probably too much in a hurry and didn't wish to read what was sent to her, and this is why problems occur. I didn't write this e-mail because my fingers needed the exercise, for Pete's sake!

  • #2
    Maybe she was just lonely. Her "That's perfect" was at receiving some form of communication.

    Although you'd think she could use phone numbers for that.

    Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


    • #3
      Quoth greensinestro View Post
      I thank God we have e-mail, because you can use them to prove how dumb and stupid customers are.
      Thanks for the thought but we don't need any (more) proof.
      "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
      -Eric Foreman That 70's Show


      • #4
        Quoth StanFlouride View Post
        Thanks for the thought but we don't need any (more) proof.
        Like any good criminal case, it helps to really cement the murder conviction of stupidity and carelessness, so yeah, we need all the proof we can get.

