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This isn't Dominos...

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  • This isn't Dominos...

    We don't deliver in 30 minutes or less!

    I work at The Bread Company as the catering coordinator. Our location is in a large business area with many office buildings surrounding us, we do a big business - I'm often number one in sales for our 30+ cafe district. Because we do such a big business, we normally require 24 hours notice for orders (or at least calling at some point the day before) but we will take last minute lunch orders if we're slow that day, but only for pick up. Normally, 10am - 10:30am is the "cut-off" point.

    So I get this women calling for a catering order.

    Mistake #1: She calls at 10:30am for a lunch for 15. I have a delivery that I'm getting ready for 11:30am and a pick-up for 11:45am.

    Mistake #2: She wants it in an hour and a half (this runs into our lunch rush, impossible to get a catering order done during the lunch rush).

    Mistake #3: She wants it delivered! And not just a local delivery - a delivery into downtown DC! (we're located in Arlington, VA - yes Google says it's only 8 miles, but with DC lunch rush traffic, that 8 miles can easily take over an hour there and back)

    Then she gets huffy with me asking if I could recommend any other Panera's that could accomplish this impossible task. I told her no.

  • #2
    Also, there presumably aren't boogers in your food.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth Custard Chick View Post
      We don't deliver in 30 minutes or less!
      Neither does Dominos, though the way they phrase their current policy one could be forgiven for thinking that it's still official policy, like it was at one point.

      (I've not delivered for them, but over on another board I used to frequent when I was delivering, that 30min policy was the cause of much SCage and much complaining by those who did drive for that company.)
      No matter how low my opinion of humanity as a whole gets, there are always over-achievers who seek to surpass my expectations.


      • #4
        They changed the 30 minutes or less policy a long time ago because it was leading to too many driver accidents (plus probably some suckage on the part of the customers). I can imagine a problem in my neck of the woods during the non-construction months (winter for the uninitiated).

